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Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Three

I said 南怀瑾 3836Words 2018-03-20
Xi Yan is natural.Therefore, the wind does not last forever, and the showers do not last all day.Who is for this?world.Heaven and earth can't last long, let alone people?Therefore, those who practice the Tao, the Taoist is the same as the Tao, the virtuous are the same as the virtues, and the losers are the same as the lost.Those who are the same as Tao, Tao is also happy to get it.Those who are the same as virtue are also happy to get it.Like those who lose, those who lose are also happy to gain.There is not enough faith, there is no faith. this is not that natural What is "Xi Yan"?We all know that in the Yangtze River area, friends who haven't seen each other for a long time come to visit occasionally, and they are called "rare guests", which means rare distinguished guests. "Xi Yan" is a famous saying that is rarely used.reincarnation.On a higher level, it means "words without words, words without words".For example, the saying of "unspeakable" in Buddhist scriptures, the highest truth and the highest realm cannot be expressed in words.Similarly, the highest metaphysical principles cannot be expressed in proper words. This is the connotation of "Xi Yan".

What is "natural"?The nature mentioned here is not the nature of natural science. "Happily speaking about nature" does not rarely refer to theories of natural science. The word "nature" here cannot be used as the material world and nature, but a philosophical term. It can be interpreted reluctantly, or it can be said to be an expression of "the original is like this", just like the word "Fare is like this" in Buddhism. "Fare is like this", that is to say, it originally meant this way. "So the wind does not last forever, and the rain does not last all day." Piaofeng, that is, a hurricane, is also called a typhoon. The typhoon is relatively strong at night, so the typhoon that comes at night is the most terrible.But the typhoon will not pass for more than 24 hours, and the center of the maximum wind speed will pass within a few hours, and it will not blow all day long.No matter how powerful the typhoon is, it will weaken a little at noon.Therefore, any wind will not remain the same forever, that is to say, it will become weaker around twelve o'clock in the noon.The shower was a heavy thunderstorm in the hot summer season, and it passed in about an hour or two.Three hours at most, more than three hours will be terrible, and the water may rise.Therefore, the heavy thunderstorm in summer is only for a while, and it will not last for a whole day.Moreover, when thunderstorms come, there must be three consecutive bursts—today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow—mostly three days in a row, but the time of thunderstorms every day will gradually delay and gradually decrease. "Who is for this"?What is the reason for this, who is in charge of it!This is the law of nature between heaven and earth.Lao Tzu did not say that God or the Emperor of Heaven is in charge, nor did he say that Bodhisattvas are using supernatural powers, but only talked about the natural laws of "heaven and earth", that's all.It is equivalent to saying that there is an ability in the dark, but its function is not like other religions say, turning it into personification or deification.Nor should it be turned into a Tathagata Buddha or Bodhisattvas such as Lei Gong, Fengshen, and Rain Master in folklore concepts.It's just that naturally, there is such an ability, and it is "Tao".

But it needs to be repeated again, the "nature" mentioned by Laozi is not the "nature" mentioned by Buddhism.As I said before, the "nature" of Taoism is the same as the "Faer" of Buddhism-Faer is the same.Because there is a school in India, called the natural school, and Buddhism is called "natural heretics".The natural heresy in India must not be compared with the natural heresy taught by Lao Tzu in China.At that time, Master Xuanlei translated the Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit into Chinese, and at the same time translated the Chinese "Lao Tzu" into Sanskrit and translated them to India.Therefore, many principles of Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism after the Tang Dynasty were mixed with elements of Chinese Taoism.However, the "Lao Tzu" translated by Master Xuan Lei at that time has unfortunately disappeared in India and can no longer be found.Therefore, the nature of Lao Tzu in Chinese Taoism is not the same as that of Buddhism in India, and this needs to be clearly understood.But in the orthodox Buddhist scriptures, the term "nature" has never been used. Therefore, it is generally mistaken that the nature mentioned by Lao Tzu is the same as a school of philosophy in India. Then, Lao Tzu is also implicated and classified as "natural heresy".

