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leopard man

leopard man


  • science fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 142656

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Chapter 1 wedge

leopard man 王晋康 8278Words 2018-03-14
It was an evening in August 2013.It was a full moon night, and the moonlight was beautiful.On Bain Street in the West End of Vancouver, Canada, Carroll and several local prostitutes were waiting for today's customers.Carol is very young, just 18 years old this year, with beautiful fiery red hair tied on top of her head, light green eyes, and sexy thick lips.Like other prostitutes, she wore a T-shirt with a very low open collar, a pair of huge breasts that almost burst into the clothes, a black leather skirt that tightly wrapped her round buttocks, black suspenders, and a pair of black and gold high heels.She is a Californian, the kind of migratory bird who chases money.Not far from here, the Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver is holding the World Athletics Championships. Tens of thousands of athletes, journalists, sports businessmen and track and field fans gather here from all over the world. Of course, men who like to sleep with prostitutes are indispensable.And, generally speaking, the men tend to be more generous with their money amidst the excitement and excitement of the games.

Unfortunately, serious regional discrimination also exists in the profession of prostitution.The three native girls (two white, one black) knew Carol was a rival and kept squinting at her hostilely.When a potential customer approached, they would huddle together, keeping Carol at the back.But Carol is very confident in her beauty, and she has let those colleagues taste the taste of failure more than once in the past few days. A silver-gray Chevrolet stopped at the intersection, the door opened, and a tall man stepped out.He is of the yellow race, with a round face, short black hair, black eyes, and a height of about 6 feet 2 inches, which is relatively tall for the yellow race.Wearing light-colored sportswear, with heavy square rings on his fingers, and white sneakers under his feet.He strode forward, his steps extremely elastic, his spine and waist bent like a string of well-assembled springs.

Carol's first impression was that the man's temperament and posture resembled an athlete's, but until she woke up from the pool of blood, she couldn't verify whether her intuition was correct.The three prostitutes had already surrounded them, soliciting them in English.The man surrounded did not speak.Carol found that, contrary to his elastic body, his "spirit" was very rigid, his expression was irritable and gloomy, and his facial muscles sometimes twitched nervously.Perhaps he had just suffered a setback and needed relief on a woman's breast.Of course he came here to find a woman to sleep with, but he stood there coldly, staring into the distance.

The attacks by the three prostitutes went unanswered.Carol thought, maybe he doesn't understand English?In fact, there is no need for language at all here. This is the simplest transaction in the world, as long as you understand the exchange rate between the body and the dollar.Carol walked over and tentatively asked in Chinese: "Shall I serve you?" She stuttered in Chinese, but she guessed right. The man really knew Chinese. He immediately pushed aside the three prostitutes and came over, frowning and looking at her.Carol smiled sweetly: "I grew up in the Chinese district of San Francisco and can speak simple Chinese. Do you want me?"

The man nodded and turned back to the car.Carol glanced triumphantly at the three losers as she walked past them, who were gouging her back with knife-like gazes.The man opened the car door for Carol first, asked her to get in the car, and closed the door for her.This series of actions was performed skillfully, as if Carol was not a prostitute, but a French lady.Then he sat in the driver's seat and asked in English: "Where?" It turned out that he did not understand English, and his American English was very idiomatic.Carol replied: "Go to the Rocky Hotel on Dunbar Street, it's not far, just two blocks away."

The man stopped talking and focused on driving according to her instructions.Carol looked at his profile with interest.Generally speaking, this is a handsome man with a round head, a high nose bridge, broad shoulders, and a heroic look between his brows.Although the real lovers of the prostitutes were McKinley, Franklin and Hamilton (these are the portraits on the dollar), Carroll preferred to receive such tasteful customers. Carol leaned her body softly over - immediately felt a wave of strong tremors in the depths of the opponent's muscles.The man must be in a state of extreme erotic hunger.Carol secretly smiled.That's a good sign, maybe he'll be a little more generous when he pays.But he didn't look at her lustfully like ordinary clients, but stared straight ahead without saying a word.Carol smiled and said:

