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lady chatterley's lover

lady chatterley's lover


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 223217

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Chapter 1 sequence

lady chatterley's lover 劳伦斯 4605Words 2018-03-21
Since there have been several stolen editions, I have now decided to print this cheap, popular edition in France at sixty francs, which I hope will satisfy readers on the Continent.But seal stealers—at least in the United States—are rampant.Less than a month after the genuine first edition of the book was sent from Florence to the United States, the first edition of the first edition was already sold in New York.This stealth edition, along with the original first edition, is sold to unsuspecting readers.The price usually sells for fifteen gold dollars, while the original price is ten dollars; the buyer is ignorant of this deception.

This bold attempt was followed by others.I was told that there was another facsimile out of New York, and I myself got a dirty-looking book, with a dull orange cover and a green binding, greasy photocopied, with There is also a fake signature signed for me by the children of the family who stole the seal.This kind of stolen printing plate did not appear from New York in 1982, and later spread to London, asking for thirty shillings.I therefore resolved to print a second edition—two hundred copies—in Florence.The price is one gold pound.I was going to wait another year or more, but I had to post it to rebel against the dirty orange thieves.However, the number of releases is too small, and the orange thieves still cannot be defeated.

Afterwards I got another stealth copy in a dreary color, with a black cover and a rectangular shape, as dreary as a Bible or a hymn.This time, the thief is not only simple, but also solemn, and his title page is not one page, but two pages.Each features a vignette of an American eagle with six stars around its head, lightning flashes in its talons, and a laurel wreath encircling the entire image in celebration of his latest literary plunder. .Really, it was a hideous book, and it reminded me of Captain Kidder with his face blacked out.Read the text to those who are about to jump into the sea to die.Why the seal-stealer used the title to lengthen the shape of the book, I don't know.The result is that the wholesale book is particularly tearful and frightening.Of course, the book was also photocopied, but the signature was omitted.I have heard that this miserable book sells for ten, twenty, thirty or even fifty gold dollars, depending on the liking of the scholar and the guilelessness of the buyer.

From this point of view, there is no doubt that there are three kinds of stolen printing plates in the United States.I heard that there is a fourth type, which is also a facsimile of the original.But since I haven't seen it, I'd rather not believe it. In addition, there is a European stolen plate, printed in fifteen hundred copies, which was printed by a Parisian bookstore, and the book is marked: "Printed in Germany".It does not matter whether it was printed in Germany or not, no doubt it was printed and not photocopied, since some typos in the original version have been corrected.This is a very good book, although it is not signed by me, but it is almost the same as the original, the only difference is the green and yellow silk border on the spine.This kind of edition is sold to scholars for one hundred francs, and to readers for three hundred, four hundred and five hundred francs.It is said that some shameless scholars forged my signature on it and sold this book as the original.Hope that's not true.But it all looks too dark for the business community.Although there is some consolation here.Some scholars, however, resolutely refused to sell the stolen printing plates. Human relations and business ethics would not allow him to do this.Some sell, but not very enthusiastically, apparently they are all willing to sell the author's licensed version.Therefore, this kind of pure feeling against seal thieves is valuable, even if it is not enough to interrupt their way.

None of these stealing plates had any form of permission from me, nor did I get half of their money.Although a scholar in New York with a good conscience sent me some money, saying that it was a tenth of the royalties after the book was sold in his shop.His letter said: "I know, this is just the first drop in the ocean." Of course, he meant that it was just a drop from the ocean.Just such a drop is already a surprisingly small sum, which shows that the sea of ​​seal thieves is booming! I got a belated proposal from European stamp thieves, who, because they thought the book dealers were too stubborn, were willing to let me take royalties from sold and unsold books, as long as I would admit their editions.I thought to myself, well, in this kind of arrangement, if you don't use them, they will use yours—why not? —but when I came to practice, my pride rebelled.Knowing, wronged Judas is always ready to give you a kiss.But you want me to kiss him back, cough! ...

So I decided to make this French edition, which is a photocopy of the original, and costs sixty francs.The publishers in England, urged me to publish an abridged edition, and promised me a generous reward, perhaps a quid—the little quid of a child who committed a crime by the sea! — the gold bar.And they insisted that I tell the readers that the first revised version is a beautiful novel, all "obscenity" and "obscenity" are gone.In this way, I was a little seduced by them, and I started to delete and edit.But that's impossible!That would be tantamount to cutting my own nose with scissors.The book bleeds.

People want to object and object, but I want to declare that this novel is a pure and healthy book that our calendar needs today.Some words, shocking at first, become unsurprising after a while.Is it because our hearts are corrupted by habit?Absolutely not.Those eyes only scare our eyes, but never our hearts.Those who don't have a heart can just be shocked, they don't count.Mindful people know they are not shocked, and in fact they have never been, they just feel a sense of relief. The important part is here.We humans today have evolved beyond the barbaric taboos attached to our culture.Awareness of this fact is important.

People in the crusading era, probably the simplest cosmic eyes had a kind of power over them, which is beyond what we can imagine today.The provocative power of the so-called "obscene" word must have been very dangerous for the ignorant, vague, and violent natures of everyone in the Middle Ages. strong.However, real enlightenment makes us only have an inner and imaginary reaction to a word, instead of a physical, violent, and irrational reaction-that is to destroy social morality.In the past, people's hearts were too foolish or too wild, so that whenever they thought about their flesh and its faculties, they couldn't help but suffer from the reaction of the dominant flesh.Not anymore.Civilization and civilization teach us to separate words from facts, thoughts from deeds or physical reactions.We now know that actions are not necessarily determined by thoughts.In fact, thought and action, word and fact, are two separate forms of consciousness.It is the two separate lives we lead.We really need to combine these two things.But when we think, we cannot act; when we act, we cannot think.The greatest need is that we act upon thought and think upon action.But when we are thinking, we cannot really act; when we are acting, we cannot really think, and the two situations of thinking and acting are mutually exclusive.But these two situations have to coexist harmoniously.

