Home Categories contemporary fiction tired person

Chapter 10 chapter Ten

tired person 梁晓声 4730Words 2018-03-19
After returning to the factory, he suddenly realized from the evasive comments of others—in fact, the bureau had no sincerity in promoting him, and was making trouble with his arrangement.As soon as he confessed himself, he just solved a difficult problem for the bureau. After becoming the director of the factory office, he hoped that he would not be lost, but he couldn't hide his loss and embarrassment in front of the two factory directors and deputy directors who were much younger than him.Especially when they asked him something and he asked them for instructions.He knew clearly—the director of the factory office, this was the last kind of "insurance" for his forty-six-year-old self.At the age of two-thirds, if he accidentally lost the director of the factory office, he would be close to having nothing.He knew that he couldn't afford to lose anything anymore...

It is time to pay back the money borrowed from the people in the factory.If people don't mention it, he often feels embarrassed when he sees them. One day, while the new factory manager and the deputy factory manager were together, he plucked up his courage, saved face, and asked them to advance him another 2,000 yuan from his 5,000 yuan bonus. The director and deputy director of the factory looked at each other, and for a moment they all seemed speechless.Finally, under the hint of the factory manager, the deputy factory manager said carefully: "Old Wang, to tell you the truth, it is not the same thing if you keep it secret. If you keep it hidden, you will always think about that thing in your heart." Five thousand dollars. Those three guys are caught, and the case is closed..."

The deputy factory director got stuck when he said this, and looked at the factory director asking for help. The factory manager scratched his head and said, "You tell him, you tell him, you've already told him, so why bother! Old Wang and us are absolutely on our own. I believe he should take care of it, and he will take care of it." Got it..." He looked at the factory manager, then at the deputy factory manager, and asked quite confusedly: "Isn't the five thousand yuan bonus discussed at the workers' representative meeting and unanimously agreed? Don't you all support that decision?" What? What are you in trouble for now?..."

Under his urging, the deputy factory manager hesitated for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Old Wang, the commendation meeting cannot be held. The five thousand yuan bonus... this, this... I told you, you must be careful." Don't be angry...it's not those people who fake soy sauce to retaliate against you...it's...it's a bastard from our own factory who found those three bastards..." "Our own factory? Why?" "Why else? It's not the division of labor that you mobilize more than 20 people in the factory to 'lay off'? One of them..."

"Who?! Who is it?!..." He stood up suddenly, as if the blood all over his body rushed to his face at once, as if the hot magma urgently needed to find a weak place in the ground to erupt. "Old Wang, old Wang, sit down, sit down..." - the factory manager put his hands on his shoulders, and pushed him to sit down: "Look, your eyes are red, as if you want to kill someone. We are Leader, we have to endure. We have to take care of the overall situation, right? That bastard has already regretted it, and confessed his mistake to both of us separately. He was crying with snot and tears. He didn't expect to beat you so badly ...Old Wang, you said this, can the commendation meeting still be held? Can you still give you a bonus of 5,000 yuan? In what name..."

"Okay! Okay, okay...I don't want the bonus! But...but why don't you let the Public Security Bureau bring him to justice?..." "Old Wang, we have studied this matter several times. It's embarrassing! The employees in our factory have wives and children at home. If they are sent to the police station, they will be sentenced to one year or two years? We are also thinking about this matter. You discuss it, and you have to listen to your opinion on how to deal with it. Of course, what this bastard did should be dealt with, let alone laid off..." His head was buzzing, and he couldn't hear what the factory manager said.He never expected that the co-workers who usually look up but don't look down can do such a trick, it's so chilling.I have never put on the airs of the deputy factory manager, and I have never blushed with anyone.I never thought that he would be beaten so badly for being laid off. It would be too much justice for him to do so, but then I thought again, this bastard is guaranteed to be laid off this time, and if he is sentenced to prison for a few years, will his family be able to live? ?Thinking of the difficulty of his wife being laid off and his son going to school, his heart softened...

"Don't you want to ask my opinion? In my opinion, don't send it to the Public Security Bureau. Isn't it pity for people to kill people if they kill them too much? It's better for the factory to deal with it. As for who it is, I don't want to know, I I don't want to know..." The deputy director hurriedly echoed, "Yes, yes, it's better not to know, it's better not to know..." He felt that his legs were weak, and he no longer had the strength to stand up.I feel like my ribs and eye sockets are starting to hurt again... The factory manager asked anxiously, "Old Wang, are you okay?"