"Sir, we haven't discussed the price yet. Do you want to play, or let me accompany you for a night? It's 50 dollars for a play, 100 dollars for a night." The man said coldly, "I'll give you 100." In an alley at the end of Dunbar Street, Carol told him to pull over.The front of the Rocky Hotel is small. Inside the glass door, two guests are watching TV in the lobby, with a few pornographic magazines and a few daily newspapers thrown on the sofa.The manager Gregoro is a South American with a short beard and a mouse head.He stood behind the counter and watched Carol (who has been a regular here for the past few days) and her client walk through the door. Before the other party asked, the manager said:

“There are double rooms on the fourth floor for $50 a night.” The man quietly pulled out $50. "Sir, how do you write your name?" After a little hesitation, he said, "Maggie Hudson." "Please go upstairs, both of you." Carol took the man's arm and went upstairs, but the man stopped suddenly at the stairs.The live broadcast of the men's 200-meter final is being broadcast on TV.Now is the final sprint moment. The young Canadian player Hutchman suddenly accelerated and rushed past the American star Linde in the front. He crossed the finish line first by half a shoulder.The screen was a close-up of Gena Hutchman, leaping in ecstasy, roaring and pumping his fists.He then took two flags, one of Canada and one of Adidas Sporting Goods, and ran around the field.Tens of thousands of Canadian spectators cheered in unison:

"Gena Hutchman! Gena Hutchman!" The camera turned to Mike Lind. The 200-meter and 400-meter double world record holder was obviously unwilling to accept the failure.However, when Hutchman returned, he had controlled his emotions, smiled generously, and stepped forward to shake the victor's hand. Along with the cheers on the screen, several audience members in the hotel also cheered loudly.Carol's customer focused on the screen, seemingly forgetting the purpose of coming here.Carol looked at him in confusion. Obviously, this customer had a passionate personality, and he had already stepped into the brothel with one foot, which did not delay his indulging in the excitement of the game.It seems like he really might be an athlete, or else a huge track fan.She touched him lightly, and he turned and went upstairs. Room 412 is not big, and the furnishings are quite simple, but the location is good.From the window, you can see the dark blue English Bay, the brightly lit boats are slowly approaching the shore, the full moon sprinkles silver light into the house, and the white shutters fluctuate slightly with the night wind.The man went to the window and looked out silently. Carol skillfully took off the T-shirt, leather skirt, underwear and stockings, threw them on the carpet, and said cheerfully:

"I'm going to take a bath." In the bathroom, Carol was still pondering the identity of this customer.He speaks fluent American English and can understand Chinese (but I don't know if he can speak Chinese), which country is he from?It was obvious that he was a lewd and hungry ghost, which couldn't be hidden from Carol's eyes; but his spirit was a little abnormal tonight, as if he was in a state of sleepwalking... At that time, she absolutely did not expect that this person was a cruel abuser mad. She walked out of the bathroom naked, and saw that the man who called himself Maggie was still standing facing out the window, his clothes and pants were thrown on the seat, and his naked body was covered with a layer of moonlight.His body is indeed very fit, with a slightly curved spine, a sunken waist, and well-defined calves... Maggie turned around, his eyes were wild, without any rationality, and his penis stood firm.Carol was secretly surprised, she had received thousands of men, but the size of this man's sex organs was something she had never seen before.

