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Chapter 45 The forty-fifth counterattack against Dengwen's verdict that Chang Yuchunping and Huaidong were wronged

Heroes 无名氏 2426Words 2018-03-23
But it is said that generals Chang and Deng commanded troops to attack the land of Jing and Xiang, and it happened that Zhang Deshan, Luo Ming and Tian Renhou came back after hearing the news, and there was a lot of ground.Because on the one hand, Shen Wen reserved benevolence as a consolation envoy, and also said that Yuan general Ren Liang was captured, but he was strong and resolute.Taizu all agreed to play.Take Tian Renhou to appease Jingnan, and still give the post of propaganda and consolation; release Renliang as the commander; decree Deng Yu as the Pingzhang of Huguang Province, guarding Xiangyang; Chang Yuchun temporarily leads the troops back to Jinling to listen to the conquest.

At that time, Jiangxi and Huguang were flat, Taizu gathered many officials to discuss and said: "Zhang Shicheng is greedy and arrogated to the title of emperor. If he doesn't cut it off in time, how can the common people endure his abuse!" Those who can win will be rewarded; those who are injured but not retreating are also brave and will be rewarded." The generals were ordered to retreat and prepare all the troops to go.At five o'clock the next day, Taizu went out of the palace and sat down in the martial arts arena.That is to say, Zhan Si, the living official, registers the outcome of today's competition from the side in order to reward and punish.The three armies, big and small, are all in high spirits, team by team, team by team, sentry by whistle, battalion by battalion, sword against sword, gun against gun, shooter against shooter, dance with dance, horse army against horse army, infantry against infantry, eighteen ways Martial arts, from big to small, have been compared and tried.He also ordered the Gunpowder Bureau to install firecrackers, cannons, rockets, beak nozzles, etc., and tried them all.From dawn to dusk, Taizu took the record of the victory and defeat in the book, and rewarded and punished each of them.Driving back to the palace, in the dark, I saw a person standing against the wall from a distance.Taizu asked the commander of the patrolling soldiers and horses and said, "Who is that man?" The commander immediately detained the man in front of his driver and asked about his place of origin and surname.The man replied: "The villain is from Youzhou. His surname is Peng, and his double name is Youxin. The county magistrate came here with his minister's literature, and sent it here this morning. Hearing that my lord selected soldiers, he didn't dare to hear about it; it's good to see him." Go back and walk around the people's houses to avoid them, so as to look suspicious, no one allowed Chen to enter the door, so he stood against the wall." Hearing his clear words and calm actions, the Taizu looked up and saw the bright colors of the sky.Because he said: "When I boarded the car in the past, I got two lines of poems with the theme of Yunni. You have literature. Can it be continued?" Youxin said: "I hope to hear Wenzhi!" Taizu chanted: "Who put Two blue and red lines, tied to the sky with clouds and rain?

Youxin replied:
The next morning, when the bell stopped, the Taizu ordered his ministers to go out to visit the friends and letters.It's been a long time since Youxin put on his clothes.Taizu looked at the court ceremony and said to his courtiers: "This is a man of learning and practice. I want to be appointed as the editor of the Imperial Academy. What do you think?" After that, I only heard the thumping sound of the Chaomen drum. It turned out that Taizu wanted to communicate with the people of the world and the grievances in the world. ".If there are officers and soldiers, large or small, who block the approaching people, they will be executed.This is clearly the good intention of Yu Wanggu, who was the king of flood control, to ask for advice.When Taizu heard it, he announced that the drummer would come in.Not long after, I saw a beautiful and clean woman, only in her twenties, walking slowly to the front of the hall to kowtow, prostrated herself immediately, and said in her mouth: "Little lady Zhou, her father is a fisherman by the Yangtze River. I married a slave to Li Lang, and lived fishing near Jinshan Temple. After two years of marriage, I gave birth to a son. My neighbor Jiang Ma often gave me some rouge pollen, and the little woman often returned some things to her. Therefore, the relationship is very close. One day, Li Lang did not return from fishing. The woman invited Jiang Ma to sleep with him at home. Who thought Jiang Ma was bad, so she secretly hid a pair of monk shoes under the bed. The next morning, Jiang Ma went back, just in time. When Li Lang came back, he saw a pair of extra shoes under the bed. He suspected that the woman had committed adultery with the monk. Let me swear not to believe it, and sent me back to my mother's house. When we parted, he wrote an ancient poem expressing his heartfelt feelings. The poem remembers: Swallows have a time to return, and wives have to leave. Concubines have dignified husbands, and concubines have pipers. After leaving husband and son, what will I do when I go out? There are voices and empty sobs, and there are tears on the face. There are medicines for every disease. This disease is the best Difficult to cure. Husband's heart is repeated, and he never remembers the time: the mountain alliance and the sea oath have changed in an instant. Alas, a woman, God knows every inch!

