Home Categories Thriller Mystery at the dentist's parlor

Chapter 82 Section ten

Mystery at the dentist's parlor 庄秦 912Words 2018-03-22
The door on the ground floor of the office building was open, and as soon as I entered, I saw Fu Bo lying on the ground with blood dripping from his head.And Mai Li stood beside Forbe, holding a baseball bat in her hand, looking at Forbe on the ground coldly, with a smile on her face. When she found me coming in, she immediately showed a vigilant expression, holding a baseball bat horizontally, and looked at me nervously.I could see that she was a little scared. From her expression, I understood that she subdued Fu Bo just now by a sneak attack.But now that she is confronting me face to face, she has completely lost the composure and confidence she had when she attacked Forbe just now.

I quickly said to Mai Li: "Don't be nervous, Forber and I are not in the same group. I just realized that he is the perverted killer, so I came here to remind you!" I took out my phone and said, " If I was a murderer, why would I call the police?" In front of her, I called the police again, and gave a brief introduction to the police on the scene. The police officer who answered the phone said that the police had arrived at the sidewalk outside the backyard of the funeral home, and they saw the white dress hanging on the tree, and someone would come to the funeral home to find out about the situation.

Only then did Mai Li withdraw her doubts about me.She told me that she was indeed a female writer of horror novels, and when she was lying in the icy coffin in the morgue looking for inspiration, she overheard my conversation with Forber. From Forber's words, Mai Li immediately realized that Forber was suspected of murder.As a writer of horror novels, Mai Li knows many policemen and has heard about the serial murders that occurred in the past week, but from the mouth of police friends, she has never heard that after the murderer commits a crime, she will take the clothes of the deceased. The details hanging in the air, in order to prevent someone from imitating the murderer's technique, the police usually conceal some of the details of the crime.

Since Forber may be the murderer, and the victims are all women.Now she is the only woman in the funeral home, and Mai Li clearly realizes that if Forbe wants to commit murder tonight, the target must be her.And to confirm this point, it is necessary to lure the snake out of the hole and lure Fu Bo to kill her. Mai Li also knew that if Forber was with me all the time, she would not be able to get away and kill her.She had to find a way to get me away from Fuber temporarily, so that Fuber would have the opportunity to come and carry out the murderous plan.So she called me, pretended to be the police, had come to the gate of the funeral home, and asked me to open the door, so she dismissed me.

Of course, before doing all this, she called her friends in the police and told them to rush to the funeral home as soon as possible, and told them not to contact me, so as not to spoil her plan, which is why I never heard from the police The reason for the phone call. Then, she hid behind the door of the office building.As soon as Fu Bo entered the door with a dagger in his hand, she took a baseball bat and hit Fu Bo hard on the back of the head.Fu Bo fell to the ground on the spot, bleeding profusely, and passed out.
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