Home Categories romance novel The Pharaoh's Concubine: The End Chapter

Chapter 41 Chapter 40 Turning Point

noon.The scorching sun turned into a poisonous Nagaha Festival, falling on everyone's body, and the light was like a sharp poisonous needle, piercing deeply into their bodies.Tut was pushed from the high ground to the bottom of the valley, without the protection of armor, and was smashed to pieces in a blink of an eye.The soldiers were already very disturbed, but at this time someone wearing the costume of a high-ranking Hittite general fell down, and they felt even more strange.Someone looked up at the direction where Tut fell, and then they found that the blonde Princess Ivy had miraculously appeared on the high platform.

"Princess Ivy?" "Isn't that Princess Ivy?" "Why is she here?" Discussions sounded everywhere.The soldier's heart was full of confusion, but also somewhat distorted expectations.Now that Princess Ivy has been sent up, Hittite should keep her promise and let her go.Buka, who was seriously injured, leaned against the side of the valley, and raised his head when he heard the inexplicable commotion of the troops.Suddenly seeing Princess Ivy miraculously standing on the high ground, he hurriedly ordered someone to report to Ramses at the mouth of the valley.

The messenger stepped on the stacked corpses at the bottom of the valley, pushed aside the scattered Egyptian soldiers, and rushed all the way to the mouth of the valley.The soldiers of Taniguchi had long been jealous, and they finally saw some results. Pharaoh was planning to send someone to send the soldiers from Taniguchi for reinforcements.The messenger was holding up the document and had no time to read it, so in a hurry, the messenger read the contents aloud.At that moment, the surrounding adjutants were silent.Ramses stood where he was, his hand holding the sword trembled a little.After thinking for a while, he seemed to finally understand what the reporter said, "Princess Ivy was restrained by Yali".

He threw down a short order, "Continue to attack." The adjutants were breathing a sigh of relief, but he turned around by himself and rushed into the valley.Duomo, who had managed to come back with great difficulty, immediately knelt down and hugged his calf tightly, "Your Majesty, Princess Ivy came here for your breakout, if you go back, it will be a waste of the princess's heart!" He spoke sincerely, but how could Ramses listen to him any more.He almost stabbed Domo's back mercilessly with the back of his sword, attacking more than ten times in a row, until a mouthful of blood spattered out from him.Maybe it was because of the war, or maybe it was because of the desire to survive, the adjutants around knelt down and surrounded Ramses in the middle, "Your Majesty, it is about the life and death of our entire army, please think twice."

On the high ground, Yali clasped Ivy who was shocked and unable to speak. His slender knuckles were like sharp weapons, about to penetrate deeply into her bones, "Unbelievable, really unbelievable. In another time and space , you can treat me like this." Tut's body fell on the loess, and instantly fell into a lump of meat.Ivy has lost all hope, and her exit from the stage of history is only a matter of time or method.All she can do now is to help Egypt delay time... until the "turning point" in this war. She then said: "Every history is always different. In this time and space, you have already won a big victory, and I let you dispose of it, and you released the remnants of Egypt as agreed."

Yali sneered and said nothing, and Ivy was about to say more, when suddenly several stones flew in the air, Ivy subconsciously blocked them with her hands, and the stones flew down one after another, only one hit her forehead.The old wounds he had received earlier in the south were re-wounded, and the blood slowly spilled, dripping down his cheeks and dripping on the yellow sand.Ivy then lowered her head, and what fell on the ground were the three secret treasure keys that he took away at that time.Yali let go of her, and she squatted down, picked up the gem, and held it in her hand.As expected, Yali spoke slowly, with a low and cold voice, "You really don't belong here. You look at us as if you were looking at some pale words on paper, and you remember these few days in your heart. It's a broken rock." He paused, then laughed at himself, "Okay, just put it away."

There was clearly anger in that smile.Yes, she seems to have been looking for those secret treasure keys, but now that she has found it, so what.Tissy clearly said that the purpose of collecting all the secret treasure keys is not to find the Eye of Horus.The stone that would take her back to the future has been broken forever.Now, even if she holds these priceless gems, she can neither change the established future nor escape the fate of exiting. Watching her face gradually turn pale, Yali actually felt a bit of revenge-like pleasure. But at this moment, the guard who was supposed to be on standby not far away suddenly rushed up in a hurry. He said something anxiously, but Yali's attention was suddenly attracted by the commotion in the distance.