The law of causality beyond human reach Lao Tzu said: "The wind does not end the dynasty, and the showers do not end the day. Which one is for this? Heaven and earth. Heaven and earth cannot last long, let alone people?" In China's inherent culture, no matter Taoism, Confucianism or later Buddhism, early We know that the reason why the universe became the universe, and this earth world, has a beginning and an end, and will eventually return to chaos.There are times when the world is opened up, and there are times when the world is turned upside down, and it is finally over.What the Buddhists say is "success, stagnation, decay, and emptiness" and "all dharmas are impermanent".Lao Tzu also said: "The world cannot last long."Bai Juyi's poem: "The sky lasts forever, and sometimes it ends, and this hatred lasts forever."Therefore, some people say: "If the sky has love, the sky will also grow old."Heaven and earth cannot be endless and immortal!No matter how many years have passed, even if it is hundreds of thousands of billions of years, there will always be a moment of end. "The world can't last long, let alone people?" Then, life can't hope for a long-term existence.

I've done research, but haven't had time to sit down and do it yet, but statistics have been collected for years.I found that this egg-like elliptical earth world is based on the century, and the philosophers Lao Tzu and Confucius were born in Eastern China.Sakyamuni was also born in India, and Socrates was born in the West. In fact, they were all in the same century.The regions where the sun rotates and the characters that emerged in a certain century all have the same type.A certain century is over, and certain key things of this century are also over.For example, in a certain century, a great person appeared in the east, and in the same era with a similar gap, the other half of the earth will also have the same great person.It took many years to collect, organize, count and analyze these materials.However, this research still needs to find out its fundamental reason.Then, of course, the fate of the Earth and human beings in time and space can be calculated.But it's best not to study it thoroughly. The so-called "seeing the deep fish is inauspicious", why do people need to know beforehand?Don't know everything beforehand, life is full of pursuit.

However, due to the reasoning of these few words of Lao Tzu, it shows that he has already understood that the universe is born and dies.Therefore, the law of life, a law that cannot be escaped, must also have birth and death.It's just that human beings have a stupid stupidity, they always hope that everything can be held in their own hands forever, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to hold. "The world cannot last long, let alone human beings!" This is the principle.The conclusion of this principle is the natural way of the promise. "Wish to speak" is also equivalent to the Buddha saying "do not speak".The Tao cannot be explained, so it is "hopeful to speak" about it.But the law of nature has the law of inevitability of cause and effect to follow. Buddhism attaches great importance to the law of cause and effect. In fact, Lao, Zhuang, Confucius, and Mencius all pay attention to explaining the principle of "causality is inevitable", but they express it in different terms.

Therefore, Lao Tzu told us again: "Those who engage in the Tao, the Tao is the same as the Tao, the virtuous are the same as the virtue, and the losers are the same as the loss. Those who are the same as the Tao, the Tao is also happy to obtain it. Those who are the same as the virtue, the virtue is also happy. Same as those who lose, those who lose are also happy to get it." These few words, from the text, are talking to themselves, as if they are talking about lip service, and they are not important.In fact, he was talking about the principle of like-like conformity in personnel and physics.For example, a person who is engaged in Taoism, "the Taoist is the same as the Tao", the person who cultivates the Tao will naturally combine with the person who cultivates the Tao. This is a very simple principle.A person who likes to preach naturally likes to combine with the preacher, to be friends, share the same goals, and learn from each other.A person who likes to brag, and the friends he makes must also brag, otherwise the two of them will not be able to brag.Today, a friend told me about a new meaning of an adjective, which is a popular phrase in society today, the so-called "busy and busy".Those who are busy can play mahjong.Those with disordered feet can dance.People who like to play cards and dance will always be together.This is the counter-evidence of "the Taoist is the same as the Tao".In other words, to explain the connotation of "Tao is the same as Tao, and virtue is the same as virtue", it can also be said that if a person really strives to cultivate himself for morality, then you will find yourself in a moral state every day.

