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Chapter 19 end

afghans 弗·福赛斯 3531Words 2018-03-21
Things inevitably have to go through some inquiries.This took almost two years.Investigating the cause of the accident cannot be done in a few hours. The news broadcast on TV is another matter. A team went to investigate the real history of the cargo ship Java Star, from the time when its keel was laid to when it left Brunei carrying LPG to its destination at the port of Fremantle in Western Australia. Witnesses confirmed that the ship was under the command of Captain Hermann and that everything was normal.Shortly thereafter, two other captains saw it as they rounded the northeastern corner of Kalimantan.Due to the particularity of the cargo it carried, both captains noticed that it was far away from them, and they also recorded its name in the logbook.

The captain of the Java Star's short distress call was played to a Norwegian psychologist.The expert confirmed that it was indeed spoken by his fellow Norwegian in fluent English, but appeared to be under duress. The captain of the fruit boat who discovered the location of the Java Star and rushed to the scene was also tracked down and an interview was conducted with him.He repeated what he had heard and seen.However, marine fire experts believe that if the fire in the engine room of the Java Star cannot be controlled and extinguished by Captain Herman, then the fire will definitely ignite the cargo it carries, causing the entire ship to explode and burn.In that case, there would be no life jacket adrift in the water it sank in.

With the support of US armed helicopters, Philippine special forces launched an attack on the Zamboanga Peninsula, the stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf rebels.After a careful search, they captured two hunters who lived in the jungle. The two hunters occasionally do something for terrorists, but they don't want to face the firing squad's guns.They confessed that they saw a Zhongli chemical ship in a narrow bay deep in the jungle, and a group of workers were busy on board with acetylene gas cutters and electric welding machines. The Java Star team wrote an investigative report within a year.Reports claimed that the Java Star had not sunk due to a fire on board, but had been hijacked intact, after which painstaking preparations were made to convince the shipping world that she no longer existed.actually not. "The entire crew is dead" is just an inference and needs to be verified.

According to the principle of "no need to know", all the investigation and forensics teams working on all sides do not know why.They were only informed and convinced that this was an investigation into a marine insurance case. Another team goes to investigate the fate of the real Countess of Richmond.From the offices of Siebert and Abercrombie on Friars Street in the City of London to Liverpool, they investigated the entire family company and its crew.They confirmed that when the Countess unloaded the Jaguar it was carrying in Singapore, all was well.Captain Mackendrick met a Liverpool fellow on the docks in Singapore and they paired up for a few beers before sailing.He also called home.

Voluntary witnesses testified that the Countess was still under the control of its rightful captain when it loaded the valuable timber in Kota Kinabalu. However, an on-site survey of the port of Surabaya on the island of Java revealed that the Countess never stopped there to load its second cargo, Asian silk.However, London-based Siebert and Abercrombie received confirmation from the shipper that the cargo had been loaded.Therefore, it is bogus. A rough image of "Mr. Lampung" was drawn up, and Indonesia's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security identified a suspect, but failed to prove he was a JI sponsor.A manhunt was organized, but the terrorist had disappeared into the vast expanse of Southeast Asia.

The investigative team concluded that the Countess of Richmond was hijacked in the Sulawesi Sea.At the same time, the bandits also stole all the ship's certificates, radio codes and transponders for the ship's identity, and it should have sunk with all the crew.Families of the crew were notified separately. ※※※ The decisive facts come from Dr. Ali Aziz Khattab.Phone taps at his residence showed he had booked a plane ticket to the Middle East.After a meeting at MI5 headquarters in Thames House, it was decided that it was time to close the nets.When listeners confirmed he was taking a bath in the bathtub, Birmingham police and special forces smashed down the door of the Kuwaiti academic's apartment before he was wrapped in a bathrobe and taken away.

But Dr Khattab is smart.A full and exhaustive search of his apartment, car, office, cell phone and computer failed to turn up any evidence against which he could be charged with a criminal offence. He smiled mildly, and his lawyer also protested: If the police can't come up with a basis for formal prosecution, the suspect must be released after 28 days.His smile disappeared when he was re-arrested as he walked out of Belmarsh Prison in England, this time following an extradition request from the United Arab Emirates government. Under this legislation, there is no time limit.Khattab went straight back to his cell.This time, his lawyers are adamant that extradition should not be granted.As a Kuwaiti, Khattab is not a citizen of the United Arab Emirates.But the problem is not here.