The sun fell on the lifeless sand, turning a cruel and cold golden color.Outside the valley, at this moment, overwhelming golden banners surged from the direction of the Orente River.The background is dark blue, with gold as the main line. The flag depicts a roaring lion just waking up. The soldiers have neat black beards, half-draped red cloaks, a sharp epee in their left hand, and a huge pointed shield in their right.They walked neatly, slowly but firmly approaching the canyon step by step. "Assyrians..." Yali narrowed his eyes, the corners of his eyes became dry under the glare of the sun, and he almost suspected that what he saw was a hallucination.He blinked and looked over carefully again. At this moment, the Assyrian army under the golden light appeared extraordinarily clear and dazzling, so dazzling that it made people feel uneasy.

The waving banner was the Lion Legion formed and cultivated by Nasar himself. However, civil strife had just occurred in Assyria, and Nasar wanted to consolidate his position, and now was the most critical time.He had no reason to be here, much less to meddle in the dispute between Egypt and the Hittites. no reason? He turned his head and saw Ivy's concentration.She stared intently at the approaching Assyrian army, her hands were tightly clenched into fists, and her knuckles were pale white.She couldn't tell whether it was joy or excitement, but she seemed to have known that Nasar's Lions would appear here.At that moment, the anger of being betrayed came to my heart inexplicably, and Yali held her tightly with one hand, "It's you again?"

The Assyrian army gradually rushed towards the valley entrance like a flood. At this time, the Hittite soldiers who surrounded the valley entrance like an iron barrel were completely fooled.But before he had time to ask Yali for instructions, the armies of the two sides had already begun to contact.At this moment, there is no need to argue about whether it is an enemy or a friend.The vanguard of the Assyrian army swung its epee and easily killed the outermost soldiers of the Hittite army like chopping melons and vegetables. In terms of melee attack power, no one can defeat Assyria.Hittite is good at using chariots and bows and arrows, but at this time the Hittite team was caught in the valley. Behind them was the Assyrian army, which was fully equipped and ready to go. Egyptian subordinates.Facing the enemy from the front and back, within two minutes of the water level, the Hittite army had begun to gradually collapse.

