Home Categories foreign novel life for sale

Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Five

life for sale 三岛由纪夫 2722Words 2018-03-21
That was the end of that night, but since then, his relationship with Reiko has suddenly become tense. He had to be wary of the food and drink provided by Reiko. "There's no poison in it. I've tried it first." Although Reiko said this jokingly, she was also very careful to prevent Han Reno from escaping. When Reiko made this kind of joke, her eyes were full of poison, she no longer said those gentle and innocent words, and began to have a somewhat contemptuous tone in her speech. "You are such a person who cherishes life, it will be bad if you catch a cold."

"You have to live to be a hundred years old." "Let's really raise a Spitz. Because I'm really worried about relying on you alone. If there is any danger, you, the knight, will probably run for your own life." "You have to worry about three meals a day. It's really hard for you. I might as well add some nutrients to your meals." No matter where Yu Reno went, Reiko would follow him like a shadow, and wherever Reiko wanted to go, she would definitely pull Yu Reno to follow her. Reiko's clothes appear more promiscuous than before, and she begins to overuse sleeping pills again.She also invented weird designs one after another. She got inspiration from lanterns and made a round paper dress that looked like she had put lanterns around her body. Shouting "I'm a lantern. It's full of fire. Rip me! Rip me." Telling the other young lads to tear her lantern, and dance around in nothing but a petticoat.

When she was oblivious to herself, Han Reno wanted to see the opportunity to escape, but Reiko seemed to have a very keen intuition. "Where are you going?" Reiko immediately stood in front of him.Even if Yu Ren-nan went to the bathroom, she would stay outside the door. Reiko said before that she has the ability to predict and prophesy because of taking medicine. At this time, she looked at Yu Rennan's face and said: "You plan to run away from me tonight. I won't let you go. You can do it at any time for convenience. Escape, tie your bankbook in your belly, sleep with you. I know it all. What a coward. Miser. If you try to escape, I'll kill you. If you don't escape, you can Live longer. How? Because I'm already crazy. I didn't know before that being crazy is such a happy thing. If I knew this, I should have gone crazy earlier."

She danced and yelled amidst the noise of the sex dance. One night, Reiko suddenly complained of a stomachache and asked Yureno to accompany him to the bathroom. As a last resort, Yureno had to go with him. As a result, the other female customers made a commotion and ran to complain to the boss. This is the last chance! He rushed to the night city street without looking back. He took as many winding and complicated paths as possible, and went to places that others did not expect.Because he ran fast and hurriedly, he attracted the attention of passers-by, and at this moment when there were few taxis, he was afraid of spending time negotiating with the wordy taxi driver, so he could only keep walking, not Dare to stop for a while.

Every minute and every second now hides a crisis. In short, he took a long detour, sneaked into the intricate houses, shuttled between the alleys with neon lights, stepped on the corpses of mice, pushed away the warblers that were pulling his sleeves, and wanted to go to a place that could make him feel at ease. place. Walking, I came to a dark third-rate residential street, a quiet house, forming a residential area connected by low eaves under the elevated railway.There is a mountain of rubbish next to the embankment. Not only is the road not paved with asphalt, but in the darkness without street lights, the ground is also full of gravel after construction.

Maybe it was because he was only on his way that he didn't notice it before. Han Rennan wiped his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief, slowed down his pace slightly, and was about to turn into a side alley when he suddenly heard someone's footsteps walking behind him.Whenever he started walking there were footsteps, and when he stopped the footsteps stopped. He turned around and saw no one, but whenever he started to take a step, the sound of footsteps followed quietly behind him. He changed his mind and thought, could it be the echo of his own footsteps? He decided not to take this matter to heart, but when he was about to enter the brightly lit city street, he realized that he had been picking on the dark place before. In fact, he wanted to come to the bright place earlier, but when he quickened his pace, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his thigh.

It is impossible to be bitten by mosquitoes in this season.But the pain went away in no time, so he walked on, and was relieved to finally come to the bright road. Of course, every store is closed.The bright lily-of-the-valley-shaped street lamps illuminate the signboards and shop windows emptily, and the noisy cars come and go. It is an extremely ordinary street. Yu Rennan found a seat lamp signboard at the entrance of the alley across the road, with white characters written on it: "800 yuan for accommodation, 300 yuan for rest." After confirming that no one was around, he crossed the road, looked around again, and walked into the alley.

