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Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve

afghans 弗·福赛斯 10661Words 2018-03-21
In fact, Dr Khattab was away for a week.Martin remained in his cell, with the book.He felt that he would soon become a respected expert at memorizing 6,666 poems and prose.Years of special forces career has given him a rare ability: to sit quietly for a long time, to endure loneliness and monotony, and not to be irritable or fidgety. In this way, he continued to study by himself and adjusted his mentality so that he would not go crazy in solitary confinement. But that capability did little to ease the growing tension in the control room at Ezell Air Force Base in Scotland.They had lost track of them, and the pressure was mounting from CIA Deputy Director Marek Gumini and CIA Middle East Director Steve Hill.The Predator has been ordered to do double duty: look over Ras Al Khaimah in case the Crowbar reappears, monitor the schooner Pearl, and report back when it emerges in the bay and docks near the UAE.

Dr. Khattab is back and he has checked everything about Guantanamo Bay.It's not an easy job, and he doesn't want to trust his four British colleagues who have been released home.They have repeatedly claimed that they are not extremists, but were caught by the Americans by accident.No matter what the Americans think, the "Al Qaeda" organization can confirm that all this is true. What made it even more difficult was that Izmat Khan had been in solitary confinement for his refusal to cooperate, so the other prisoners didn't know much about him.He admits he has picked up bits and pieces of English, but that's from listening to CIA interrogators and Pashto interpreters during interminable interrogations.

As far as Dr. Khattab was able to gather, his prisoners had not made a single mistake.Anecdotal information from the Afghan side suggests that the van hijacking between Bagram and Pol y Chaki prisons is real.What he didn't know was that the episode had been planned and carried out by the clever and capable Secret Service station chief in the British embassy.Brigadier General Yusuf was outraged, and Taliban intelligence operatives who are now active believe it.That's how they answered al Qaeda's interrogations. "Let's go back to your early days in Tora Bora," Khattab suggested when the interrogation resumed. "Tell me about your childhood."

Khattab was a smart guy, but he didn't know that, even though he had asked the question, Martin knew more about the mountains of Afghanistan than he did.During the six months of the Kuwaiti's stay in the terrorist training camp, the people he came into contact with were without exception his fellow Arabs, not the Pashtun mountain people.Khattab took notes carefully, and even wrote down the names of various fruits in the orchard in Maroko Village.His hands moved quickly across the notebook, taking notes page by page. On the third day of the resumed interrogation, Martin recounted the day that marked the turning point in Izmat Khan's life: August 21, 1998, when a Tomahawk cruise missile exploded on a hillside up.

"Oh yes, what a tragedy." Dr Khattab sympathized, but then added, "Strange too, because you must be the only Afghan who doesn't have a living relative to prove you. It's a Coincidence, but as a scientist, I don't like coincidences. So how did that event affect you?" The fact that Izmat Khan refused to talk about why he hated Americans so much during his time at Guantanamo Bay was informed by other soldiers who survived the riot at Karai Jagi Prison and were interned at Camp D at Guantanamo Bay. This gap is filled.Among the Taliban forces, Izmat Khan has become a hero, and stories of his bravery circulate in the barracks.Other survivors have told prison interrogators of the tragic death of the family.

Khattab paused, staring at his prisoner.He still has many reservations, but one thing is certain.This person is indeed Izmat Khan; his doubt lies in the second question: Has he been "bought" by the Americans? "So you claim you've declared a personal war? A personal holy war? Have you never regretted it? So what exactly have you done?" "I fought the Northern Alliance, and they were an ally of the Americans." "But that was before November 2001," Khattab said. "The Americans will be in Afghanistan in the fall," Martin said. "That's right. So you fought for Afghanistan...and failed. Now you want to fight for Allah."