Without allowing her to think about it, Maggie had rushed up violently and threw her on the bed, followed by wave after wave of savage entry.He didn't speak, and gasped in his throat.Carol dealt with his attack in horror, she felt her lower body was torn apart, there was sharp pain, and sticky blood flowed between her thighs. After 20 minutes, Carol finally couldn't stand it anymore, and begged: "Sir, please stop! McGee, please stop!" But this McGee was no longer the refined gentleman.He growled furiously in a low voice, riding on her, and slapped her cheek hard.Carol's head was swung back and forth, and she soon became dizzy.She begged for mercy hoarsely, to no avail.A few minutes later, she woke up from the mental shock, knowing that today she met a dangerous sadist, and his gentleman's coat was full of bestiality.The instinct for survival came to life, she pushed him down with all her strength, got out of bed, and ran outside: "Help!……" The man nimbly grabbed her by the hair and threw her onto the bed.Carol looked at the furious face in horror, at the two rows of thick white teeth in front of her eyes, then her throat tightened, and she quickly lost consciousness.Police officer Doc Thorne was on patrol three kilometers away in the Abist neighborhood.He is a staff sergeant in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He is 45 years old and has a strong build.Doc was fond of track and field when he was young, and was the champion of the 100-meter sprint and triple jump in college.Although I am old now, I still maintain my interest in athletics.While driving, he glanced at the miniature TV in the car.The live broadcast of the men's 200m final was just broadcast on TV. Gena Hutchman made a big upset and defeated the most popular 200m champion, Mike Lindh of the United States, and won a gold medal for Canada .Look at the 50,000 people in the arena, they are all crazy. Doc Thorne calls home: "Andy..." 12-year-old Andy cut off his father's words and said excitedly: "Dad, Gina is the 200-meter champion! The audience is shouting long live Gina." Dao Ke said with a smile: "I already know, I'm going to tell you." On-screen viewers are still throwing hats and clothing into the sky.Doc couldn't help feeling the charm of sports, which can make the blood of the calmest people boil, and make elegant gentlemen and ladies crazy.He thought of another Canadian hero, the 100m king, Donovan Bailey.Bailey once said that he started his career in track and field when he witnessed his country's Ben Johnson win the 100-meter championship in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. , The teeth were knocking. From then on, I knew that my life and track and field must be inseparable." But that idol, Ben Johnson, was very disappointing. He was found to have taken doping, his grades were cancelled, and the hero suddenly became shit.But the buffoon has a hearty rogue of his own, and after several failed confessions, he finally admitted to taking doping, and publicly declared: "I'm still the fastest man in the world." Why?Because "there's not a single sprinter who's not doping, so we're still competing at the same level. They're just luckier than me not to be caught." Maybe he was telling the truth?Doc cursed secretly. The phone rang, it was the dispatcher of the Mounted Police, and the voice was very urgent: "Officer Thorne, please rush to the Rocky Hotel at the north end of Dunbar Street immediately. There was a call to the police from Room 412 there. Hearing her faint gasps, it is likely that her life is dying at this moment." Officer Dawke immediately turned off the TV, put the police lights on the roof of the car, and the police car drove past screaming strangely, and stopped at the door of the hotel a few minutes later.Manager Gregoro heard the siren and saw a police officer get off the police car, hurriedly opened the glass door, and greeted him cautiously.There are often couples of clients and prostitutes living in his hotel, but the police have always turned a blind eye to these "inevitable crimes". What is this police officer doing today?The officer hurried in, showed him his badge, and said: "Room 412 was called to the police, a woman's life may be in danger." Gregoro's face changed. He was not afraid of prostitutes taking customers in the hotel, but he didn't want to get involved in a life lawsuit. 