Home Categories Thriller Mystery at the dentist's parlor

Chapter 31 Section VI

Mystery at the dentist's parlor 庄秦 1813Words 2018-03-22
That night, I spent the night at Ningwei's house.All night long, Heibei could be heard screaming outside the door, scratching the door with her paws.For some reason, I gradually stopped being afraid of this black cat, and on the contrary, I fell in love with it a little bit. Early the next morning, Ningwei packed her luggage and went on a business trip alone.After feeding Hei Bei, I went to the company first.After finishing my business, I drove straight to the other side of the city and found my college classmate Jin San. Jin San is a photographer and has many treasures in his hands.When he heard about the things I was going to borrow, he couldn't help but look me up and down, and said earnestly: "You boy should find a girlfriend earlier, or you will become a psychopath."

I asked him to borrow a camera produced in Japan a year ago. This camera has a very unique infrared photography function, which can see through textiles with high intensity.In other words, taking a photo of a clothed person at night will end up with a nude body.Because of this feature has been widely protested, this camera has long been forcibly recalled by the factory, but Jinsan owns the only such camera in the city. I know Kim San must think I'm going to spy on some girl and take some fun photos.But he guessed wrong, I just wanted to use this camera to look through the dark curtains of the building opposite Ningwei to see what was going on in the mysterious old lady's house.

When I got home, as soon as I opened the door, Hei Bei stuck to me and barked non-stop, like a spoiled child.After I finished feeding it, I turned off all the lights and drew the curtains. I moved the camera to the balcony and aimed at the room where the old lady lived in the opposite building. The curtains of that room were tightly closed, but the lights inside could still be discerned to be on.As long as the lights are on inside, this camera will do its job. After I adjusted the focal length and direction, I lowered my head and slowly moved my eyes towards the lens hole.At this time, Heibei under his feet suddenly became anxious, kept hitting my feet with his head, and bit my trouser legs with his mouth, trying to pull me aside.I kicked Heibei lightly, and said to it: "Stop making trouble, let me see what the other side is doing."

My eyes were already on the camera, and in the haze, I gradually discerned what was in that room.When I saw everything in the room clearly, I couldn't help being taken aback, and almost sat down on the balcony.After I realized it, I couldn't help cursing loudly: "Pervert! It's so perverted! It's so perverted!" In the shot, I see the young woman, collared, on the ground like a cat, licking a stale bowl in front of her.On the other side, the old lady was holding a whip in her hand and looked at the young woman coldly, her eyes full of ferocious coldness. My God, this old lady actually raised that woman like a cat!Is she crazy?If she wasn't crazy, the world must be crazy.

I must stop this! I rushed out of the room, went downstairs, and went up to the building opposite.I knocked hard on the old lady's door, but no one opened the door.I kicked it a few more times, but until both my feet hurt from kicking, the door was still tightly closed, but the family next door opened the door.An obese middle-aged woman frowned and said to me, the family I knocked on the door had moved out a long time ago, and there was an empty room inside. I said out loud that it was impossible because I just saw someone in it from the camera.Seeing that I didn't believe her words, the middle-aged woman shrugged her shoulders and went back to the house on her own.I kicked it a few more times, but at this moment I wondered if I had gone to the wrong floor, otherwise how could no one open the door for so long?

Finally, I stopped and prepared to turn around and leave.But as soon as I turned around, I heard the door open with a "squeak". I looked back, and through the crack of the door, there was extremely deep darkness inside. What's in it?Do I want to go in?Suddenly I felt an inexplicable fear. I didn't know what would happen when I went in.But when I think of the abused young woman, my heart shudders, and I suddenly feel chivalrous—I must find a way to rescue her. The door opened slowly, and the gap became wider and wider.It was very quiet inside, as quiet as a huge tomb. I turned around and walked into the room.As soon as I took a step further, a strange draft "huh" passed by, and the door closed with a "bang", I shuddered all over, and was shocked.

Bypassing the hallway, I walked into a large living room, which was well decorated, and the simple yet tasteful style was to my liking.This suburban community was originally a well-known wealthy area, and only rich people can afford houses here.It's hard to imagine that a shaky old lady and a young woman raised like a cat can afford a mansion here. I walked a few steps in the living room, but saw no one.The room was silent, and a needle could be heard clearly when it fell to the ground.Where are the people in the house?What about the mysterious old lady and the young woman with the collar?where are they

The doors of the other three rooms were tightly shut.I recalled the scene I saw from the camera, judging in which direction the scene happened in the room.When I was sure, I walked to a door, raised my foot, and kicked down hard. With a "bang", after a burst of fine sawdust rose up, the door opened in response. There was nothing in the room, but I smelled a strange smell.This smell has an indescribable taste, I have never smelled it before.But the only thing I know for sure is that when I inhale this breath, I start to feel dizzy and weak. I yelled secretly, but at that time my body was no longer under my control.My legs went limp, and I fell to the ground with a "snap", and my eyes were pitch black.

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