Martin nodded. "Just as the chief predicted," he said. For the first time in his life, Dr. Khattab had completely lost his old delicacy.He stared at the face with a black beard across the table for half a minute, his mouth half-opened, and the hand holding the pen stopped in mid-air.Finally, he spoke, as if in a soft whisper: "Have you...really met the Chief?" Khattab had never actually met Osama bin Laden while at training camp.Only once did he see a black Land Cruiser pass by with its windows covered, but it didn't stop.And he was willing to cut his left wrist with a knife for a chance to meet, let alone talk, because in his opinion the Chief was the most important person in the world.Martin met his gaze and nodded.Khattab regained his composure.

"This is the paragraph where you start from the beginning and describe exactly what happened. Don't leave out any details." So Martin told him.He told how he joined his father's volunteer army as a soldier right out of the Koranic school in Peshawar.He recounted how, on a patrol with others, they encountered hostility on a hillside where there was only a clump of rocks for cover. He made no mention of any British officers, any Blowpipe missiles, or the circumstances surrounding the downing of the Hind gunship.He told only the deafening sound of machine gun fire, shrapnel flying all around, rocks and sparks, until the doe finally ran out of ammunition and flew away.

He described what it felt like to have been punched or hit with a hammer in the thigh, and then carried across valleys on the shoulders of his comrades until they found a man with a mule, who carried him. He also described being carried to the caves of Jaki and entrusted to the Saudis who lived and worked there. "But what about the chief? Tell me about the chief," Khattab urged.So Martin told him.The Kuwaitis wrote down their conversation verbatim. "He said to me: 'One day Afghanistan will not need you, but Allah the Merciful will always need warriors like you.'"

"and after?" "He changed the gauze on his leg." "Did the chief replace it?" "No, the doctor with him. The Egyptian." Dr. Khattab leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath of relief.That doctor was, of course, the sheikh's companion and close friend, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri.He once led the Egyptian Islamic jihad fighters to meet the sheikhs and create the "Al Qaeda" organization.Khattab started to pack up his pen and paper. "I have to leave you again. I'm going for a week, maybe longer. You'll have to stay here, and I'm afraid in chains. You've seen too much, and know too much. But if You're really a believer, really 'that Afghan', and you'll be honorably joining us. If not..."

Martin returned to his cell, and the Kuwaitis left.This time, Khattab did not return directly to London.He went to the Hilton Hotel, shut himself up in his room, and wrote earnestly for a day and a night.After finishing writing, he made a few calls with a newly bought "clean" mobile phone, and then went to Deepwater Harbor.In fact, his mobile phone was not intercepted, but even if it was, it would not make sense from his words.Dr. Khattab never aroused the suspicion of the authorities because of his prudence and never slipping up. A few of the calls he made were to arrange a meeting with Faisal bin Salim, the captain of the Pearl, a sailing ship now moored in Dubai harbour.That afternoon, he drove the cheap rental car to Dubai to meet the old captain.Captain Ben Salem took a long, personal letter and hid it carefully in his robes.At 20,000 feet, the predators are still circling and reconnaissance. Islamic terrorist organizations have lost many senior commanders and fighters, and they themselves have not figured out what is going on.Although they are very careful, using cell phones and satellite phones can be dangerous.Western communication interception, wiretapping and decoding technology is too advanced.Another weakness they have is transferring sums of money through the normal banking system. To solve the latter problem they came to use, though somewhat modified, a method almost as old as the previous first caliphate. "Handi" is based on the concept of absolute trust, and any lawyer would object to its use.But it works because any money launderer who defrauds his customers is quickly out of the game, or worse. The payer handed over the cash to "Handi" in place A, and asked his friend to receive the same amount of money in place B, only deducting the commission for "Handi". This "Han" has a trusted partner in B, usually a relative.He notified his partner, instructing him to prepare the cash and give it to a friend of the payer who could identify him. With