412 is where Carol lives with her client. The man who called himself Maggie left a few minutes ago, but the woman did not come downstairs.He was slightly surprised at the time, but he didn't go into it, thinking that maybe this man went to the car to get something.Gregoro immediately led the police officer up to the fourth floor.Doc took out his pistol and knocked sideways on the door, but there was no movement. The manager took out the key, his hands trembling, and it took him a while to insert it into the lock.After the door lock was unlocked, Dao Ke pulled him aside, kicked open the door, and dodged in.At a glance, he saw a naked woman with half of her body slipping out of the bed, the phone was thrown on the floor under the bed cabinet, and the phone line was still dangling slightly.The woman's lower body was soaked in a pool of blood, and there was a strong smell of blood in the room.Doc raised his pistol and vigilantly checked behind the bed, balcony and bathroom, but found no one else.He went over to feel the woman's pulse. Fortunately, she was not dead, so he immediately asked the counter manager to call an ambulance. The manager brought a simple stretcher from the hotel, and Doc wrapped the woman's naked body in a quilt and put it on the stretcher.At this moment, he found that the woman's upper body was covered with scars, like scratches and bites, her cheeks were red and swollen, at the throat... Dao Ke shuddered all over, leaned down to take a closer look, yes, it was teeth There are indeed two rows of deep purple tooth marks on the throat. Gregoro called for a helper and carried the injured downstairs, just as the ambulance had arrived at the door, two interns ran over carrying a stretcher.They moved the injured onto hospital stretchers, and the car drove away.Dao Ke stayed in the house and checked it carefully, but he didn't find too many clues.There were women's T-shirts, leather skirts, black stockings, and transparent underwear on the carpet. The disposable towels and soap in the bathroom were only used once, and there was a hundred dollars on the bed cabinet.He held the corner of the note and put it in a plastic bag. The counter manager came back and told him carefully that the woman had come with a tall man 40 minutes ago, and the man had left more than ten minutes ago, "It's a yellow man, about 6 feet 2 inches tall, with a build Beautiful, bouncy, and his name is Maggie Hudson, which may not be his real name, of course." "Did he pay cash for the room?" "Yes. No credit card." Over the years, the number of Chinese in Vancouver has increased day by day, and the Chinese underworld has gradually taken root in Vancouver. This is a headache for the police.He asked, "Is this yellow man a local Chinese?" Gregoro shook his head hesitantly: "I don't know, but I don't think he is a local." Doc nodded and stopped asking.The line of the case is clear, a hapless prostitute meets a sadistic client.This is not the first time he has encountered this situation, nor will it be the last.Three years ago, in a star-rated hotel not far from here, a well-established prostitute (before that, Dao Ke often saw his name in newspapers or on TV) bit a prostitute to death. His body was bruised and bruised.On another occasion, it was just the opposite when a client begged the prostitute to tie his hands in stockings and whip him severely with a belt.These eccentricities are repulsive, but the behavior of the other criminal can't even be described as "eccentricity", it can only be described as down-to-earth bestiality.In this case, the whole family was killed, the 4-year-old child disappeared (her body was later found in the sewer), the mistress was killed and her breasts were cut off, and her sexual organs were also cut open.The brutality of this case aroused public outrage, and the daily newspapers were full of letters from angry readers.Three months later, the police caught the murderer. He was a scrawny mental patient with trance-eyed eyes. The forensic doctor determined that he had no self-control when he was violent.Knowing the truth, the public has a sense of bewilderment because their anger has nowhere to go.Later, the murderer was not sentenced, but locked in a lunatic asylum. After a long time as a policeman, you can meet all kinds of weird babies.His wife, Nancy, is a devout Baptist. She was very puzzled by these strange behaviors described by her husband. She always frowned and asked: "Why? Why are they doing this?" Doc jokingly said that this proves that Darwin's theory is correct.Humans evolved from beasts, so a certain part of human beings (or normal people to a certain extent) still retains the animal nature of millions of years ago, and under the right environment, these animal natures will be revived.Nancy was very angry and forbade him to say these "blasphemy" words.But Dawke believes that if ridicule is aside, what he said is not wrong.Indeed, many of the crimes he experienced were not due to "intellectual evil", but were entirely based on "best instinct", such as the murderer of the above-mentioned murder. He left the hotel after recording Gregoro's testimony. When he rushed to the hospital the next morning, a young female doctor told him that the woman had woken up early, her injuries were not serious, and her blood loss