Home Categories contemporary fiction Tail

Chapter 8 Eight

Tail 梁晓声 10323Words 2018-03-19
That night, my mouse's tail had grown to two feet long.My wife cut the two pockets of all my trousers so that I could roll up my tail and stuff it from the trouser leg into the trouser pocket.My wife told me again and again that money and other important things should never be put in my trouser pockets again.From now on, the trouser pocket only needs to cover the tail... "Citizens! Honest workers from all walks of life, intellectuals and practitioners of literature and art, college students, women compatriots, young pioneers, and children, start broadcasting a message to the citizens now! Start broadcasting a message to the citizens now! Book!……"

The familiar face of the female announcer of the TV news program looked unusually serious, but her voice trembled slightly.Every sentence and every word trembled slightly.Conveys the anxiety that cannot be concealed in the heart. The son heard the sound and came quietly from his room. The three of us sat one by one, held our breath, and our three pairs of eyes focused on the TV screen and listened attentively. The text of the "Notice to the Citizens" was read out by a male announcer.His expression seems to be telling the world that the end of the world is coming: "All citizens, our city is currently facing the unreasonable interference of aliens on the language components we have long been accustomed to and are becoming more and more accustomed to! Our peaceful and beautiful life is being seriously disturbed by them. Every additional one A lie, a lie, ten of our dear compatriots will grow different tails! If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable! For this reason, the municipal party committee urgently mobilized and appealed to citizens, regardless of gender, age, The high sense of responsibility of others, in a relatively long period of time, only tell the truth, not tell lies! The municipal party committee understands that this is undoubtedly quite painful and unbearable for us. The spirit of joy and pride in suffering!

I know that the "Report to the Citizens" was drafted by Xiao Shao, who was the first member of the municipal party committee.It was finalized by Deputy Secretary Qu himself.Because this is actually the first item of emergency measures I proposed to the municipal party committee. I think of a sentence that Lin Biao said 30 years ago-no great things can be achieved without telling lies. Lin Biaofei is not an idler.His words are obviously highly generalized and undeniably empirical in China.Lin Biao had already fallen into the sand and fell to death in Mongolia's Ondur Khan.But his words, like a mantra, have influenced the souls of generations of Chinese people ever since.In the past 20 or 30 years, I have always felt that something will happen to China sooner or later.It may be in the corruption of the bureaucracy, it may be in the inconsistency of the system, it may be in the mass unemployment of the working class, it may be in the partial disintegration and deterioration of the basic power in the countryside, or in the social The serious injustice of distribution, the aggressive disparity between the rich and the poor... but I never thought it would come from telling lies!

When things come to an end, I don't have the mood or emotion to worry about the country and the people.Let's worry about his wife and son first!Although the sky is falling, there are people's heads on it.But I really hate to see my wife and son grow some kind of tail too.Even a pretty tail! I got up and turned off the TV, looked at my wife and asked, "Did you hear clearly?" The wife nodded silently and uneasily. I will ask my son again. The son also nodded silently and uneasily. I said my wife, now, you, pack up your things right away!You must flee the city immediately with your son!

My wife said why are you panicking!It's not war, it's not plague, is it possible to talk about escaping or not escaping?Don't scare your son with indiscriminate words!Isn't it just a long tail?Everyone else grows, so let's grow too!Am I not panicking? She put it lightly!And I could see that she had actually panicked and lost her mind, and she was just pretending to be calm. I said, "Son, you go to the hut, I want to have a few words with your mother alone!" The son didn't express any objection, and obediently got up and left.Severe situations are often a special mature education for children, which can make children who are not so obedient become extremely obedient.

I closed the door and told my wife in a low voice that the situation was much more serious than what was announced on TV!It's not just a question of whether people have long tails. So I told my wife, without any exaggeration, what happened in that fuchsia "Crown," what happened in that grocery store.While I was smoking, I carefully chose some words that were not bloody or scary, but my wife's face was still gradually changing. After I finished speaking, the corners of my wife's mouth trembled and twitched into a smile, saying that you are making up nonsense again!Saying that you were the first to grow a tail did not wrong you at all!If what I witnessed happened, why isn't it on the TV news tonight?