millions of Muslim migrant workers sending money to family back home without computers or verifiable records, and all in cash, with pseudonyms for sender and recipient, this is practically impossible. The movement of funds cannot be intercepted or traced. As for communication, the solution is for the terrorists to encode their messages with three numbers and send them around the world by e-mail.Only the addressee, with a codebook of as many as three hundred such combinations of numbers, can decipher the message.This method can be used for simple instructions and warnings.Sometimes, long text messages have to travel halfway around the world. Westerners are always in a hurry, but Easterners have plenty of patience.If something is taking a long time, let it take this long.The sailboat Pearl set sail that night and returned to the Pakistani port of Gwadar.There, a loyal emissary arrived on a motorbike along the coast from Karachi.He took the letter and cycled north through Pakistan to the small but frenetic town of Miramusha. There, the dependable person with access to the high mountains of South Waziristan would wait at a designated spot, and the sealed package would change hands again.Replies came by the same route.The process took ten days. But Dr Khattab was not in the Arabian Gulf.He flew to Cairo, then continued west to Morocco.There, he interviewed and selected four North Africans who would be part of the second crew.Because he was not yet under surveillance, his itinerary did not raise alarms. ※※※ Mr. Wei Wenli got a good hand this time.He was short and fat, like a toad, with a football-like head on his shoulders, and his face was pockmarked.But he did a great job. Two days before the sinking of the Java Star, Wei Wenli and his team had arrived at the hidden harbor on the Zamboanga Peninsula in the Philippines.They are from the underworld in Guangdong, so passports and visas are not a problem for them at all.They boarded a cargo ship directly, and the captain had been bribed.In this way, they reached the sea off Hele Island, where they were picked up by two speedboats emerging from a small Philippine harbor. Mr. Wei had already met his employer, Mr. Lampung, and the local leader of the Abu Sayyaf rebels as a referrer. He had seen the dormitory provided to them for twelve staff members, and accepted the hundred dollars paid to him. 50% of the advance payment, at the same time, he made a request to inspect the workshop.After careful inspection, he counted the number of oxygen cylinders and acetylene cylinders, and expressed satisfaction with the facilities here.He then examines those photographs taken in the Port of Liverpool, England.When the Java Star finally came into harbor, he knew what to do and set to work. Ship refitting is his specialty. More than 50 cargo ships sailing in Southeast Asian waters with fake names, fake certificates and fake ship types were all refitted by Mr. Wei.He had already stated that he would need two weeks for this modification, but the other party gave him three weeks, but it could not be postponed for an hour.During this time, the Star of Java will transform into the Countess of Richmond.This, Mr. Wei does not know.He doesn't need to know. In the photographs he examined, the ship's name had been scratched out.Mr. Wei doesn't care about the ship's name and ship's certificate.All he cared about was the shape of the ship. There are several parts of the Java Star that have to be cut open, and some parts that have to be cut away.The welded steel plate should have some characteristics.But most importantly, he will make six long shipping containers, arranged in three pairs on the deck from the bridge to the forepeak. From the outside they look like standard shipping containers, with the logo of the German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd on them.However, they are not true containers.They pass inspection from a distance of several feet.But there is no inner box wall inside; it can be opened into a long corridor, and the top can be moved by hinges, and can be accessed through a new door.The new door opened in the transverse bulkhead below the bridge and was hidden from view unless the person knew where the deadbolt was. Mr. Wei and his workers do not need to do painting work.Terrorists in the Philippines will do the job, and new ship names will be added after he's gone. On the day he fired the acetylene cutter, the freighter Countess of Richmond was passing through the Suez Canal. ※※※ When he returned to the villa, Ali Aziz Khattab seemed to be a different person.He ordered the prisoner to be unshackled and invited him to lunch.His eyes sparkled with excitement. "I've made contact with the chief