This small hotel called Huiguang Pavilion is indeed a love hotel, but I don’t know why such a hotel is opened in this kind of place. The hanging lights on the eaves of the porch were dimly lit, and even the flying ants, which looked very weak, circled around the round hanging lights.After opening the glass door, the counter could not be seen, only a sticker that said "If there is no one in the store, please ring the bell", and there was a yellow bell button with cracks underneath, and Yuhito pressed it. A bell rang quietly in the house.Soon there was the sound of someone tripping and knocking something to the ground. Someone yelled "It hurts", followed by a series of coughing sounds, and a petite old lady walked out.

"Hello, do you want to stay?" She looked at Yu Rennan with fierce eyes with white eyes and said. "Yes, are there any rooms available?" Yuhito thought to himself that there must be many vacant rooms anyway, but he still asked out of politeness. "The better rooms are already fully booked. Although the economy is not good now, our business is booming. Although we don't have air-conditioning and other facilities, we are full of guests in summer, because we are located in a more secluded place, so it is convenient for guests In and out. Just like a pawn shop.” Hearing what she said, Yu Rennan had an intuition that this is a hotel for people to peep.If she insisted on providing a "better room", she would definitely offer a high price of 5,000 yen, hit the guest hard, and then take the guest to a room with a small hole for peeping.In this regard, the old lady's words are really ingenious.Although there is no air-conditioning, there are still many guests in summer. This sentence indirectly implies the special service of this hotel, which is self-evident.

But Yu Rennan just replied coldly, "It doesn't matter, just give me a room that is not close. It's 800 yuan a night, right?" When the old lady heard the words, she suddenly seemed to pull down the iron door on her face, and her face sank.Then he led Hareno to a long and thin room with three tatami mats on the second floor, which looked like a storage room. After accepting 800 yen, he left a sentence, "The quilt is in the cabinet. When you want to go to bed, please make the bed yourself." ", and walked down the stairs, making a creaking sound.There is no intention of serving tea.

Yu Rennan was exhausted and wanted to fall asleep, so he wanted to ask the old lady to make the bed for him, but he thought to himself, even if he said it, it would only cause a blank stare, so he gave up. The sound, like a car driving into the house, shook the small, slender room.It was the sound of the sea tide at night in the city.There was a woman's scream from across the corridor.But immediately after the scream, there was a soft sigh like a silk thread, so Haruhito decided to ignore it.There was a faint smell of toilets in the air. Behind the ceiling should be a starry sky surrounded by smog. Thinking of this, Hahito used his hand as a pillow, looked up at the ceiling with a large puddle of rain stains, and felt the device of the gods.Behind the ceiling of the large conference hall with crystal chandeliers, and behind the ceiling of this kind of hotel like a rat's nest, there is the same magnificent starry sky.Misery and loneliness, happiness and success are all the same under this starry sky.As long as you turn around, no matter where you are, you will definitely see the same starry sky.Therefore, his meaningless life is also closely connected with this starry sky.Hahito may be the "little prince" living in this cheap hotel. He dragged out the wet and cold quilt, and laid it on the floor casually. He thought it was troublesome, and wanted to sleep like this directly, but because he felt very restrained, he rudely took off his trousers.At this moment, he felt a stabbing pain in his leg.It seemed that a small thorn had penetrated his leg through the trousers.He looked everywhere for the thorn, but couldn't find it anywhere.After carefully checking with the light, I found that a broken thorn had penetrated into the skin, forming a black spot. Although it did not bleed, it felt faintly painful. He tried to sleep, but couldn't sleep.Reiko's face appeared in his mind, staring at him, while sticking his fingers into the "Ant House", grabbed two or three ants, and sprinkled them on his face. This fantasy kept haunting him.Soon, the thigh gradually felt pain, and it seemed to start to have a fever. The whole leg became hot and heavy, and it became more and more difficult to sleep.
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