Home Categories literary theory Wen Xin Diao Long
Wen Xin Diao Long

Wen Xin Diao Long


  • literary theory

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 48367

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Chapter 1 The original way first

Wen Xin Diao Long 刘勰 763Words 2018-03-20
The virtue of literature is also great, so what about those who live side by side with heaven and earth?Fuxuan and yellow are mixed, square and round, and the body is divided. The sun and the moon are stacked to show the image of the beautiful sky;Looking up at Tuyao, looking down at Hanzhang, high and low are positioned, so Liangyi is born.But ginseng, which is loved by the soul, is called the three talents.To be the beauty of the five elements, to realize the heart of heaven and earth, to speak from the heart, and to be civilized, is the way of nature. Nearby and all kinds of goods, animals and plants are all written: dragons and phoenixes are painted with algae to show auspiciousness, tigers and leopards are painted with brilliance and beauty; clouds and clouds are carved with colors that surpass the beauty of painters;How can a husband be decorated externally to cover his natural ears.As for the sound of forest sounds, the tune is like a yurt; the rhyme of springs and stones is like a ball, and the harmony is like a ball: therefore, when the shape is established, the chapter is formed, and the sound is produced, the text is born.The husband uses the things of ignorance, which are full of beauty, and the tools with the heart, are they uneducated?

The origin of humanities originates from Taiji, praises the gods, and the image in "Yi" is the first.The painting of Pao Xi begins, and the end of Zhong Ni Wing.And "Qian" and "Kun" are the only two "Classical Chinese".The text of words is also the heart of heaven and earth!If it is "Hetu" pregnant with gossip, "Luoshu" is almost nine domains, the reality of jade plate and gold carving, and the flower of Danwen and green card, who is the corpse?It's just divine. Since the bird traces replaced the ropes, the writing began to flourish, and the legacy of Yan Hao has been recorded, but the age is lingering, and the voice is overwhelming.Tang Yu's articles are full of glory.The head of state set up songs, which not only showed the ambition of chanting; Yiji Chen Mo also hung down the wind of playing.Xia Hou's family prospered, with great achievements, nine prefaces but only songs, honor and virtue.Caught up to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the text is superior to its quality, and "Ya" and "Song" are captured, and Yinghua is called new.King Wen was worried, he resigned to Bingyao, and Fucai returned to hermit, with a strong and profound meaning.Emphasis on the multiple talents of Gongdan, invigorating its emblem, writing poems and praises, and saying a lot.As far as the master succeeds the sage, he only shows off the former philosophers, melts the six classics, and the golden sound will vibrate the jade; carve the temperament, organize the rhetoric, the muduo inspires and responds thousands of miles away, Xi Zhen flows and echoes forever, writes the glory of heaven and earth, dawn The eyes and ears of the living people.

From the surname of Feng, cum to Confucius, the Xuansheng created the classics, and the Su Wang wrote the precepts. They all set up teachings based on the Taoist heart and studied the divine principles. The images are like "He" and "Luo", and the questions are almost like turtles Observing astronomy for extreme changes, and observing humanities for transformation; then you can use Jingwei District Yu, Mi Lun Yixian, develop your career, and shine brightly.Therefore, we know that along the sage, the text is used, and the sage's text is used to clarify the way, bypassing without stagnation, daily use without shortage. "Yi" said: "The one who inspires the world's movement exists in words." The reason why words can inspire the world is the writing of Tao.

Praise said: The heart of the Tao is small, and the principles of the gods are taught.Brilliant Yuansheng, Bingyao Renxiao. The dragon map presents the body, and the tortoise script presents the appearance.The view of astronomy is the same as that of the people.
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