himself," he whispered contentedly.Obviously, he was extremely honored.The reply to him was not written, but dictated to a messenger in the mountains, to be memorized by his heart.This is also a common method at the top of the al Qaeda organization. The messenger was taken all the way to the Arabian Gulf, and when the sailing ship the Pearl docked, he gave Dr. Khattab the message verbatim. "There is one last procedure," Khattab said. "Would you please pull your robe up to your thighs?" Martin complied.He didn't know Khattab's academic major, only that he had a Ph.D.He hoped it wasn't an MD.The Kuwaiti inspected the wrinkled scar carefully.It was right where he had been told.It had been stitched with six stitches, a surgery performed eighteen years ago in one of Jaqui's caves by a man he admired. "Thank you, friend. The chief himself conveys his regards to you. It is a great honor. Both he and the doctor remember the young warrior and the words he said. "He has authorized me to add you to an operation that will deal a severe blow to the devil Satan. This operation will make the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York seem insignificant. "You are willing to commit your life to Allah. Your wish has been accepted. You will die with honor and become a true martyr. From now on, the great deeds of you and other martyrs will be remembered through the ages." After three weeks of lost time, Dr Khattab is now feeling anxious.Subsequently, the "base" resources in the entire Gulf region were mobilized.A barber came and cut Martin's unkempt hair into a Western style.He also wanted to shave off his beard.Martin objected.As a Muslim and an Afghan, he has to grow a beard.Khattab proposed a compromise, letting Martin trim a clean beard on his chin, but not too long. Khattab's deputy, Suleiman, took several frontal photos of the Afghans and twenty-four hours later produced a flawless passport that identified its bearer as a water conservator in the pro-Western Sultanate of Bahrain. engineer. A tailor also came, took the Afghani's measurements, and brought shoes, trowels, shirt, tie, and a dark gray suit, and a small backpack to hold them. The little traveling party was ready to set off the next day.Suleiman from Abu Dhabi will accompany the Afghans all the way.The other two companions were tall bodyguards recruited locally.That villa has completed its mission and will be thoroughly cleaned and all personnel will be evacuated. Dr. Khattab turned to Martin before taking a step forward. "I appreciate you Afghani. You fought for Allah, bled for Him, suffered the torments and pains of infidels for Him. Now you will die for Him. I wish I could be with you .” He held out his right hand, the British way, and then it occurred to him that he was an Arab, so he embraced the Afghan.At the door, he turned around one last time. "You'll go to heaven before me, Afghan. Save me a place there, friend." Then he left.He always parks his rental car a few hundred yards away and needs to go around two street corners.Outside the gate of the villa, he squatted down, tied his shoelaces as usual, and looked up at the road ahead.Nothing happened on the road except a young girl about two hundred yards away trying to start a moped.But she was a local, wearing a veil that covered her hair and half her face.Still, he was offended by a woman driving a motorcycle. He turned and walked away, toward his car.The girl had started the motorcycle, and amidst the roar of the engine, she leaned over to speak to an item in the basket above the front fender.Her terse English expressions were learned at Cheltenham Ladies' College in England. "Mongoose One is out," she said. Anyone who has ever been involved in what the British poet Rudyard Kipling called "The Great Game," and who has tasted what the CIA's James Angleton described as it, will agree that the toughest opponents are those who "didn't expect the elements of". The premature failure of covert operations due to "unexpected factors" is likely to be more likely to be due to factors such as defection to the enemy or the opponent's clever counterintelligence methods.It almost directly led to the failure of Operation Crowbar.Ironically, it all started with everyone trying to help in the new collaborative atmosphere. The pictures from the predators circling the UAE and the Arabian Sea are being fed back from Tumlet to Edzel Air Force Base in Scotland and they know what's going on and the pictures are being sent to the US military in Tampa, Florida In the communication center, the Americans thought that the British were conducting some daily aerial reconnaissance activities.Martin had demanded to know that he could not enter the enemy's