He hesitantly shook his head and smiled wryly. The factory director said with all his heart, "Old Wang, we have worked together in this small factory for many years. You are a good person, and we both know it well. We have already discussed it and proposed that the trade union discuss it and subsidize you with 3,000 yuan. In this way, you You can pay back all the money you owe to the factory and others. As long as the conditions of the factory allow, good people should be treated with some love..." The deputy factory manager also said: "We both know a little about the reason why you borrowed money from the factory and from others. Your wife has been laid off, and our proposal is justified. It is estimated that there is no problem if the union discusses it... You look bad, you..."

He swayed a few times, became dizzy for a while, and fell down... In the afternoon, the factory left the car, and the deputy factory manager personally escorted him home.After the deputy factory manager left, he lay on his back for a while, and saw that the books on his son's desk were too messy, so he got up to tidy them up for his son.While sorting out, I found my son's diary.I didn't expect my son to keep a diary, and I didn't expect to have written most of it.He backed up to the bed, sat down and rolled over.Watching and watching, tears flowed down—the son who always seemed to be indifferent to his parents, turned out to be a good son with deep feelings for his parents!Line by line, line by line, page by page, I recorded all kinds of sympathy for my parents on weekdays!

Because my mother was laid off, she was in a bad mood for the past few days, and she had unnecessary quarrels with her father every now and then.This affects my study very much, but I must endure it, because my father has set my example.I must never show any anxiety about my family life. I am still a student, and there is nothing I can do to worry.If it is revealed, it will increase the troubles of parents... I feel that I am also very tired.Today, the school charges students for extra-curricular review materials.I have already seen that Mom and Dad are tight, and they didn't say a word when they came home...

