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Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve Two Great Prophets (1)

doomsday prophecy 宁航一 3426Words 2018-03-22
"History of France", page 379 - "Death of Henry II". In 1551 in the Gregorian calendar, King Henry II was 46 years old. He was a king who concentrated the glory and decadence of the European royal families in the century, and felt a little tired.Recently, he learned of some rumors circulating in the city of Paris—the rumors are about a local doctor who saved the town where the plague was endemic and accurately predicted the future and natural disasters of many people because of his miraculous methods—then His name was Mihir Nostradamus. The king was very interested in this man, who was called the "big prophet" by the people, and ordered him to be summoned to the court as a "royal adviser".

"I heard that you can predict the fate of people? Then, can you tell me exactly when, where, and how I will die?" When Nostradamus was first called into the palace, Henry II so asked. Nostradamus looked directly into the king's drunken eyes, and after a while, he said calmly: "Your Majesty, it seems that it is related to your health. While enjoying a life of glory and wealth, your majesty may always Are you worried about contracting some disease? However, please rest assured, Your Majesty will never shorten your life due to illness. I know this very well, but..." The king was relieved at first, but then asked what the "but" meant.At that time, he asked back with a sad face: "But! But what will happen?"

"Ah! This is my inadvertent remark, which has no other meaning. Please ignore it, Your Majesty." Nostradamus said nothing.Instead, the king became uneasy: "No, you must make clear what you just said, and there is no need to hide it. This is my order." Nostradamus hesitated, but the king kept asking and couldn't refuse.He opened his heavy mouth as if it was inconvenient to say: "Then let me tell you the truth. To be honest, I have been uneasy since just now, thinking that His Majesty will lose his life because of something sad other than illness, and finally ended up like this? This may be a deep wound in His Majesty's mind." Caused—one day, such an incident will happen outside the city, His Majesty's brain will be pierced by a sharp weapon, and perhaps this injury will take His Majesty's life."

The speech is polite, but the sentence is ruthless.All the retainers present held their breath.The king was pale and trembling, and did not speak for a while.Then he whispered like a groan: "Is it the brain... That's terrible. Such a terrible injury, if it wasn't on the battlefield, it would be unimaginable! So, is it necessary to start a war against the Savoy family? The enemy attacked outside the city, we May die on that battlefield. Nostradamus, I ask you, when will that be? Besides, is this fate, and there is no way out of it?" "Yes, unfortunately, there is no escape. This is His Majesty's fate... This day, in my opinion, will come within the next ten years."

Nostradamus said no more.The king looked sullenly, staring straight at him with widened eyes.Suddenly covering his face and crying. "What is going on here! Why did I die so miserable? As the emperor of Great France, I was crowned by the representative of God... I am the largest believer who donated 30,000 European currency to the church. At this time of crisis, God Why don't you save me?" The king was sobbing and weeping.Nostradamus said nothing, but looked directly at the king with sympathy.After a while he approached the king, and said in a comforting voice: "Your Majesty, please don't be too sad... Your Majesty is not alone in this matter. Just say me, when I die, my whole body will be swollen and I will die in extreme pain. People will die sooner or later either from injuries or illnesses. Even so , we should also regard it as a blessing. Because our future descendants, everything in the future of mankind may all perish due to some terrible reasons in the millennium. Rather than that, it is better to be under a clear sky Wouldn't it be more peaceful to end this life in the present world of roses?"

Despite all the comforts, the king was still unwilling to listen, and he ordered in an anxious and angry tone: "That is a matter for the descendants of the distant future, so let it go! My own life is important. You stand down - Buro Is, you go and call Mars Bart and ask him to do the divination again for me, I want to hear his opinion." Shortly after Nostradamus left, Broys brought the royal astrologer Mars Barth before the king.The king grabbed Mars Barth's hand as if seeing a savior, and told him the prophecy made by Nostradamus just now, hoping to get his interpretation. "Bart, you have always been my most trusted astrologer, now please tell me honestly, will my fate really be as predicted by Nostradamus?"

Mars Barthes bowed deeply to Henry II with a warm smile on his face: "Dear Your Majesty, please forgive me—how can you trust a folk astrologer?" "But he is not an ordinary man," said the king worriedly. "I have heard many rumors about Mihir Nostradamus. He drove the plague from the town in a wonderful way, and he can speak a word." Revealing the future and destiny of people, accurately predicting the upcoming earthquakes and floods in various places, and letting the local people quickly move to safe areas-how can I not take what such a strange person said?"