heart with more than twelve people, and now the number was still ten.None of those ten were in Tampa. Groups of Arabs, non-Arabs, cars, taxis, piers and houses were captured by the Predator over the UAE.Due to the large number, it is impossible to check every one of them.But the schooner named the Pearl, with its elderly captain, was under surveillance.So by the time it docks, anyone who gets on board is likely to be cause for concern. But dozens of people went on board.The Pearl will be loaded and unloaded, fueled and supplies will be refueled.While scrubbing the deck, the Omani sailor warmly greeted passers-by.Tourists wander by to see an actual sailing ship made of traditional teak wood used for the nautical trade.Local agents and friends also boarded the ship to visit the captain.When a clean-shaven young Gulf Arab in a white robe and silver silk straw hat came to talk to Captain Faisal bin Salim, he was just one of many guests. Thousands of mugshots of suspected al Qaeda members or sympathizers are stored in the control room at Ezer Air Force Base, and the images sent back from the predators are compared electronically.Dr Khattab did not trigger a red flag because he was not yet known to US and UK intelligence agencies.So Ezer missed him.This kind of thing happens a lot. The elegant young Arab visiting the Pearl sailed unnoticed by Americans in Tampa, but the military sent the images as a gesture to the National Security Agency at Fort Meade and the Washington's National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees spy satellites.The NSA forwarded it to their British partner, GCHQ in Cheltenham.The latter took a closer look, missed Khattab, and passed the images on to the counterintelligence agency, the British Security Service, also known as MI5. Not far downstream from the Houses of Parliament along the banks of the Thames is MI5, which works in the Thames Building.There, a trainee, eager to make some achievements, was struggling to find the faces of all the guests who had boarded the Pearl sailing ship in the vast "face recognition database". Not so long ago, facial recognition relied on talented intelligence officers looking at photos captured at the scene with a magnifying glass in a semi-dark office, trying to answer two questions: Who is the person in the photo?Is it something we've seen before?It is often a solitary, grueling pursuit, and it can sometimes take years for a professional analyst to develop a sixth sense of how the "friend" in the photo was in Delhi, India, five years ago. It was at a Vietnamese diplomatic cocktail party in 1999, so it must have come from the KGB. Then came the computer.Software has been developed that can reduce the human face to six hundred tiny dimensions and store them.This software seems to mean that every face in the world can be broken down into sizes.The distance between the eyes, the width of the nose, the distance between the eyebrows, the size of the lips can be accurate to the micron, and the ears... oh ears.Facial analysts love ears.Every fold, wrinkle, curve, bend and lobe is different.They are like fingerprints.Even the left and right ears of the same head are not the same.Plastic surgeons don't take it too seriously, but a skilled facial observer can tell the difference between the two ears. The memory bank of the computer software is vastly larger than the thousand faces stored at Ezell Air Force Base.It houses criminals who obviously have no political agenda, because they would also work for terrorists if the price was right.It has tens of thousands of faces of those who participated in the demonstrations.Whenever marching protesters walk down the street holding placards and chanting slogans, they will be filmed by hidden cameras.And the database is not limited to Brits.In short, it holds millions of human faces around the world. Computers deciphered the face talking to the captain of the Pearl, and the blurred image at long distances was complemented by a sharp photo of the man looking up at a jetliner taking off from Abu Dhabi airport, identifying six hundred of it size and start comparing.It even adjusts for changes in facial hair. Although the computer is running fast, it takes another hour to complete the job.In the end, however, it found him. The owner of the face appeared outside a mosque in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, cheering a speech on stage.The intelligence services now have information about the speaker, a fanatical supporter of al Qaeda in the UK named Abu Qatada, and the crowd he faced on that day in late September 2001, is an extremist group that supports jihad. The MI5 cadet extracted the student's mugshot from the file and took