Virtue means use. In the thought and scholarship of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the two words Tao and De are often separated from each other.It is after the Qin and Han Dynasties that the two words Dao and De are used together as a noun.Tao is the metaphysical "Tao", which is symmetrical with the metaphysical "Germany".Virtue is representative, and those who are virtuous get it.So we can explain that virtue is the fruit of good behavior.Once we understand the meaning of this word, it is easy to understand in terms of sentences. "The loser is the same as the loser", if you take the unlucky route, you will naturally meet all the unlucky ghosts crowded together.You have to go in the direction of failure, and the factors of failure will come to make do with you.This is the same as the Western proverb: God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy.Madness and destruction are, of course, synonymous.Therefore, when a person is unlucky, the people and things he associates with are also wrong, and they all follow the bad luck.Besides, you still have to deal with that unlucky direction.

"Those who are the same as the Tao, the Tao is also happy to get it", that is, as Confucius said, "Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors", which is exactly the same.To truly work hard for morality, don't be afraid of loneliness and desolation. Even if you don't get it for a while, you can get it for eternity. This point must be clearly understood.Many young people said: "I want to study and practice morality all my life." I said: "It's not easy!"Then you must first prepare to be lonely for the rest of your life.It is not enough to be willing to be lonely for the rest of your life, you have to go a step further and know how to enjoy loneliness.For example, learning Taoism and becoming a Buddha is a long-term career, not a temporary fluke success, and you don’t even seek long-term gains or losses.

Therefore, when it comes to learning and morality, don’t make effort on the surface, as if you don’t want anything. You only need knowledge and morality, and don’t care about other things.When Kung Fu achieves stomach bleeding, do you care?That really cares!However, if you really want to be a moral person, if you really have this spirit, loneliness, poverty, and illness can't change your integrity, and then you can talk about going out of the world and entering the world, and aiming at altruism.Without this concept, daily bragging is useless.Therefore, it is said: "Those who are the same as the Tao, the Tao is also happy to obtain it. Those who are the same as the virtue, the virtue is also happy to be obtained. Those who are the same as the loser, the loss is also happy to be obtained." Experience it yourself, don't ignore it lightly.

This chapter begins with "The wind does not last forever, and the showers do not last all day, which one is for this, heaven and earth! Heaven and earth cannot last long, let alone human beings", repeatedly explaining the law of causality of natural phenomena with metaphors, telling us that everything is In the midst of impermanence and change, it is necessary to understand the phenomena of human affairs, as well as people and things.It is changing anytime and anywhere, neither your strength can grasp it, and there is no need to grasp it.There is only one transcendent reality that is inherent in our life, that which is inherent in nature.That function, which can change, be changed, and be changed, is the unity of man and nature, the thing that changes but does not change.But how can that thing experience it?Only by understanding it from the perspective of "the Tao is the same as the Tao, the virtuous is the same as the virtue, and the lost is the same as the loss", can it be proved naturally.However, although some people believe in this truth, they are not really convinced, so they say: "I don't have enough faith"!In addition, most people simply do not believe in the existence of a natural way for metaphysics, nor do they believe in the natural law of cause and effect in the phenomenal world.So it is said: "If you don't believe it!"Really helpless! In short, when reading "Lao Tzu", don't read it sentence by sentence. If you read it sentence by sentence separately, it is better to simply write it as a book note and look at it as a maxim.You need to fully understand its purpose, and understand it in the original text, and you will be able to integrate without hindrance.Of course, this is very difficult. It means that when we appreciate a poem, some people can compose poems, but there are indeed poetic geniuses whose words are astonishing.However, only good sentences can not constitute a good poem, and good sentences without good poems are not good articles.A good article is comprehensive, and one sentence must not represent the whole.We are also prone to this problem when reading ancient books. We often take meaning out of context, grasp a good sentence, and forget the righteousness of the whole text, so it is a pity that we cannot understand it thoroughly and integrate it!Saying it this way may be "hiyan", or it can be said that it is "natural"!How about knowing the following?Let's listen to the next chapter.
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