Li Lang also just didn't hear anything, so he had to say goodbye.Since then, it will be half a year.There was a monk named Huiming who had just returned to secular life. He was originally a monk at Jinshan Temple. He asked a matchmaker to say that he wanted to marry a woman.His father decided to marry him.The night before last night, it was said in the wine that Jiang's mother often sent some pollen, rouge, and hidden monk's shoes. It turned out to be the conspiracy of this monk, so the little woman and her husband were separated.Later, he sued the local county magistrate, who wanted him to ask for favors, and was not allowed to submit a speech.This injustice depends entirely on the emperor's trial. " Taizu was furious when he heard this, and called Xingchi, the school captain in front of the hall, to arrest the adulterous monk, Jiang Ma, and the local magistrate, and went to the front of the hall with the monks of Jinshan Temple and the temple to ask. Not a day later, the criminals arrived, and they were all like women. What he said. Immediately, Huiming Lingchi was ordered to be executed; Jiang Ma was the mastermind. The twelve monks in the same temple were punished with a staff for knowing the crime; The woman is still taken back by her former husband Li Lang, and they will be married forever. The sentence is over.

The summer goes and the cold comes, and the time passes quickly.Unconsciously, it was Meng Dong's weather again.Taizu said to Xu Da and Chang Yuchun: "Today's soldiers have been well trained and the army rations are sufficient. The generals should lead horse, infantry, and boat divisions to advance together. First conquer Huai'an and Huaidong. Then attack the Taizhou area. The concubine cut off Shicheng's northeast thigh, and if he loses his thigh, his confidant will die." The second general was ordered to resign from the court, and chose a day to lead 200,000 troops and march all the way to Huaidong.

Let's say that the scholars sincerely knew that Zhu's army was attacking, so they called the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to discuss.Just four sons, Zhang Qiu, played forward and said: "The minister intends to take Huai'an first, and then attack Taizhou. It is better for us to send a boat division to Huai'an, which is second to Fancai port, so as to doubt the other division and put him in a dilemma. Divide each other's forces, and as time goes on, the master will retreat without a fight." After hearing this, Shi Cheng said, "It's reasonable, it's reasonable." Even if Zhang Qiu led the boatmen to follow the plan, he sent people to Taizhou at the same time. Guard Shi Yanzhong defended carefully.No table.

Let's say that the Taizu was in Jinling, and the spies reported the information of Shi Cheng's marching troops, because he wrote a letter to Xu Dadao: "The bandits are stationed in Fan Cai, and they dare not fight in the upper class. seek also.It is advisable to send Liao Yongzhong and others to lead the boat division to meet him.Don't move the army lightly, wait for him to wander on the river and let him grow old.Waiting for his negligence, the attack will be overcome.If Taizhou is conquered, Jiangbei will collapse, which is unknown. Xu Da received the order and immediately led his troops to go.Set up camp from Huai'an to Taizhou border.Shi Yanzhong of Taizhou had known the situation for a long time, so he discussed with the crowd and said: "Jinling has a huge army. If you fight against the enemy, you will not benefit. From my experience, there is a lot of food and wages in the city, so you should stick to it. On the one hand, let people go to Gusu to ask for reinforcements. Only then can we meet the enemy." Everyone said: "The marshal has a good opinion." Shi Yanzhong immediately repaired his watch and sent people to Suzhou to ask for help, and then sent all the soldiers to guard the city.Zhu Bing went straight to the city, and people shouted and fought every day, but Yan Zhong just couldn't get out.Xu Da sent an order to set up a big camp only seven miles away from Zhengnan.All the generals came to discuss the strategy of attacking the city.Xu Da said: "I know this city is very strong, and there are plenty of soldiers and plenty of food. Attacking it with force will not be easy to overcome, and it will only hurt the lives of the soldiers. It is better to attack him in another way." That is to say, the generals were ordered to send soldiers to the city every day. The people in the city cursed him in every possible way, urging him to fight.Shi Yanzhong just stood firm in the city, not allowing anyone to go out of the city, for half a month.Seeing that all the troops were safe, Xu Da ordered Feng Shengshuai's troops to attack Gaoyou with 10,000 troops; seven or eight days later, he ordered Sun Xingzu to lead 10,000 troops to guard Hai'an; . Said a few words to everyone's ears, so and so.The generals said: "The Marshal's plan is very clever." The next day, Xu Da sent an order: "The army is here, and the guests are their homes. Today, Yanzhong will not fight, but let it be. It is the night now, you and others It's time to celebrate for a few days to enjoy the youth." After finishing speaking, he set up a big banquet under the tent, gathered all the generals, sang and drank, played and entertained, and it was lively for seven or eight days without any problems.I don't know what will happen next, let's see the next chapter.

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