Dad is old and his hair is gray.My mother has also aged significantly this year and has become nagging.I feel so sorry for them.Their only hope for life has been pinned entirely on me.But if I go to university, can they really afford me?Four years!I am like a mountain, should I continue to press on them?I can't bear it.Mom and Dad, I can't bear it! ... I don't want to go to college anymore!I want to work, in order to reduce the financial burden of my parents.I want to work early! ,... He couldn't bear to read it anymore, pressed his son's diary to his chest, lay down on the bed and cried loudly! I didn't expect my son to live so exhausted... On the third day of the factory's routine physical examination every two years, the contract hospital notified him to re-examine - X-rays showed several suspicious shadows on his lungs. go? —or ignore it? He pondered for days alone, as Hamlet pondered "To be—or to die?" He tore up the notice and decided to ignore it. There is no fear in my heart, but I feel too tired, and I don't want to be entangled in any "troublesome" things.From then on, an indifferent attitude towards life, which was close to seeing death as home, gradually formed in his consciousness.Come back?It's good to go back.He often thinks this way, but he feels that he is too sorry for his wife and son if he dies early. The first snow fell very thick and soft.Everywhere is covered with silver makeup and carved with jade, making the city clean and beautiful.The snow started to fall after dark.The next day was a bright sunny day, the snow did not melt, and it was not too cold.And, it's Sunday. "No one is allowed to spoil my fun today! Our family of three will go out to enjoy the snow today! We will have a meal at the restaurant at noon!" His wife and son were surprised by his proposal, but they both complied.In that kind of obedient attitude, there are some elements of adults taking care of children's good emotions.He saw it, but was not dismayed by it.On the contrary, the interest is higher.For some reason, that day, he suddenly wanted to be a child.I really want to be coaxed, favored, and cared for lovingly, even if it is a little bit more than my wife and son. The family of three went to the park. He rolled on the snow, threw his wife with a snowball, stuffed snow into his son's neckline, as if he really forgot his age, and was so naughty. Under the influence of his elation and good mood, his wife and son also showed a rare happy smile on their faces from time to time. The family of three were exhausted from the quarrel, and sat on the bench leaning on each other.There was a foreign couple with a five or six-year-old girl who kept looking at them and laughing when they were fighting.After they sat on the bench, the foreign husband took pictures of them with a pop-up camera.When handing the photo to them, he gave them a thumbs up and said something in English, and his son stood up and politely answered something in English.After they left, he asked his son what they said? The son replied, and others said-happiness is good. Then asked if they were talking about themselves or about us? The wife rushed to answer, is this still a question?Of course, we are talking about our family of three. The son nodded authoritatively. He couldn't help muttering to himself—happiness?Of course happiness is fine.If happiness is bad, what good is there in this world? The wife also muttered to herself—our family of three has not been so happy in several years...and kissed my son in front of him. He suddenly remembered something, and said to his son solemnly: "Son, Mom and Dad want to reveal a family secret to you today." After speaking, he took out a passbook from his underwear pocket and showed it to his son: "Son, look clearly, how much money is there?" The son took a look and said ten thousand. "wrong." The son took the passbook and looked at it carefully for a while, with an imperceptible smile hanging on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, I lost a zero, is it ten thousand? Dad, whose passbook is it?" "Of course it's from our own family! It's because our family moved out before you were born, and the state paid for the difference. Son, you must strive to be admitted to college. As long as you pass the exam, your parents will be able to afford it." ! With this 100,000 yuan in hand, our family has nothing to worry about financially, isn’t it my son?..." While speaking, he winked at his wife and secretly pinched his wife's fingers. That was a passbook from a few years ago.In fact, only ten yuan.He copied the handwriting many times and added four zeros.Losing ten yuan, he thought it was worth it to give his son a reassurance.Can you buy such a miraculous reassurance pill in a pharmacy for ten yuan? His wife also echoed his words, saying: "Son, my parents have never been willing to use this 100,000 yuan, it is for you to use after you go to college..." "I don't need so much money to go to college..." "And you're getting married!" "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I will pass the college entrance examination. This is no problem for me! I will not use your money when I get married! After I work, I must make your life happy! I want to be very, very Honor you..." The son lowered his head and caressed the passbook. After a while, he raised his head and solemnly handed the passbook to him with both hands: "Dad, put it away. Be sure to put it away...don't lose it..." When his son returned the passbook to him, he sensitively noticed something strange in his son's gaze. The son whispered again: "Dad, Mom, I have not only grown up...but also...matured..." From his son's words, he suddenly thought of a famous saying - "When a person grows up, he means being able to see through the truth of certain things, but when a person is mature, it means that he does not speak out when he sees through it." Could it be... Could it be that he was seen through by his son, who not only grew up but also thought he was mature? He couldn't help looking uncomfortable. "son……" "Ok?……" "Dad recently... always wants to make you understand..." "Understand what?..." The son rested his head in his mother's arms and only looked at him.At that moment, he felt that his son's eyes were as pure and innocent as when he was a baby. He couldn't remember when he hadn't seen his son's innocent eyes again, and his heart trembled. "I want you to understand...Among many people, such as the strangers we saw today, not all fathers are deputy factory directors, right?" His wife corrected him gently: "Director of the factory office." The son said, "Yes, Daddy." "Your mother has been laid off, but some children, parents have been laid off..." "I know that, Dad." "Not all families have a deposit of 100,000 yuan." "You're right, Dad." "So, what do you think about that?" "Dad, what do you mean I should be happy?" "That's exactly what I mean." The son smiled, narrowing his eyes. "The fathers of many sons are workers, but mine is the director of the factory office; the parents of many sons have been laid off; but only one of my parents has been laid off; many people owe debts, and our family has '100,000 yuan 'deposit……" The wife continued what her son said: "Many families only have one house, and even three generations live in the same room, but we have two..." He continued his wife's words: "Many families have various misfortunes, but our family of three has lived peacefully for more than ten years..." The son said in a concluding tone: "Dad, Mom, if I feel happy, will it make you happy?" He and his wife looked at each other and nodded. The son said reverently: "Dad, Mom, since I went to middle school, I have hardly felt happy. But today, at this moment, you gave it to me again! Thank you Dad, thank you Mom..." The son's left hand grabbed the father's hand, and the son's right hand grabbed the mother's hand.Tears glistened in the son's eyes. Tears glistened in his and his wife's eyes. At that moment, he felt that the family of three seemed to be in a kind of boundless happiness that started from nowhere... A group of magpies flew from a distance, and landed on the tree above their heads, chirping non-stop, and made a piece of snow... The noon sun, red and big, shone generously on them. The son said: "Dad, I'm hungry. Let's have roast duck for lunch!" He jumped up: "Go! To the hotel—forward!" So the son took his mother's hand and ran to the front. "Dad, hurry up!..." Looking at the backs of his wife and son, he sang loudly: I'm not a special soul, I can't give you colorful dreams, I'm not a legend, I can't give you some touching miracles... "Dad, stop singing! If you spoil Pan Meichen's title song, people will protest..." The son turned to look at him, and walked backwards, full of strong father-son love in his teasing. "Good boy, dare to belittle your father! Rebellion!" As he walked, he grabbed a ball of snow, squeezed it into a ball, took aim, and hit his son's shoulder with precision. He laughed like a child... The group of magpies was startled, chirping and calling spring to fly over them. I don't know where, there is a long, charming shout: "Sugar-coated haws!……" November 3, 1997 in Beijing
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