it to his supervisor.And so the picture went to that formidable Chief, Mrs. Elisa Manningham.She ordered a follow-up investigation on that person.At that time, no one knew that the trainee had discovered the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization in the UK. It took some more time, but here's the catch: He went through a formal study route to a Ph.D.His name is Ali Aziz Khattab, and he is a highly integrated British academic who now teaches at Aston University in Birmingham. From what the authorities could tell, he was either a fairly successful long-term undercover operative, or a fool who dabbled with extreme politics as a student.If all the citizens who belong to the latter are arrested, then this number will exceed the police. Since the day outside the mosque, he has apparently never approached extremists, just to be on the safe side.But a stupid young man with a change of mind should not be in Abu Dhabi port talking to the captain of the Pearl or something... So, he falls into the first category, an al Qaeda undercover agent, unless otherwise evidence. Further undercover checks revealed he had returned to the UK to continue his work in the laboratory.The choice now: arrest him or spy on him?The problem is that an unintelligible aerial photo doesn't prove his guilt.So they decided to monitor the scholar, albeit at a higher cost. A week later, the puzzle was solved when Dr. Khattab bought a plane ticket back to the Arabian Gulf.This time, it's up to the British special investigation team to carry out the task. For many years, Britain has had one of the best scouting forces in the world.Its name was Fourteenth Intelligence Company, or Task Force for short.This is a particularly stealthy force.Different from the Special Air Force Regiment and the Sea Service Regiment, its specialty is not being brave and good at fighting, but its talent is extremely stealthy and highly skilled eavesdropping, secretly filming and stalking.It is very effective against the IRA in Northern Ireland. In several cases, it was information provided by the task force that led the SAS to lay an ambush and wipe out a terrorist group.A task force, unlike a field force, uses many female soldiers.As stalkers, they generally do not cause vigilance and fear, but their ability to gather intelligence is impressive. In 2005, the British government decided to expand and upgrade the task force.It became the "Special Reconnaissance Squad".At the military parade where the Special Investigation Corps was formed, everyone, including the general commanding the unit, was photographed, but only from the waist down.Its headquarters is still a secret. If the Special Air Force and Sea Service are mysterious, then the Special Investigation is invisible.Accordingly, Mrs. Elisa Manningham, the director of MI5, requested and was granted permission for a special investigation team to be dispatched. When Dr. Khattab boarded a passenger plane bound for Dubai at London Heathrow Airport, six scouts from the special investigation team were scattered and mixed among the three hundred passengers on board.One of them, a young accountant, sat in the seat behind the Kuwaiti. Because this is just a tracking operation, it is reasonable to ask for the cooperation of the UAE special forces.Since it was discovered that Marwan Sheikh, the terrorist who caused the World Trade Center bombing in New York, was from the UAE, and since the White House threatened to bomb Al Jazeera in Qatar, the UAE has become extremely sensitive to Islamic extremism. The most sensitive area is Dubai - Home of the Special Forces Command. Therefore, after the special investigation team landed, the responders had already prepared two rented cars and two mopeds in case Dr. Khattab was picked up by car.Special investigation team members have found that he was carrying only carry-on luggage.So their worries were unfounded, and he rented a small Japanese sedan, which gave them time to get ready. He was first followed from the airport to the bay in Dubai, where the Pearl was moored after returning from Gwadar.This time, instead of approaching the ship, he stood by the car a hundred yards away until Captain Ben Salem spotted him. A few minutes later, a strange young man emerged from below the Pearl's deck, walked through the crowd, and whispered something in the Kuwaiti's ear.This is the reply from the man in the mountains of Waziristan.Khattab had a look of surprise on his face. He then drove along the busy road to the coast, through Ajman and Umm Al Quwain, to Ras Al Khaimah.There, he went to the Hilton Hotel, checked in and went to his room to change.It was a good thing he did, because the three young female soldiers of