Home Categories Chinese history "General History of Taiwan" Volume 1

Chapter 4 Preface by Mr. Lin Nanqiang

Taiwan turns its back to the ruins and faces Qizhou. Is it what Liezi called Daiyu and Yuanqiao?Zhiyan has different names for Taiwan, some are called Dawan, or some are called "Taiwan Yuan".Before the founding of the country by the Zheng family, the land was actually occupied by the ancient peoples. They were full without farming, warm without weaving, and used the flowers and grass to grow.Living in rocks and drinking in valleys, watching birds and animals, not being bothered by affairs, but enjoying physical pleasure, this is not the so-called immortal in ancient times!It is also because the population is not numerous, but it is able to sit and enjoy the natural benefits of the world.

I heard the old saying, my family is the first to do this, try to work as servants in various fields, kill thorns and hazels for them, set up rice paddies, work hard all the year round, don't worry about peaceful places, and the winners will cut down on food and clothing.He sits and collects 15 taxes, but he is always suffering and not enough. In the end, he goods his products to me.Therefore, when viewing husbands with grass clothes and wood food, the blessings of heaven can not be said to be unreasonable.Make it closed and self-defense, without competing with others, even though it is still proud of Cangzhou.

Once someone else enters the house, taking advantage of the flaws, and the difference between the months and the years, he is not aware of it, and he remains ignorant and does not change.Husbands have the habit of keeping things simple because they are simple, so it is appropriate for them to gain in the sky and lose to others.I also heard that my ancestors plowed grass on this soil, and they were buried in the belly of snakes and hogs, and those who were buried in the ruins of Zhenmang were unknown, so they called it "burying injustice."However, those who die at the end of the day will lose the power of management one after another.It has been recuperated and rested for hundreds of years now, and the benefit is more and the benefit is greater. There are many eaters and few live.Although those with little strength will bear it and go away, I know that Qiao Mu Xianchou will still change hands, and what's more, it's so coincidental that the strength is different from each other?The remains of carved inscriptions and chiseled teeth in the remote mountains and poor valleys are already snickered and discussed.Those who read this book in the world also think of the hard work of the road and the blue thread, and they are ashamed of the changes of the people in the city.

Bing Chen Xia Wu Dong Ning Lin Zi edited at the foot of Xuefeng
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