was not too much, mainly due to fainting caused by extreme fright.When Doc walked into the ward, the woman was leaning on the head of the bed, the snow-white towel was held up to her chin, and the fear of last night was still condensed on her face, her left arm was exposed outside the towel, and there were several obvious spots on the elbow. The eye of a needle is clearly the mark left by intravenous drug injection.Hearing the door knock, she stared at the person in panic.Doc handed over a plastic bag: "I'm Officer Doc, and I took you to the hospital last night. Here's your clothes, and $100, which I think the man left for you. I've fingerprinted the dollars, but No match was found in the criminal fingerprint database." The woman's eyes trembled, and she forced a smile: "Thank you," her voice was low, hoarse and dry.Doc pulls over a chair and sits down beside her bed: "Can you tell me your name? Address?" The woman whispered, "My name is Carol, I am from California, and I came to Canada five days ago." "What does that man look like? Please try to recall as much as possible." A fearful expression appeared on Carol's face again, and she blurted out: "His sexual ability is too strong!...It's like a beast, I've never seen such a man!" "Really? Please speak slowly." The woman said with lingering fear: "We negotiated on the street, and he promised to pay me 100 dollars. As soon as I got to the room, he threw me on the bed. Later... I couldn't bear it, and begged him to let me go, and I didn't want him either." Pay the money. The man suddenly became furious, slapped me hard, bit me, and strangled my neck. I didn’t know anything after that.” Doc looked at her: "I'm afraid he didn't pinch you. Didn't the doctor tell you? He used his teeth. I found two rows of teeth marks on your neck last night. They were deep purple bruises." The woman shivered, touched her neck with her hand, and froze the words she wanted to say in her throat.Doc continued to ask: "Please recall, is there anything that can identify his identity? I heard from the manager that he is of Asian descent." The woman recovered from her fear and recalled: "Yes, he looks like a Chinese. He can speak American English fluently and understand Chinese." "Is it Chinese or Chinese?" "I'm afraid it's Chinese, probably American Chinese." After a pause, she added, "However, I'm not entirely sure." "The manager also said he looked like an athlete." "Well, his gait and muscles are like a well-trained athlete. Before we went upstairs, he turned his head and watched the TV in the hall, fascinated. At that time, the men's 200-meter final was being broadcast live." "Anything else unusual?" Carol said hesitantly: "His spirit... seems to be abnormal. He can't control himself." "yes?" "His expression was always gloomy, he spoke little, and seemed in a trance. He took me into the car, opened and closed the door for me, and was completely a well-bred gentleman, but then..." Doc nodded, agreeing with her judgment in his heart.Think of the 100 dollars on the bed cabinet. He almost killed his sex partner, but he didn't forget to leave the money due when he left. What an honest gentleman! For some reason, Dao Ke immediately thought of the 100-meter final that he saw 3 days ago.Of the 8 athletes on the starting line, 7 are black, and only one is of yellow race, Tian Yanbao from China.This is also the first player of yellow race to reach the finals in many years.Tian Yanbao is an old player, already 32 years old. He has only broken through the 10-second mark in recent years, and his best time is 9.90 seconds.Likely, this is the last fight of his sports career.Doc could almost feel the tension in him as he paced up and down the starting line.It turns out that Doc was right.After the starting gun fired, Jamaica's Oliga ran away, and the referee fired to stop.But Tian Yanbao didn't hear the second shot fired until he ran 50 meters.When he finally stopped, he was only 20 meters away from the finish line.With melancholy eyes, he walked slowly back to the starting line, walking so slowly that it took him enough time to return for three 100-meter runs.The referee looked at him sympathetically, without urging him. Doc knew then that the unfortunate Chinese had too much physical exertion and psychological disturbance to be sure of victory.When everyone was in position again, the Chinese glared at the Jamaican player viciously.It is very likely that another player's life was delayed because of a mistake made by this black player! Tian Yanbao was the last in that final, and this is not the end of misfortune.When he crossed the finish line, he fell to the ground, and the team doctor and coach of the Chinese team rushed into the arena to lift him off.Just now he squeezed out the last drop of potential in order to fight, but unfortunately he severely