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Jin Shengtan Annotated Edition of the Complete Works of Tui Bei Tu

Jin Shengtan Annotated Edition of the Complete Works of Tui Bei Tu


  • Chinese Studies/Ancient Books

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 6194

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Chapter 1 Jin Shengtan's Annotated Preface to the Complete Works of Tui Bei Tu

It is said that the number can be known, and it can be known but not known.It is said that numbers are unknowable, unknowable but knowable.Those who can be known are counted, and those who are not known are also counted.The number of those who can know the unknowable is the number, and the number of the unknowable is also the number. When I look up at the sky, the sun, moon, and stars are still the same; when I look down at the earth, the mountains, rivers, plants, and trees are still the same.The world I have seen with my own eyes is not the same as the world I have never seen with my own eyes.However, it cannot be said that the world that I have not seen with my own eyes is the world that I have seen with my own eyes.Heaven and earth are from heaven and earth, but I am different.My self is different in two days.The world before I was born can be known, and there are many people who know it.The world after my birth is unknowable, and there are countless unknowables.There is the world before I was born, and then there is the world after I was born. From this we can know the number of those who are unknowable.Is the world after my birth different from the world before my birth? There are also countless people who cannot know what is known.The meaning of counting is great.

Tang officials Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote "Tui Bei Tu", which was handed down from father to elder, but has not been seen yet.In the summer of Renxu, get a copy, show it and read it, if the events that happened in it fit the festival, the number, the number is knowable, the number is knowable but unknowable but knowable. Playing with its words and understanding its meaning, luck is not long, so you can stand and wait, don't treat yourself as the proud son of heaven
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