Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 66 second quarter

can not breath 庄秦 926Words 2018-03-22
After Zhou Yuanyi arrived home, he finally took a good bath, fell on the bed and was about to fall into a deep sleep.At this time, he saw the "Black Hand" placed on the bedside, and his body couldn't help shaking. In the book "Black Hand", the whole story is actually very simple, it is nothing more than a visual error when looking at the problem from another angle. Zhou Yuanyi couldn't help but think of this case. Why did Long Qionghe kill Xiao Zhijie's mother?The answer is needless to say, she must have had a grudge against the deceased.So what kind of hatred would make her commit a murderous act?

Murder is the ultimate action after hatred has reached its peak. In the past, Zhou Yuanyi had been entangled in the appalling incident in the hospital four years ago, and had always focused on Shen Jianguo and Li Hanliang who committed the crime.So, is it time to change the angle? Yes, stop focusing on Shen Jianguo and Li Hanliang.Instead, consider the victim.The earliest victim was Xiao Jian, Xiao Zhijie's father, who died under the scalpel of a drunken Shen Jianguo four years ago. For all the murders that happened recently, maybe Long Qionghe was trying to find justice for him. ——Does it mean that Long Qionghe is related to Xiao Jian?

Zhou Yuanyi bounced off the bed with a "teng" sound like a shot in the arm.He made himself a cup of bitter coffee without sugar, and forced himself to hold his nose and drink it.He washed his face with cold water again, and after a while, he felt refreshed. Looking at his unshaven self in the mirror, Zhou Yuanyi smiled wryly and thought, it seems that a person's energy has no limit. Zhou Yuanyi drove back to the police station again in the middle of the night.When he arrived at the office, he startled the back office aunt, because Zhou Yuanyi's face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot, just like a vampire in a movie, only missing two sharp fangs.

Zhou Yuanyi called Xiao Gao alive from the warm bed in the duty room.When Xiao Gao entered the office, he received a new task to find Xiao Jian's data from the computer connected to the Internet—Zhou Yuanyi wanted to know what kind of person Xiao Jian was. Soon, Xiao Gao found Xiao Jian's information from the household registration files on the Internet. The computer is really the greatest invention on earth in the last century!The results obtained from the household registration files finally let Zhou Yuanyi understand Long Qionghe's motives.He leaned on the sofa chair, took a sip of the strong tea sent by the office aunt, and said to Xiao Gao: "It turns out that the seeds of hatred can last for such a long time, and no matter how long it takes, they can't wash away the marks left by hatred .”

Xiao Gao nodded, and was about to say something when he heard Zhou Yuanyi murmur: "But where are Long Qionghe and Xie Yixue staying now? Only by finding them can the murder case be prevented from happening..." His voice Getting smaller and smaller, seems lost in thought. Xiao Gao turned his head and saw that Zhou Yuanyi had closed his eyes, his body was sinking into the soft sofa chair, and he was snoring lightly—he was so tired!
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