Home Categories Thriller Mystery at the dentist's parlor

Chapter 38 second quarter

Mystery at the dentist's parlor 庄秦 1480Words 2018-03-22
As soon as I entered the town, I saw several children in red clothes playing a game of cards on the road paved with bluestone slabs.After hearing the sound of footsteps, they slowly stopped the game in their hands, raised their heads and looked at Chen Pu and me, with a strange look in their eyes, which was a very dull look. The layer of fog seems to have no emotion at all, but they are all staring at us. Just when I was feeling a little puzzled, one of the children suddenly jumped up, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it at us heavily.Caught off guard, the stone hit Chen Pu's arm, causing him to groan.I was about to get angry, but Chen Pu pulled my shoulder and said, "Forget it, don't be like a child."

At this time, a middle-aged woman suddenly rushed out of a house on the street, with disheveled hair, pale complexion, and also wearing blood-red clothes. She screamed, picked up the child who attacked us just now, turned and ran back in the room.The other children who were playing on the street also dispersed, and the street suddenly became cold, and no one could be seen, as if nothing had happened at all. I had no choice but to follow Chen Pu, along a straight bluestone road, through Xueyi Town, and came to an old house. This old house is not much different from ordinary houses in the countryside.A not too high earthen wall surrounds the outside of the house, the brass gate is locked tightly, and two red lanterns are hung on both sides of the gate.There is a door plaque hanging on the gate, on which are written four mottled characters with faded vermilion paint: Scholarly Family.

Chen Pu walked to the door and shouted loudly: "Chen Zhuo, open the door! Chen Zhuo, open the door!" I asked curiously: "Chen Pu, who is Chen Zhuo?" Chen Pu replied casually: "He is my younger brother, my twin brother." This really surprised me, I had never heard of Chen Pu having a twin brother before.Just when I was about to ask one more question, the door of a house opposite the old house behind us suddenly opened.A haggard old man dressed in red came out of the house. When he saw Chen Pu, he shouted loudly, "It's Chen Pu! You're finally back."

Chen Pu quickly introduced to me: "This one is Uncle Zhu, my neighbor for many years. When my father was sick, he took care of Chen Zhuo." After hearing what he said, I couldn't help being a little curious.Since Chen Zhuo is Chen Pu's twin brother, he should be thirty years old now, why should someone else take care of him?Did he have some disease? Just when I was puzzled, Uncle Zhu said: "Chen Pu, you haven't been home for more than ten years, right? If I hadn't thought of it, I gave Chen Zhuo the medicine prescribed by Dr. Liu, and I thought you were Chen Zhuo. What about Zhuo. You two brothers look so much alike." He paused, and then said, "Chen Zhuo fell asleep after taking the medicine. No matter how you call him, you can't wake him up. Your house key , I have one here too. I’ll look for it and open the door for you right away.”

It seems that Chen Pu's younger brother is sick.Chen Pu followed Uncle Zhu into the room, while I wandered around idly.It was already dark, and the lanterns outside Uncle Zhu's house were lit up.Under the dim light, I suddenly saw a person standing at the corner of the wall of Chen Pu's house. It was a woman in red clothes, with long hair and a pale face, like a ghost in the dark night.When she saw me, she didn't say anything, but slowly raised her hand and pointed to the wall of Chen Pu's house.I followed her gaze and saw a piece of paper pasted on the wall.The paper was pasted on the wall with paste. At this moment, the paste on the lower edge of the paper has dried up. With the cold wind coming at the same time as the night, the paper is swaying in the wind, like a dying white butterfly.

Who posted this piece of paper on the wall of Chen Pu's house?In doubt, I raised my head, only to find that the ghostly woman had disappeared, as if she had never appeared before.Could it be that she is really a monster in the mountains?Legend has it that in the deep mountains, there is a kind of mountain ghost with the face of a beautiful woman. Whenever he sees a stranger, blood will gushe out from his body and soak his clothes.The mountain ghost can stop the blood flowing all over his body only by killing the strangers he sees. For some reason, I suddenly remembered this weird legend.My blood seemed to freeze, like sleepwalking, I walked slowly to the piece of paper.I took out my phone and pressed a button at random, the screen of the phone flickered with a faint blue light, like a cluster of will-o'-the-wisps.

Under this faint light, I could see the writing on the paper clearly. The sky is panicked, the ground is panicked, and there is a crying man at home.In the past, gentlemen read it once and fell asleep until daylight. At the bottom of the piece of paper, there was also a crooked charm drawn, and under the spell, a few words were written: "Jiang Ziya is here, there is no taboo. Mountain ghosts and evil spirits, retreat quickly!"
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