Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 42 third quarter

can not breath 庄秦 2458Words 2018-03-22
The note was blank, with no words written on it, but they didn't know how the paper was folded, and there were nine clear creases on the white paper. Wu Wei's eyes widened, and he read the note in his hand several times, but there was still not a single word on it. Is there a mistake?What exactly does this mean?Who put such a blank note in his suit inner pocket?Is it a silly prank?But what is the purpose of this prank? Wu Wei felt a little headache and asked the driver in the front row to roll down the window a little.Wu Wei felt that he should sort out his emotions. What does the white paper with nine creases mean?Does this 10% discount have a specific meaning?So what is it like?

Nine?September?Nine days?nine o'clock? Or it means nothing, just a boring prank. To be honest, he didn't even know why, but he actually ran to the hospital to find out because of an unnecessary anonymous phone call.But what to look for, even he himself didn't know.Except for seeing a woman in the hospital who seemed crazy because of her husband's death, I didn't see anything strange. Alas, never mind it.Wu Wei said this to himself, he closed his eyes and raised his head, leaning against the soft back seat of the taxi. At this moment, his body trembled, and a huge force almost pulled him off his seat.This is because the driver suddenly slammed the steering wheel and made a sharp turn, driven by huge inertia.

Wu Wei grabbed the front seat tightly and shouted to the driver: "What's wrong? How did you drive?" The driver replied helplessly: "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. The car in front suddenly turned left without turning on the turn signal. I can't help it." Wu Wei exhaled deeply, and looked at the stopped car that had already passed. The driver said: "The driver of that car must have been driving under the influence of alcohol. Now these drivers who have just taken their driver's license test are really desperate." Wu Wei shook his head and said, "They don't want their lives, but I still want my life."

The driver smiled: "That's right, old drivers like us would never dare to drink. Since I have been driving, I haven't touched that stuff in 30 years. Now I must not drink too much, let alone I get drunk when I drink, even when I talk to nine, I will feel dizzy, hehe." "Ha..." Wu Wei also laughed.But there was no smile on his face, he frowned, as if remembering something. Nine equals wine? Could it be that this 10-fold note is meant to explain this point to Wu Wei?So what kind of connection does wine have with human life? A gleam of light gradually appeared in Wu Wei's eyes.

Wu Wei patted the taxi driver's shoulder, and said kindly: "Master, please change the direction, let's go back to the hospital." After getting out of the car, Wu Wei did not enter the hospital, but walked around outside the hospital wall.As he walked hesitantly, he fell into deep thought. He kept his head buried all the time, when he walked to a narrow road behind the hospital, he suddenly heard a loud noise. Looking up, this is a well-decorated restaurant, but a few guys are pulling down the shutter door vigorously.Are they preparing to close down? Wu Wei had visited this restaurant before, and the taste was not bad.The boss here is a single old man with four or five guys. He cooks himself, and his skills are pretty good.The things here are a bit more expensive. Of course, the price of opening a restaurant next to the hospital cannot be cheaper. Anyway, it is to earn money from patients and their families.A lot of money has already been spent in the hospital. As long as the food tastes good, the patients and their families will not care too much if they spend a little more on food.So the business of this restaurant has always been good, presumably the single old man has also made a fortune.

However, it's dinner time now, why is the boss not doing business and is busy closing the door right now?Wu Wei couldn't help feeling suspicious.Strange events followed one another, and even the restaurant, uncharacteristically, was closed. He stepped forward and asked the guy who was pulling down the shutter door: "What's the matter? Why aren't you doing business?" The guy replied shrewdly: "Sir, if you want to eat, please change to another one. Our boss has a new development, and he is no longer in business." "Oh?! Why?" The guy scratched his head and said, "Who knows? As for the boss, how can we guys know what he thinks? I'm not a roundworm in his stomach."

Wu Wei couldn't help but laugh, and when he was about to turn around and leave, a word from the buddy caught his ears. "Hey, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. Someone paid a lot of money to buy the boss's shop, but opened up all the chefs and staff here, and didn't keep a single one. He is not afraid of the taste changing, Old customers are all gone." With a thought in his mind, Wu Wei turned around and asked, "Your shop has been taken over by someone else? Who is it? Why didn't you even keep your chef?" "Hey, who knows what that person wants to do, this guy ate and drank at our place last night with a few white coats, and kept praising our delicious food. I didn't expect that he would come to discuss with the boss early this morning. The order is here." After speaking, the guy cursed and pulled down the shutter door to leave the store.

Wu Wei hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's the name of the person who bought the shop?" The guy thought for a while and said, "It seems like the surname is Shen? Oh, yes, it's Shen Jianguo." Wu Wei was taken aback.Wu Wei has heard of Shen Jianguo's name, and it is said that he is a powerful figure who has emerged in Jiangdu's pharmaceutical industry recently.Last time, Wu Wei secretly investigated him because of an economic dispute case, but within a few days of investigation, he was ordered by his superiors to hand over the case to his colleagues in the Economic Crime Division.Later, that case was also turned into a minor matter, and the trivial matter was reduced to nothing.Anyway, Wu Wei knew that Shen Jianguo was definitely not a simple person, and he had a lot of money.Why did he suddenly sell this small restaurant?How strange.

Wu Wei looked up, and then walked into another restaurant opposite. Sitting at the table, he was eating a plate of chow mein boringly. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, he looked at the closed restaurant. The signboard was shaking slightly in the wind. Very bleak. For some reason, he always felt that if something strange happened in the hospital, it must have something to do with the crazy woman he met. After all, the note was stuffed into his suit after he met this woman. bag of.So what exactly is this telling him? The woman was driven mad by the death of her husband who had undergone heart surgery.

Operation? ! liquor? ! Is alcohol related to surgery? Wouldn't it be implying that the doctor who performed the operation did it under the influence of alcohol? Thinking of this, Wu Wei couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, and his legs trembled involuntarily. Is this what the human life is at stake on the phone?Wu Wei didn't dare to imagine anymore. It was Li Hanliang who performed the surgery. Jiangdu and even the whole Southwest could be called the authority of the first knife in surgery. Would he do such a thing?impossible?Is it because I am suspicious? As the saying goes, if one does not drink, two do not play cards.If Li Hanliang really drank before the operation, who was the person who drank with him?

Looking at the closed restaurant on the opposite side, Wu Wei's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Li Hanliang was drinking with this Shen Jianguo?Could it be because they were afraid that people would know about their drinking, so they quickly sold the restaurant and drove away all the waiters and chefs who had witnessed it?If so, what an act of malfeasance!Li Hanliang and Shen Jianguo have to take full responsibility for the death of that patient! Thinking of this, Wu Wei felt the seriousness of the incident, he quickly dropped his chopsticks and a few banknotes, and ran outside.He had to find the guy who closed the door, maybe he was a witness.
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