The embarrassing thing is that the purpose of Yari's design of this army is to divide the troops into two groups and attack Egypt from two directions.Therefore, the layout between the two branches is very scattered.To be precise, it was actually difficult for the Hittite army to get together because Egyptian soldiers blocked the only way out of the valley.At this time, the Assyrian army retained its strong strength, chose the perfect timing, and gained a geographical advantage. Their appearance brought a huge advantage to the Egyptian army's breakthrough. In this short period of time, the situation turned upside down like a huge reversal.The Egyptian army seized the opportunity and began to cooperate with the Assyrian attack to break through with all their strength. The first team broke out of the siege, and then, under the influence of the general's provocative force, the following teams also began to rush out in a more organized manner.Yali took Ivy with one hand and raised the token with the other.The Hittite subordinates on the high ground in the valley immediately gathered at the entrance of the valley, and then the bows and crossbows fell down like raindrops. He was hit hard on the cheek suddenly, and the loud sound stunned him for a while.Turning around, Ivy frowned tightly. "You promised me that you would trade my life for a way out of Egypt." The quiet voice, like a heavy rock, fell on my ears, but my heart felt dull pain, but there was still a nonchalant smile on my face, and there seemed to be a faint mockery in my voice. "Oh, is that so? Then how many of the things you said yourself have been fulfilled?" The air between the two seemed to freeze into ice, but the Assyrian army did not waste a single second. They used long shields to set up a tight protective net, blocking all the Hittite iron arrows falling from high, and at the same time defending Egypt The army gave up their position to ensure that they could get out of the valley and retreat smoothly.After the Assyrian and Egyptian armies joined forces, the momentum became even more unstoppable. In the battle of Kadesh, 100% of Hittite's victory disappeared in an instant. But at this moment, among the Egyptian troops pouring out, only a small group went against the current. Ramses rushed back to the valley with his bodyguards. He was covered in blood, and his firm appearance was like a statue of resoluteness.Without hesitation, he walked towards the original place of death. On the high platform, the blonde princess was tightly clamped by Yali, and the young pharaoh was surrounded by his subordinates under the platform.At that moment, Ivy felt as if her soul had pulled out and jumped out of her body. Looking at this scene, it seemed that all the chaos had stopped and been written into the thick history books in the library. Ramses gave up reversing the situation and returned to the dangerous valley again.Fate seems to be reappearing again... Ivy turned her head, looked at Yali beside her, and said softly: "Hello——" He lowered his head slightly, and his black bangs slid down his cheeks. Her appearance was reflected in his icy blue eyes, somewhat like his brother's familiar eyes.But such a familiar and intimate person pushed her to such a point.Falling into the reincarnation of the Eye of Horus, nothing is expected, but everything is so logical.Just like the lush green leaves in summer, they will turn into dry brown and yellow in autumn, and when winter comes, they will wither and fade away.Even if the appearance of each season is very different, there is no doubt about it. From admiration to reluctance.From infatuation to hatred. Ivy raised her head and said, "I finally figured out one thing." He was slightly taken aback. At this moment of daze, she suddenly pushed his chest hard and rushed towards the edge of the cliff on the platform.For some reason, at this moment she had such great strength, he was caught off guard, pushed by her and flew away from the khaki-colored high platform, and fell into the rushing Orient River. Dust rolled up the corners of their clothes, and the air separated the distance between them.They fell downwards, and everything around them seemed to be rolling over rapidly. Yali didn't have time to reprimand him, only to see that behind them, several Egyptian arrows had been shot at the place where they were standing just now, and then Ramses' pale face. But everything happened too fast, and Ivy held him tightly. He never thought that she, who looked weak, was so determined and powerful.The two entangled and fell down quickly. The sound of the wind whizzed across their bodies and shattered the surrounding scene. All doubts, anger, uneasiness, worry, and sadness were twisted together with the expressions of the people around them, turning into a rapidly spinning circle. spinning top.When the speed reached its peak, he only heard her say softly: "We will always meet again. At that time..." Immediately afterwards, there was a huge noise, and the two fell into the cold and hard river. At that moment, Yali felt that the hand that was tightly grasping the front of his chest loosened.What's shameful is that at that moment, his first reaction was to reach out and pull her back to his side. In the rushing water, he tried his best to stabilize his body, opened his eyes, and looked for the Egyptian princess who fell with him.It was dark all around, and the river, which looked clear and beautiful from the outside, was actually gray and dark.Ivy, who was close by her side, disappeared even more.My heart felt cold, and at this moment, a huge light was emitted from the water.Four bright colors are intertwined together.Red, blue, yellow, green, twisting and spinning, passing through the heavy river water, converging towards one point. Ivy is in the middle of that dot. She holds a broken stone in her hand, and the four colors are rushing to the stone in her hand, injecting and agglomerating, and the broken stone is gradually endowed with unprecedented brilliance.Brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter, illuminating the dark river, rushing out of the hard water, overflowing to every corner of time. In this suffocating beauty, Yali couldn't move, his vision gradually became blurred, only the girl holding the holy light in front of her eyes looked so clear.The golden hair floated in the soft water light, and the blue eyes were filled with a gentle smile.The stone in her arms turned into a ruby ​​full of vitality, lying quietly in her palm as if it had the breath of life.But the strange light around her did not disappear, and she put the gem on her chest.At this moment, everything around seemed to stop abruptly, and the overwhelming red swept over. A huge crack was opened in the middle of the red, but it was not monotonous black, and the scenes of the scenes were like the pages of a book, and quickly passed by.The son of the old king with stern eyes, the young priest who died loyally, the Hittite princess who insisted on being arrogant, the red-haired boy who made a show, the loyal general, the innocent princess... The events turned over one after another, and the familiar scenes seemed like Flowing water poured into his mind, and the vague impression before suddenly became very clear, so clear that he thought it was real.But sooner, the memory was slowly shredded and left his mind piece by piece.Just like the dream of waking up in the morning, no matter how hard you try, most of it will be forgotten when you open your eyes, leaving only a faint and fuzzy mark. Yali was a little flustered, but his limbs had no feeling, only his vision was still functioning, and he kept capturing the picture in front of him.There are many people he knows and people he doesn't know in the scene in front of him, but in those important scenes, he has never seen Ivy. But he seemed to feel the cool temperature between his fingers, and when he raised his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the gentle ups and downs of his breathing. Suddenly, a white light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, and then slowly receded.He was sitting on an unfamiliar seat with straps he had never seen before, surrounded by strangely dressed people.A woman in a short red dress with curly hair came over, speaking something he couldn't understand, the seat belt was tied around his waist, and she filled him with water from a transparent cup.Holding a transparent cup that he had never seen before, he carefully looked at the water in it.He has never seen such clear water, just looking at it, it seems to be fragrant. He suspected that he had been completely swallowed by the surrounding river and lost consciousness.And at this moment, through the glass, a pair of blue eyes looked at him.He moved the glass away, and the girl sitting beside him was a little dazed, and then accidentally, she knocked over the water glass beside her, and the water splashed out and splashed on his clothes, causing her chest to feel icy cold. She was a little embarrassed, then smiled very embarrassedly, scratched her face in embarrassment, then bit her lip again, looked up at him, "I'm sorry." The white light fades away.The river water rolled down from all directions like heavy stones.
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