strained his leg muscle again. In this way, two days later, he had to abstain from the 200-meter final last night, but judging from his past results, he was more confident in the 200-meter race.If the performance is normal, there may be hope for a bronze medal.When seeing these situations on TV, Dao Ke sympathized with this unlucky Chinese, but at this moment he couldn't help but target him with suspicion.According to the introduction of the host of the sports channel, Tian Yanbao is exactly 6 feet 2 inches in stature, with a very well-proportioned and vigorous body.Perhaps, a man who has been ruined on the field will destroy a woman he has never met in anger?He asked Carol: "Approximately how old is that person? What are the facial features?" "About 22 years old, round face, short hair, very handsome. As for other features... I can't recall." Tian Yanbao is 32 years old. "22? Are you sure?" Sarah shook her head hesitantly: "I can't, he didn't give me enough time to observe." "Does he walk with a slight limp?" "No, there isn't. His gait is normal, at least I haven't noticed a limp in him." "If you saw his picture, would you recognize him?" "I think so." "Please wait a moment." Dao Ke left the ward and went to the duty room to find the Vancouver Daily News two days ago. There was a photo of the 100-meter final on it, but the camera was aimed at the winner. The Chinese man was hidden in the corner of the photo, not very clear.He returned to the ward with the newspaper. Carol saw the photo, looked at it carefully and said, "It's not him, I don't think it's him." Doc asked, "Isn't it him?" "No. I don't think it's him. But the picture is too blurry." Dao Ke was silent for a moment: "Okay, you have a rest, I will come back in the afternoon, and I will also bring the video material of Vancouver TV station, and you can identify it carefully." Carol's denial did not completely dispel his suspicions. This photo is not very clear, and Carol may not be able to identify it.Of course, it may indeed not be this person, but another athlete or a sports enthusiast.But, anyway, he wanted to find out.He went to the TV station to borrow the live video CD of the 100-meter final.At the dinner table at noon, he told his family about the situation, and Andy asked: "Who are you talking about? Is it the Chinese who ran to the last and pulled his leg again?" "right." Nancy asked hesitantly, "Are you going to take the CD to the prostitute?" "Well, it's just speculation, but I'm going to get it straight." Nancy didn't express her opinion, but just sighed, "That poor athlete." Doc heard his wife's words.Indeed, his speculation is purely conjectural, without much basis, and the description of the suspect described by Carol does not completely match Tian Yanbao.And... even if the suspect is indeed this unfortunate Chinese player, he did it in a state of mental breakdown for a while. It is very likely that he has regretted it now, and there are no serious consequences.That being the case, is it necessary to ruin a good athlete for a whore? No matter what he thought in his heart, he still came to the hospital with that disc.But the prostitute had disappeared. She slipped on her own dress while the nurse was not looking, and took with her $100.This is not surprising, which prostitute has not broken the law?They don't like going to the police station to show their faces.So Officer Dock returned the CD and put the matter behind him.Four years later, at the Athens Athletic Games, a serial murder case that shocked the world was revealed to the world. Almost every newspaper and every radio station frequently broadcast the headshots of the two dead people (a man and a girl).Officer Doc Thorne of the Royal Mounted Police in Vancouver naturally also watched the news. At first he did not connect the tragedy in Athens with the past in Vancouver, until one day, he received a call from a woman: "Is that Sergeant Doc Thorne?" "Yes, may I ask..." "My name is Carol. You were the one who took me to the hospital in Vancouver four years ago." Doc remembered the prostitute who was almost killed and then slipped away from the hospital: "Yes, I remembered. What's the matter with you?" "I saw that sadist on TV! He killed another Chinese girl in Athens and killed himself. It's really him, and I will never admit it!" Only then did Daoke recall those dusty past events.But he didn't pay much attention to it, he just entered the relevant information into the computer and it was over.He didn't expect that he would be called to Athens to be a witness in the serial murder case.As the details of the case were revealed layer by layer, he realized that the small case of the Rocky Hotel was just the tip of the iceberg. Underneath it was hidden an event that shocked the whole world.
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