"That's right, Your Majesty." Mars Bart said quietly, "Nostradamus may indeed not be a mediocre man, but that doesn't mean that everything he said was right. In fact, I used to I have met him once, and during the communication and contact with him, I feel that he is indeed talented in some aspects, but at the same time, I also found many fallacies in the many predictions he made. For example, the prediction he made about your fate today is completely wrong." "Really? How can you be so sure?" the king asked suspiciously, but his face has obviously softened a lot.

Mars Bart laughed loudly and said: "Dear Your Majesty, the reason why I am so sure is that long before Nostradamus prophesied for you, I have accurately seen your fate through the stars in the sky—— Your Majesty, in my opinion, you don't have to worry about illness or accidents at all. The astrology shows that you will live a long and healthy life—of course, I don't mean that Nostradamus deliberately deceived you Or frighten you. He just mistook another man's fate for yours." Hearing this, the king's hanging heart was finally relieved. Obviously, he was more willing to listen to or believe the prediction made by his court astrologer for himself.The king happily invited Mars Barth to dinner and rewarded him with a lot of money.

After this incident, King Henry II seemed to have completely forgotten Nostradamus' "unlucky prophecy".He is still addicted to wine, sex and pleasure.Until July, 1559, and in a little more than a week, that dreadful period would come to an end.And that day was the festive day when the king's half-sister, Princess Margaret, held a wedding ceremony. This is something that makes the entire royal family happy-the Duke of Sawa, the master of the Sawa family, the king's old enemy, actually became the husband of the princess.This is of course a strategy from the top, who wants to reduce the possibility of war between the French royal family and the Savoie family through high-level political marriages.

The reason why the king died, maybe it was fate, there was nothing to do. On July 1, 1559—the tenth-to-last day of the "within ten years" predicted by Nostradamus, the king, on a whim, wanted to compete with a nobleman in marksmanship in the spacious courtyard outside the palace. "Have a festive sideshow!" said the King, and led the newlyweds and nobles into the courtyard.Pointing to a young nobleman, he said cheerfully, "Come and test your marksmanship with me!" The appointed opponent was a young earl named Montgomery, captain of the King's Guards.Because of his burly figure, outstanding martial arts, and a warrior with rich combat experience, people called him "Lion". The young man felt embarrassed, and repeatedly used the excuse that the king was drunk, and resolutely refused to fight.However, the king had no choice but to insist on the order, and finally had to obey. It sounds like a contest, but in fact it's just a show.The point of the gun was covered with thick cloth and leather.Count Montgomery thought it would be enough to play two or three rounds like this, and cleverly let the king win. Unexpectedly, in the second round, a tragic accident happened suddenly.The king stabbed the earl's helmet first, and when the earl stabbed back at the king's helmet, somehow the holster on the point of the earl's spear suddenly fell off.The sharpened point of the spear passed through the seam of the birdcage helmet made of gold, and stabbed the king in the eye.The king screamed and lay on his back in the garden flowerbed where the roses were blooming. The count hugged the king in a panic, and the doctors ran over.However, the gunshot wound affected the brain, which is beyond the scope of treatment.Although he tried his best to hold his breath, the king had gone completely mad and was crawling around the palace like a beast.On the night of the ninth day, I finally died. This day happens to be the last night of "within ten years" in Nostradamus' prophecy. At this time, all the people in the palace were surprised to remember what was prophesied at the beginning.It was clearly understood that Nostradamus saw the King's death in a tragic accident at a glance when they first met.Later, they were even more surprised to find a four-line poem that accurately described the event in Nostradamus's "The Centuries" published in 1558—— The thirty-fifth chapter of the first volume of "The Century": 〖A young lion will beat an old man. In a one-on-one contest in the garden, He stabbed the eye in the gold armor. Two wounds combined into one, mad death is bound to come. 〗 The ministers in the palace remembered that after the publication of this book, Nostradamus also sent a copy to Henry II.It stands to reason that the king saw the poem, but he obviously didn't understand the meaning. Of course, the king would never dream that there were things related to himself written in it.Perhaps the king felt that Nostradamus was not quite right after his first meeting.Therefore, for his works, I did not want to read them carefully from the beginning. The current situation, it was thought, could not be clearer.There is no doubt that Nostradamus was an outstanding and miraculous seer.The royal astrologer Mars Barthes made a wrong prediction for unknown reasons.In any case, the treatment of the two became very different after this incident.Nostradamus is almost regarded as a god by people, and Mars Barth is increasingly disgusted and disgusted while becoming a joke, and people call him "the biggest liar in the palace".Finally, less than half a year after Henry II's death, Mars Barthes was kicked out of the palace by the new king because he had "nothing but flattery". To this day, Henry II is still the most biographical and dramatic death in French history.
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