Home Categories Thriller can not breath

Chapter 13 third quarter

can not breath 庄秦 2305Words 2018-03-22
In the anatomy teaching and research room full of various unknown liquids, the first thing Wang Li found was a boy named Long Hai. He was also a graduate student of Professor Li, and he spoke in a feminine voice. "Zhao Wei? I think he is quite introverted. He doesn't talk much and always stays alone in the laboratory. I always think he is weird. When I heard that he died on the lover's beach, I was really surprised. I think it's scary. How could he get involved with a sauna girl?" Wang Li casually squinted at the human specimen soaked in the glass vessel, and asked, "Do you know what Zhao Wei is studying? Has he come into contact with Substance A?"

"Well, I don't know. Zhao Wei always stays in the laboratory mysteriously alone. He keeps saying that he is going to write a shocking paper, which surprises people. But when you talk about Substance A now, Then it is really possible that he is studying substance A. Academically, there has been a lack of accurate and qualitative statements about the specific properties of substance A. If such a paper can be written, it will indeed cause a sensation in the domestic academic circles. Well, Maybe Zhao Wei is really researching this thing." After hearing this, Wang Li closed the notebook with satisfaction.

The second Wang Li found was a girl named Liu Yingzi, who was still in the anatomy teaching and research room. "Zhao Wei? I think he's weird and cruel." "Cruel?" Wang Li felt a little curious, "Why do you say he is cruel?" Wang Li said while observing the glassware in front of him.He finally recognized what was in the glass bottle. It turned out to be a specimen of half a female breast soaked in formalin.This once beautiful but now disgusting thing floated in the glass bottle, going up and down from time to time, which made Wang Li feel a sense of vomiting.

"You know, as graduate students, we sometimes serve as teaching assistants, assisting teachers to teach experimental courses to some junior students. Once, Zhao Wei and I went to assist. That time, it was to teach students about pharmacology It’s about the effect of atropine on the isolated rabbit intestine.” Liu Yingzi fell into deep thought while speaking. This is a very simple experiment, but the fasting rabbit is killed, and then the laparotomy is immediately cut, the entire jejunum and the upper half of the ileum are cut, and they are quickly put into cold Tyrode's liquid.The bowel is tied with a tension cord that is connected to the computer.Atropine solution was injected into Tyrode's solution, and then the effect of the drug on the peristalsis of the isolated rabbit intestine was judged according to the expansion and contraction of the tension rope.

What Zhao Wei and Liu Yingzi had to do was to execute a rabbit that had been starving for three days.The weakest part of a rabbit is its forehead and heart. The skull is the thinnest bone in a rabbit's whole body. Once it is knocked down, it will faint immediately.There used to be a story about waiting for a rabbit, saying that a rabbit died after bumping its head against a tree stump. Liu Yingzi didn't dare to knock the rabbit to death. In her eyes, this little animal that likes to eat carrots is so cute. The two rabbit teeth sticking out of her lips always reminded her of the rabbit in cartoons. elder brother.

However, Zhao Wei looked at the innocent rabbit, just smiled faintly, and raised the hammer in his hand.Before Liu Yingzi could see clearly, the hammer had drawn an arc and hit the rabbit heavily on the forehead.The rabbit didn't even groan, just folded its front legs in front of its chest, and fell to the concrete floor.Immediately on the concrete floor some pale green unidentified liquid appeared, which was the vomit of the rabbit. Liu Yingzi wanted to vomit, but Zhao Wei had already brushed away the white fluff under the rabbit's belly with one hand, and stabbed it down hard with the sharp scissors in the other.The dripping blood immediately bloomed, blooming like a blood-red rose.A feeling of excitement immediately appeared in Zhao Wei's eyes. He raised the knife and cut open the rabbit's stomach in a few seconds. Then he put his hand in and swiped hard. Rolled out of the stomach and fell on the cold floor.

While the rabbit's heart was still contracting and expanding in a habitual manner, Zhao Wei scratched the scissors in his hand, turned over the rabbit's stomach with one hand, and cut off a section of ileum with the other hand. When the ileum was cut open, a puddle of black blood burst out from the ileum and splashed on Zhao Wei's eyelids and lips.He didn't care, but stretched out his tongue and licked the skin of his mouth slowly, his face was full of pleasure. Liu Yingzi couldn't help but let out an ear-piercing scream, and her eyes were completely dark. Speaking of this, Wang Li asked disapprovingly: "Doing anatomical experiments is a very normal thing in medical school."

Liu Yingzi's not-so-short eyelashes trembled suddenly, she thought for a moment, and said: "Yes, this is a very normal thing in anatomical experiments. But what is abnormal about Zhao Wei is his eyes. !" "Eye?" "Yes, when he cut open the rabbit's belly, there was a light in his eyes! It was a light of joy and excitement. At that time, Zhao Wei just smiled coldly, and his eyes were full of words Cruelty and satisfaction that can’t come out. Yes, satisfaction! When he saw the rabbit die in front of his eyes, his eyes showed an unparalleled pleasure!" Liu Yingzi's voice trembled a little, she was terrified, and she didn't dare to recall the nightmarish scene at that time.

Wang Li walked out of the anatomy building with his briefcase in his arms, and the rain outside was getting heavier.He hurriedly raised his briefcase above his head, trying to block the dense raindrops, but it was in vain. When he got into the jeep, he was soaked like a drowned chicken. He wanted to report to Zhou Yuanyi about his work as soon as possible, so he took out his mobile phone, only to find that the battery was dead.So he yelled inwardly. Wang Li looked at his watch. It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Yuanyi should have finished his work in the telecommunications company by now. I don't know what he found.Now he should go to the Crystal Bathing Palace, right?Better go find him there now.

Suddenly he heard his stomach growling, and Wang Li remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch.No matter so much, first go to the Crystal Bathing Palace to find Team Zhou, and report the situation before we talk. Wang Li slammed the accelerator, and the car headed towards the city center of Jiangdu in the rain. When Wang Li parked his car outside the gate of the Crystal Bathing Palace, the wiper scraped back and forth, taking away the rainwater on the windshield, and he clearly saw the special entrance hall of the Crystal Bathing Palace. The decoration of the Crystal Bathing Palace is very distinctive. The gate is made into a Gothic dome, which is very European.However, there are Chinese-style stone lions placed on the left and right sides of the gate, which seem rather nondescript.

Beside the stone lion, there is a young woman with heavy makeup standing there with an umbrella, welcoming the guests.It was not long after noon, and there were already quite a few guests walking here after lunch. It is said that the Crystal Bathing Palace was run by a woman of considerable background. For ordinary criminal police, this is a very sensitive place, and the investigation will encounter various obstacles, so it can only be carried out in secret.Fortunately, Wang Li didn't come out today in a police car with a police license, nor did he wear a police uniform, so his arrival didn't attract the attention of others. I don't know if Team Zhou has already gone in to find out the situation, so Wang Li decided to find a public phone first.He glanced around the jeep, and not far away, there was a well-decorated Chinese fast food restaurant with huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Wang Li's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw Zhou Yuanyi sitting behind the floor-to-ceiling glass window, his eyes wandering around the gate of the bathing palace.
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