The anti-terrorism center in the UAE port city of Dubai has unexpectedly seized a stack of photos.The photos showed Khattab chatting cordially with a known al Qaeda courier who was under surveillance, the captain of a sailboat.Other photos showed him in and out of a villa on the outskirts of Ras Al Khaimah known to be a secret terrorist stronghold.A judge in London became interested and granted extradition. Khattab made a plea, but again failed.He will remain in the uncertain Belmarsh prison in the UK, or be extradited to the Gulf to face a harsh interrogation at a desert base of the UAE special forces, and he has asked to remain in the UK.

Herein lies a problem.The British explained that they had no evidence to hold him, let alone try and sentence him.While being transported to London Heathrow Airport, he struck a deal with British authorities and the confession began. As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted the audience of the CIA guests.He confessed everything he knew.He revealed more than 100 al Qaeda members and 24 secret bank accounts who were still very innocent at the time and were unknown to the intelligence agencies of the United States and Britain. The Kuwaiti fell silent when interrogators mentioned an al Qaeda program code-named Isla.He didn't know if anyone knew.After a while, however, he confessed.

He confirmed everything London and Washington already knew or suspected, and added.Apart from the three Indonesians, he could identify the five others who had been on the Countess of Richmond's final voyage. He knew the parents and family background of the Pakistani boy who had grown up in Yorkshire, England, who had spoken on the ship's radio in place of Captain Mackendrick and had fooled First Officer David Gundlach. He admitted that the cargo ship Lady Maria and the crew on board made the sacrifice deliberately, although the crew did not know it.This was nothing more than a feint, lest there be any hesitation or any reason not to board an ocean liner with the President of the United States.

The interrogators blandly brought up their knowledge that Khattab had interrogated an Afghan at the villa in the United Arab Emirates.In fact, they didn't know about it at all, they were just skeptical, but Khattab hardly hesitated. He confirmed the arrival of the mysterious Taliban commander after a brave and bloody escape outside Kabul.He claimed the details had been carefully vetted by al Qaeda sympathizers in Kabul and deemed authentic. He admitted that he had gone to the Gulf to interrogate the fugitive in as much detail as possible on instructions from al Qaeda's number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri.He also revealed that it was the sheikh himself who identified the Afghan, based on a conversation years ago in a cave hospital in the Tora Bora mountains. It was the Sheikh himself who sanctioned the Afghan for Operation Isla, and he, Khattab, sent him along with others to Malaysia. The British and American interrogators were more than happy to tell him the true identity of the Afghan, which would cause Khattab to spend the rest of his life in deep guilt and remorse. In a final detail, a handwriting expert identified the missing colonel's handwriting as the same handwriting as the scrawled note tucked into a dive bag on Labuan Island. The Crowbar committee ultimately agreed that Mike Martin had boarded the Countess of Richmond at a point after Labuan, still posing as a terrorist, and there was no indication that he had left the ship in time. ship. As for why the Countess exploded 40 minutes earlier, a blank was left in the file. ※※※ In the UK, it usually takes seven years after a person goes missing before a person is legally presumed dead and a death certificate is issued. But following the conclusion of Dr Khattab's inquest, the coroner for the City of London was invited to a secluded dinner at the Brooks Club in St James Street.There were only three other people present, and they explained many things to the coroner after the waiter had finished serving and left. The following week, the coroner issued a death certificate to Terry Martin, an academic at SOAS, University of London, for his brother, an Airborne soldier who had disappeared eighteen months earlier. Colonel Mike Martin. ※※※ On the grounds of the British SAS headquarters outside of Hereford is a quirky building known as The Clock Tower.When the regiment headquarters moved from its original base to its current location a few years ago, the bell tower was torn down brick by brick.Then it was rebuilt again. It is foreseeable that there should be a clock on top of the building, but the main significance of the clock tower is that its four sides are engraved with the names of all the officers and men of the SAS regiment who died in battle. Shortly after that death certificate was issued, a memorial service was held below the bell tower.The ceremony was attended by twelve men in military uniform and ten men in civilian clothes, as well as two ladies.One of the women was the head of MI5, the Security Service, and the other was the ex-wife of the deceased. The claim of disappearance in combat action took some twists and turns, but the pressure came from the top, and after reporting all the known facts, the Chief of Security, the Commander of Special Forces and the Commander of the Airborne Forces all agreed.Colonel Mike Martin was certainly not the first, nor the last, person to be permanently lost in a remote location. Far to the west, during this brief memorial service, the cold February sun was setting over the Black Hills of Wales.At the end of the service, the pastor finally said a line often quoted in the Gospel of John: "There is no love in the world so much as to give up your life for your friends." Only these people gathered around the bell tower knew that the Paratroopers and the Special Air Force The retired Colonel Mike Martin had done it for four thousand complete strangers, none of whom had ever known he existed.
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