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Chapter 17 (15) Combination of thought and cause

"Talking about Art" Reader 周振甫 1130Words 2018-03-20
"Stone Forest Poetry Talk": "The grandfather Chao Jun is sincere and good at poetry, Huang Lu directly tasted and recited his "Xiao Yu Min Yun Yun", and loved it. He will get a sentence in the future: "The horse is dry and dry, and he thinks it is a work. It is said that the uncle has no blame" ② : My poem actually came from Nai Weng’s front couplet. I don’t understand the meaning of the wind and rain turning the river; one day resting in the reverse journey, I heard the sound of the surging scorpion in the side house, like a boat in the wind and waves. When I looked at it, it was horse food In the trough, the water and the grass are chattering between the troughs, and this is the sound. Fang Wu Lu Zhi's curiosity, I almost got it when I met him." I steal that Shilin's records can be believed, but I don't understand the meaning of this poem. "Inner Collection in the Valley? Day Sleep on June 17" says: "In the red dust mat hat and black boots, I want to see the white birds in Cangzhou. The horse's withered Osmunda makes a noise on the afternoon pillow, and the dream becomes a storm and waves over the river." Tianshe notes: "Hearing the sound of horses chopping grass, this dream came true. "Surangama" says: If a heavy sleeper sleeps hard on the bed and pillows, there are people in his family who pound and practice rice while he is sleeping; the person hears the sound of pounding in his dream. , Don’t make other things, either for beating drums, or for striking bells. This poem adopts a little bit of its meaning. It is said that the deep thoughts of Jianghu, both thinking and cause, made this dream come true.” Yunyun.It can really decide the author's heart.The key to this poem is all in the second sentence; the word "want to see" is far away from the word "dream into". The word "Cangzhou" and "wind and rain" are also mirrored.The first line sleeps for the bitter heat in the daytime, the second line thinks about the coolness in the bitter heat, the third line thinks about the coolness and hears the sound, and the fourth line becomes a dream; Because of "also.The context is very detailed, which is quite different from Chao's who only wrote about ear knowledge.You gentlemen don't play the whole article, but only know how to extract sentences, so you feel that the second language is dangerous and abrupt. (251-252 pages)

Visit page 489 of "Guan Zhui Bian" on the poem about the valley.Li Yishan's "Willow": "Liu Yingjiang has love at the bottom of the pond, and the frequent visitors are frightened when looking at it. Barley is hidden beyond the thousand mountains, and there is even the sound of Zhangtai walking horses." It says "the sound of thunder and thunder", and this article says "the sound of thunder turning cars". ; Bashan detainees, longing for Chang'an Youye, so hearing the thunder and touching the analogy, it sounds like Zhangtai walking on horses.Yishan's poems say that when you are awake, the mind can create the environment; when you are sleeping, the mind can create the environment.Suitable for comparison.

(Pages 568-569) ① "Shilin Shihua": two volumes, written by Song Yemengde.Chao Juncheng: Chao Duanyou.His "Staying in a hotel outside the west gate of Jeju": "The sun in the cold forest wants to live in the crows, but there are no green lights on the wall. The light rain makes people sleepless, and the weak horses and the cuds are lying down." ② No blame: Song Chaobu's words.Song literati. It is said that Ren Yuan (Tianshe) wrote Huang Tingjian's "Day Sleep" poem commentary can determine the author's literary heart.And Ye Mengde's understanding of this poem, from the horse grazing in the trough, the sound made by the water and grass and the horse's grass, is like a wind and rain blowing a river.To understand this poem in this way, it has nothing to do with the first two sentences of the poem, and it does not understand the author's literary heart.Ren Yuan's note quoted the Shurangama Sutra to explain dreams, and mentioned "thinking" and "cause". "Thinking" is the point of "wanting to see" in the poem, which is combined with the first two sentences.Mr. Qian pointed out that the first sentence says that the daytime sleep is bitter in the heat, so I want to be cool, and I think of the coolness of Cangzhou, where there are pairs of white birds on the water.Let's talk about "cause" again, because the horse's scallops are noisy in the afternoon dream, which causes the combination of thought and cause to form a dream, causing "dreams become storms and waves over the river." Caused by; as far as the "Tianjiang" river is concerned, it comes from "wanting to see".This is like wanting to become a dream because of union.

Li Shangyin's "Willow" poem is also a combination of thought and cause. What I "think about" is "frightened by seeing frequent visitors", from being a guest to longing for Chang'an. "Because" is "Balei faint", the sound of thunder leads to the sound of "cars running thunder", and the sound of cars leads to the sound of "zhangtai walking horses" in Chang'an.This is the combination of waking perception and cause.In this way, the combination of thought and cause not only writes about dreams, but also writes about imagination.

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