the Special Reconnaissance Squad were able to use the opportunity to go to the women's bathroom and change into their body-covering gowns before heading back to their car. Dr. Khattab appeared in a white robe, and he drove from the hotel to the city.He tried several tricks to shake off the "tail", but without success.In the Arabian Gulf, motorcycles are everywhere, men, women and children are riding, and people's clothes are mostly similar, and it is difficult for riders to tell each other.Since accepting the assignment, the tracking team has gone through all the road maps of the seven emirates, memorizing every road.In this way, he was followed all the way to the villa. If the members of the special investigation team still had some doubts before, thinking that he might be a normal person, then his tail-flicking trick completely exposed him.No innocent person would do that.He never spent the night in that villa, and the female scout from the special investigation team followed him back to Hilton.Three male scouts found a position on a hill overlooking the villa and began to watch all night.No one came in or out of the villa. The next day the situation changed and a guest came.The stalkers had no way of knowing, but the guests had brought new passports and new clothes.Their car license plates were taken and one of them was to be followed and arrested at a later date.The third is the barber, who will also be followed in the future. At the end of the second day, Khattab reappeared for one last business.It was at this time that female scout Katie Sexton pretended to start the motorcycle on the side of the road to warn her colleagues: the target was out. At the Hilton, the Kuwaiti academic gave away his plans in what he said in his room, which had been bugged in his absence.He booked a flight from Dubai to London the next morning.He was followed all the way to his home in Birmingham, but he was unaware of it. MI5 has made a major breakthrough.The beautiful operation was circulated "for viewing only" among four people in the British intelligence community.One of them was Steve Hill, chief of the SIS Middle East Division.His success was almost imminent. Predator was reassigned to watch the villa from above the desert outside Ras Al Khaimah. But it was noon in London and afternoon in the Bay.What this "big bird" saw was the cleaner going in.Then, a group of people suddenly attacked the castle. It was too late to stop the pursuing unit of the Emirati Special Forces, commanded by former British officer Dave De Forest.De Forest's friend, the head of the Secret Service's intelligence station in Dubai rushed over immediately after hearing the news.Immediately, rumors spread that the "attack" was only because a neighbor who had a grudge with the owner of the castle reported him. The two cleaners don't know anything.They came from a domestic service agency, were paid in advance and had their keys handed over to them in advance.They hadn't finished cleaning, and there were clumps of black hair, obviously hair and beards, but of a different texture.Other than that, there is no sign of ever being inhabited here. Neighbors also reported a van with its doors and windows fully covered, but no one remembered the license plate number.The car was eventually found abandoned and the investigation turned out to be a stolen car, but it was too late to turn up any leads. The tailor and barber were a boon, and they confessed right away.But according to their description, there were five men in the villa.Khattab is known.Suleiman was identified with a mugshot because he was on a local list of suspects.The situation of the two bodyguards was also described, but they were not able to be numbered. A fifth caught the attention of De Forest, who spoke fluent Arabic.The intelligence station chief of the secret intelligence bureau also joined in later.The tailor and the barber are two Gulf Arabs from Ajman, and they are just ordinary craftsmen. The people in that room knew nothing about the Afghans, they just made a detailed note and handed it over to London.No one knew about the passports because Suleiman had made them all himself.No one could understand why London would be so sensitive to a big man with tousled black hair and a big beard.他们所能报告的是他现在已经把须发剃得干干净净,而且很可能穿上了两件套的深色马海毛西服。 然而,理发师和裁缝讲述的最后一段内容的片断,使史蒂夫·希尔、马雷克·古米尼和在埃泽尔空军基地的工作小组兴奋起来。 那些海湾阿拉伯人把那个人当作上宾对待。他显然正在做离开前的准备。他并没有死在阿拉伯湾一座房子里的地砖上。 在埃泽尔,迈克尔·麦克唐纳和戈登·菲利普虽然有些纳闷,但还是分享了这份喜悦。他们知道,他们派出的特工已经通过了所有的考验,被接受为一个真正的圣战战士。经过几周的担忧,他们已经获得了马丁依然活着的第二个信号。 但他们的特工是否已经发现了关于“黄貂鱼”计划的任何情报或者整个行动的目标?Where did he go?他有没有办法联系他们? 实际上,即使他们和特工联系上也是徒劳的。他也爱莫能助,因为他自己也对计划一无所知。 而且谁也不知道里士满伯爵夫人号货轮正在新加坡卸载捷豹轿车。
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