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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

fourth king 马里奥·普佐 4377Words 2018-03-21
The murder attempt failed, Kennedy survived, the polls showed his approval ratings skyrocketing, and by November he was on track to be re-elected as President of the United States.Not only that, but his landslide victory, which sent almost all of his hand-picked candidates into Congress, gave the president control of both houses of Congress at last as he wished. In the period leading up to his inauguration from November to January, Kennedy had his administration work with a new, cooperative Congress to draft new laws. He also brought in the press, and some newspapers, some television, fueled the flames, making educated nonsense that Yabry, Gris, and Tibbert, and the last attempt to murder the president were all part of the same huge conspiracy, and some news The magazine also covered the issue extensively with a cover headline.

Privately, when President Kennedy revealed to his top aides his grand blueprint for reforming the American system of government, they were all stunned.According to his plan, the government will form a powerful management organization to weaken large companies. The management and control of large companies are no longer limited to the scope of civil law, but can also be criminalized by criminal law.Obviously, the end result is that many of them will be tried for subversion of the state.In fact, Kennedy jotted down the names of Moche, Celadin, Odick, and Greenville. Kennedy emphasized that the most effective way to win the support of the American public is to completely eliminate crime from American society.An important part of his social reform program is to pass a constitutional amendment to impose harsh penal laws on criminals.In addition, not only the legal provisions on the evidence required for criminal crimes need to be amended to facilitate sentencing and conviction, but also stipulate in the form of law that new medical brain detectors must be used in criminal cases to determine the facts of crimes.

But the most jaw-dropping plan was to set up permanent labor camps in the icy wilds of Alaska, where repeated criminals would be sent to serve life sentences. Francis Kennedy told his top personal aides: "I want you to look at these plans, but if you don't keep up with these reforms, I am prepared to accept your resignation, though I will be sad. Hope You reply within three days." Sure enough, during these three days, Adblad Gray requested a private meeting with the President.They had lunch together in the yellow Oval Office. Gray appeared extremely formal, deliberately downplaying his past relationship with Kennedy. "Mr. President," he said, "I must declare to you that I oppose your plan to eliminate crime in this country."

"These programs are necessary," Kennedy said primly. "We finally have a Congress that can pass the necessary laws." "I can't figure out the labor camps in Alaska," Gray said. "Why?" Kennedy asked, "Only repeat offenders are sent to that place. Hundreds of years ago the British solved the same problem by sending criminals to Australia.It's good for both parties. " Kennedy looked cold and impatient, but Adblad Grace was unflinching, saying indignantly, "It's not like you don't know that most criminals are black."

"Then get them out of crime," Kennedy said, "and get them into the social development process." Gray retorted: "Then let your big companies stop exploiting black people..." "Don't talk nonsense, Otto," Kennedy said. "It's not a racist issue. I've proved to you over the years we've worked together that I'm not a racist. Now do you trust me or the Socrates Club?" "I don't trust anybody in this kind of thing," Adblad Gray said. "I'll tell you the truth," Kennedy said, almost angrily, "what's wrong with weeding out black criminals from the black population? Black people are the primary victims, why should the victims protect the criminals? Otto, I have to be blunt, white people in this country, rightly or wrongly, are terrified of black criminals, what's wrong with mixing mostly black and white middle class?"

"Your proposal is to eliminate a large part of the younger generation of black people," Gray said. Sith, what about the next president? He might use labor camps for political prisoners." "That wasn't my intention," Kennedy said, and then smiled. "Besides, maybe I'll stay longer than you think." This made Gray shudder. Could it be that Kennedy is considering amending the Constitution so that he can be re-elected for a third term as president?Alarm bells rang in Gray's mind. "It's not that simple." Lu Lei said, and then became bolder, "You will change too."

Then he could feel that Kennedy was changing, and in an instant they were enemies. "You stay with me or you go," Kennedy said. "You're accusing me of exterminating a whole generation of black people. That's not true. They're sent to labor camps to be re-educated into a law-abiding society. Citizens. My measures against the Socrates Club are far more violent than they are, they are cornered, and I want to destroy them." Gray saw that Kennedy was unwavering. He had never seen a president so determined or so ruthless, and he felt himself starting to faint.At this time, Kennedy put his hand on his shoulder and said: "Otto, don't abandon me now, we will build a great America together."

"I'll give you an answer when you take office," Gray said, "but don't kid me, Francis, if we niggers suffer in the snow, I want more white people to suffer too. .” Vice President Helen Du Ripo and Dr. Anaconi were invited to a meeting held by President Kennedy and his staff in the Cabinet Room.Kennedy knew that he had to be extra careful. These people knew him best, and he must not let them notice his plans and steps.He said to them, "Dr. Anaconi has something to announce to you that may surprise you." Anaconi announced that the PET brain detector has been improved through research and has eliminated 10% of the original defects that may cause sequelae, and now this danger has been reduced by only 1/1000, almost reaching the point of perfection .Kennedy listened absentmindedly, and then smiled knowingly when Helen Duripo angrily declared that the law should never compel a free citizen to take such a test, which he had expected her to do.

Anaconi is really a scholar, his face is too thin, and his face is full of grievances immediately.Kennedy was getting happier. But when he heard Gray, Fox and Daisy express their support for the vice president's opinion one after another, he couldn't be happy.He guessed correctly that Christy Corley would not speak. They all watched Kennedy to see where he was going.He had to convince them they were right.He slowly said: "I know there will be many difficulties, but I am determined to put this kind of brain test into law and become a law, not all of it—there is still a certain danger in this thing, although it is very small. However, Dr. Anaconi assured me that after further research, even this little risk would be reduced to zero. This is a revolutionary scientific experiment that will change our society, and we will, no matter how difficult it may be, Be determined to overcome."

