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Chapter 7 The fourth scene is the same as before. Street

The Merchant of Venice 莎士比亚 689Words 2018-03-20
Enter Graciano, Lorenzo, Salarino, and Salagno. Lorenzo No, we slipped out at supper time, and made up at my flat, and we'll be back in an hour's work. Gratiano We are not ready yet. SARARINO We haven't mentioned the torch bearer yet. Salagnona must go through some training, otherwise it will be a joke; in my opinion, it is better not to. Lorenzo It's only four o'clock; we have two hours to get ready. Enter Launcelot. Lorenzo Launcelot friend, what news do you bring? Launcelot, please open this letter, as if it would tell you. Lorenzo I know the handwriting; the words are beautifully written; the hands that write this letter are whiter than the paper.

Graciano must be a love letter. Lord Launcelot, take your leave, my little one. Lorenzo, where are you going? Launcelot Well, my lord, I'm going to ask my old master, the Jew, to dine with my new master, Christian, to-night. Lorenzo, take your time, I will reward you with these few coins; go and reply to gentle Jessica, I will not miss her appointment; be careful not to be heard by others when you speak.Everyone, let's go. (Exit Launcelot) Will you go to the masquerade to-night?I already have one with a torch. Salarino Yes, I'll get ready right away. I will go to Salagno. Lorenzo At about one o'clock we will all meet at Gratiano's apartment.

Salarino is good. (Exit Salarino and Salagno.) Didn't Jessica write you that Graciano letter? Lorenzo I must tell you everything.She has taught me how to lead her out of her father's house, and how much gold and jewels she has with her, and how she is ready to dress like a child.If her Jew father should ever go to heaven, it must be because of God's favor on his good daughter; bad luck would never touch her again, except because her father was a treacherous Jew.Come, come with me; you may read this letter as you go.Beautiful Jessica will carry the torch for me. (same below.)
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