This is where the true meaning of this book lies.I want men and women in the world to be able to think about sex fully, completely, purely, and unreasonably.Even if we cannot act sexually as we wish, at least let us have complete and irrational sexual thoughts.So those anecdotes about a pure girl, as white as a piece of unstained paper, are pure nonsense, a girl and a young man are a tormented web of sexual feelings and sexual thoughts, A seething chaos that only time will clear up.Years of pure sexual thought, years of sexual struggle will take us at last to where we want to be, to the true chastity of merit and virtue, to the end of completeness, when our sexual behavior, our sexual thoughts are in harmony. Yes, not contradictory.

I do not mean that all women should seek their hunters as lovers.I have no intention of asking them to chase anyone.Many of our men and women today feel that we are happiest living a pure life separated from sex while at the same time knowing and understanding sex more fully.In our present age, it is better to know than to act.In our past, there were too many actions—especially sexual actions, and we were tired of doing the same thing, without considerable thought, without considerable understanding.Now, what we are working on is the understanding of sex.Today, the full conscious understanding of sex is more important than action.The spirit, after being ignorant for thousands of years, now requires understanding, fully understanding.The flesh is too neglected.

When people practice sex these days, they think it's routine most of the time.They do it because they think that's their job.But in fact, only the spirit is excited, and the body has to wait for someone to pick it up.It turns out that our ancestors had never thought and understood when they practiced sex. Now, this behavior has gradually become mechanical, numb, and tearful. There is only a fresh inner desire. Only by understanding can the original brilliance be restored. In sex the spirit is backward, and indeed in all carnal acts the spirit is backward.Our erotic thoughts crawl in a darkness, in a secret terror inherited from our brutish, savage forefathers.Only at this point, the physical point of sex, is our spirit not evolved.Now we have to catch up, to harmonize the consciousness of the physical sensation with the sensation itself, and harmonize the awareness of the behavior with the behavior itself.This requires a proper respect for erotic love, and a certain awe for the strange experience of the body; this requires the free use of so-called obscene words, because these words are a natural part of the mind's awareness of the body.Obscenity comes because the mind despises and fears the body, and the body hates and rebels against the spirit. The incident of Major Pike is enough to make people wake up.Paike Dazuo was originally a woman pretending to be a man. This "Dazuo" married a woman and spent five years with her "a happy life of kang responsibility".During the past five years, the poor wife thought she was just like ordinary people, happily married to a real husband.When it was finally discovered, the poor woman's cruel shame was beyond imagination.This situation is weird.But we have thousands of women today, perhaps suffering the same deception and continuing to live in mist.Why?Because they know nothing, because they are totally incapable of erotic thoughts.At this point, they are fools.This book is best given to all seventeen-year-old girls. There is also the incident of a venerable principal and pastor, which can also be sobering.At the age of sixty-five, after years of unrestricted sacred and moral life, he appeared in court for raping an underage girl.This happened at a time when the Home Secretary - himself an elderly man - was clamoring for and ordering silence on all sexual matters.Didn't the experience of that other venerable Mr. Goldson not make him think about it at all? But such is the thing, the mind has an ancient dormant fear of the body and its power.At this point, we have to liberate our spirits and civilize them.The terror of the mind over the body has driven countless people mad.It is at least partly explained by this cause of the bewilderment of a mind as great as Swift's.When he wrote to his mistress, Celia, Celia, Celia shit", it shows what kind of influence it can have on a great wise man when he is mentally horrified. A wise man like Swift does not know himself What a ridiculous situation to be in. Of course, Celia is going to take a shit. Who doesn't? If she doesn't, it's bad. How ridiculous. Think of poor Celia, her "lover" It's weird to say that her natural faculties are humiliating! This verse is all because of forbidden words. And the reason that the spirit has such an uninspired awareness of the body and sex. On the one hand, the "hum! Huh!" of the Taoist school produces fools who have sex; on the other hand, we have smart modern youths without a reason, "Huh! Huh!. Can't hum them." On the one hand, progressive youths go to the other extreme, waiting for the body as a kind of toy. Although this toy is a bit annoying, you can get something before it gives you up. Fun. These youths don’t care about sex or not. They only drink it as a kind of wine, and use it as a joke to laugh at the old people. These youths are progressive, arrogant, a like book, and they can’t put it full In their eyes. They think the book is too simple, too ordinary. They think that some bad words are commonplace, and the gesture of love is old-fashioned. What's the fuss? Drink love like a glass of wine' they said: " This book just expresses the mood of a fourteen-year-old boy. "However, maybe a fourteen-year-old boy who still has a little natural awe and appropriate fear of sex is more healthy than the mood of young people who drink love as wine. Their spirits have nothing to do but play with the toys of life, especially with the toys of sex, and in this play their spirits are lost! So, among such moral old-timers (they'll probably commit rape when they get old), among these modern youths, they say: "We can do anything, if only we can think about something." Do something." So, among such dirty-hearted, dirty-looking, savage people, this book has little room to maneuver, but I say to all such people: "The Corruption—if you like this corruption; cling to the corruption of your moralism, cling to the corruption of your fashionable licentiousness, cling to the corruption of your dirty hearts, as for me, I am loyal to my book And my attitude: Life is embarrassing if mind and body are not in harmony, if they have no natural balance and natural mutual respect."
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