Anaconi whispered, "Congress will not pass a law like this." "We will let them pass." Kennedy said with a grin. "This technological achievement will be extended to other countries, and all intelligence agencies will use it. Of course we must use it." He laughed and said to Anaconi, "I see cuts to your funding. Lawyers should be out of work if your inventions are causing so much trouble. But at least no one will be convicted innocent again." He stood up, walked to the large glass window, stared at the rose garden, deliberately created an atmosphere, and then said:

"I want to show my resolve in this matter. I have been repeatedly accused by those who disliked us of being responsible for the atomic bombing, saying that I could have prevented it. Eugene, I want you to help Dr. Anaconi arrange For a moment, I want to be the first person to receive a PET brain test. Immediately. Arrange for formal legal monitoring procedures." He smiled at Corley and said, "The question you're asking is were you in any way responsible for the detonation of the bomb? I will answer. He paused, then continued, "In addition to me, my Attorney General will also take this test." ok chris " "No problem," Corley said, unease and half-truth, "but you're first." at Walter.Reed Hospital, specially prepared a set of rooms for President Kennedy, one of the special conference rooms sat President Kennedy and his aides Weeks, Gray and Daisy, as well as Vice President Duberry, Representative Kintz And Senator Lambertino, and three other brilliant medical scientists were invited to oversee and record the results of the big test. Dr. Anaconi prepared the slides, turned on the projector, and began his narration: "As you already know, the experiment we are going to conduct uses a modified and accurate polygraph - the positron Radiation X-ray perspective detector, referred to as PET detector, we use this kind of instrument to measure the activity level of specific chemical drugs injected into the human brain, and can judge the authenticity of the words spoken by the testee. We have been in St. Louis The following slides show the brain activity of some of the test subjects during limited demonstrations made at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Washington, D.C..” Long slides, one after another, are projected on a large white screen in front of them.Vibrant colors indicate corresponding changes in different brain regions when the test taker reads, listens or speaks, or even simply thinks about a word.Dr. Anaconi used blood and glucose to label the radioactive markers. "The beauty of the PET detector," said Dr. Anaconi, "is that the brain activity is visualized. A bright spot in the back of the brain indicates that a person is reading a book, and the dark blue patch in the middle of the brain In the colored area, you see, there is an irregular spot of blood, with a little pink and blue, which indicates speech; and in the front of the brain, there is a similar spot, which indicates that the person is thinking. In these different brains that are broken down area, we put on magnetic resonance images, and the whole brain is now like a magic lamp." Dr. Anaconi looked around to see if others were following his explanation, and then went on to say: "Do you see that point in the middle of the brain changing? If the test subject is lying, the amount of blood rushing into the brain will decrease." increase to form another image.” The blood spot in the middle of the brain surprisingly turned into a red circle surrounded by irregular yellow. "The testee is lying." Dr. Anaconi said, "When the President is tested, what you are looking for is this red dot with a yellow mark." The doctor nodded to the President and said, "Now we are here. to the testing room." In a leaden wall room, Francis Kennedy was lying on a cold hard plank bed, and a long and large metal cylinder loomed behind him. Dr. Anaconi was on Kennedy's forehead and cheek Putting on the metal mask, Kennedy shuddered. He hated putting anything on his face; the Doctor tied his hands around his sides and pushed the table into the large cylinder, which was even narrower than he expected. , dark, and suffocating, he placed a circle of radioactive crystal detectors around him. Then Kennedy heard the echo of Dr. Anaconi's words, hollow, instructing him to look at a white cross over his eyes, and you had to keep your eyes on that white cross.The doctor repeatedly exhorted. In a room in the basement of the hospital five floors down, a pneumatic lead tube containing a syringe filled with radioactive oxygen, the aluminum tube was like an isotope cyclotron. When the command came from the testing room above, the lead pipe was like a small rocket spiraling through the pipes hidden in the walls of the hospital building until it reached its target.Dr. Anaconi opened the pneumatic lead tube, took the syringe out in his hand, and walked over to the PET detector.Kennedy heard his echoing hollow voice say, "Injection." Then he felt the doctor push the needle into his arm. At one end of the detector, a side of closed glass separates the people in the other room, and we can only see the end of Kennedy's feet.Dr. Anaconi came out of the detector room, turned on the computer screen on the wall, and everyone could see Kennedy's brain activity. They saw the drug circulating in Kennedy's blood, releasing antimatter positron particles, and Produces the energy of gamma ray fission. They watched the generally radioactive blood flow to Kennedy's visual cortex, releasing beams of gamma rays, all of which were received by the circle of radioactive detectors in the large cylinder. Kennedy kept staring at the white cross as instructed. Then, through the sound transmission equipment connected to the detector, Kennedy began to listen to Dr. Anaconi's questions. "Your Name Card" Francis Ixwell Kennedy. " "Occupation?" "President of the United States." "Are you connected to the plot to detonate the atomic bomb in New York?" "No, I don't know," Kennedy replied.Inside the great black cylinder, his words falling like a breeze on his face, Dr. Anaconi stared at the computer screen above his head. The screen shows the shape of the bluish brain matter in Kennedy Yomi's head. The people in the room watched intently. But there are no yellow dots or red circles that indicate lies. "The president is telling the truth," Dr. Anaconi said. Christy Curley felt weak in his knees and knew he couldn't pass such a test.
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