I'm on fire.I said what are you laughing at wife?How can you still laugh at a moment like this?If you laugh again, I will slap you!I said you are Chinese, don't you know how transparent Chinese TV news is?That's the official mouthpiece!It is related to social stability!Some incidents, some facts, should be blocked, that is to be completely blocked!Not at all nonsense.Never without a sarcasm!If the common people should not know about it, then the common people must be regarded as idiots!When can the common people know, and how much can the common people know? That is completely in the hands of the government!For example, can the two events I witnessed during the day be reported on the news program just now?Can a report cause panic?I'm just telling you at home, if I tell everyone I meet outside, it would be strange not to arrest me and charge me with the crime of spreading rumors and confusing the public!The gentlest treatment, that would have to declare me a lunatic, and put me in a mental hospital for the second time!I said my wife, think about it, if a person grows the tail of a giant python, or a tiger, leopard, or wolf, can he not transform into a beast psychologically?Transmutation, can people not eat people?I said the bottom line is that I'm not too scared of you and your son growing tails too.Didn't I already grow a mouse tail?Isn't it nothing special?I am afraid that your life is threatened.I am afraid that those who transform into animal nature will attack you!I am afraid that you will become victims and be eaten!I'm so thin, I don't know martial arts, I don't even have a deterrent weapon, can I protect you in times of danger?Can't protect it!

My wife said, then...then I left this city with my son...leaving you alone with no one to take care of you and no one to keep you company, what can you do? —she sobbed. I said my wife, leave me alone!Anyway, I have grown a tail, and I will be a Chinese with a long tail wherever I flee, so it would be better to stay in this city and not be discriminated against.Without you and my son around to make me worry about you all the time, I am completely able to take care of myself and not be eaten by others.Life and death are two choices for a man, my wife, why are you so sad and sobbing?As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times!How many troubled times can a person catch up with in his lifetime?When I was in my fifties, I caught up with it again, and it was my luck!Maybe the day you and I meet again, I will be the mayor of this city.Even if this city is independent, it is not certain that I will be the head of a country with more than two million people. Just let me walk freely in the troubled times! ...

My wife suddenly winked at me. Only then did I realize that the door had been pushed open a crack at some point.Obviously, the son was eavesdropping outside the door. I said loudly, "Son, come in!" The son quietly and obediently opened the door and came in. I asked, "Are you eavesdropping?" The son nodded timidly. "Did you hear everything Dad said to your mother?" "I heard it all..." "Do you understand?" "Is it better than listening to TV news reports?" "Ok……" I say so good.Then son, I won't explain anything to you anymore.Help your mother pack up! ...

The son grabbed his wife's hand, dragged her up, and said in the tone of an adult persuading an adult: "Mom, don't cry. Why do you adults always tell lies? This is retribution! I agree with me. Papa's Proposition—He Stays, We Flee! Save Him Worrying About Us Watching my son dragging his wife and leaving together, my heart was instantly filled with melancholy and grief.His eyes were wet and his vision blurred. I smoked a cigarette, calmed down, and immediately sat down to copy the address book. My wife was carrying a big bag, and my son was carrying a schoolbag and a small bag, and they both appeared in front of me.

The wife asked: "Where do you want to send our mother and I?" I said: "I didn't think about it. It doesn't matter if you take the plane or the train, anyway, as long as you can leave this city, you are very lucky! On this page, I copied the mailing addresses and phone numbers of my friends from all over the world. If you If you encounter difficulties in fleeing to a certain place, you can ask them for help. If they say they don’t know me at all and don’t want to help, don’t be disappointed. And don’t call them ungrateful, just turn around and leave. Righteousness, I have learned it a long time ago. At any time and under any circumstances, you must live with ambition and self-respect. Don't embarrass me as a husband and father! Remember Chairman Mao, the old man once said A word from my friend—we appreciate the aid of a friend, but we will never beg for it!" ... Leaving home, my wife and children and I rode a bicycle on the quiet side street.The shadows of residential buildings on both sides are like high walls.Not a single window was lit.It was only past ten o'clock, and it was not time for the city to fall asleep, but it seemed that it fell asleep very early. But once on the road, the situation is completely opposite.All kinds of vehicles are connected into a line, one after another, end to end.Torrents generally converge towards the airport.The opposite road with only four lanes has become a one-way road with six or seven cars driving side by side.But no vehicles honked.They collide without stopping.Every car is just trying to grab the lane and drive forward... Clearly, this is a situation of escape.A kind of escape of the rich, the powerful, or at least the car-owning class scrambling for the first place, but without any fanfare.I think that among these three classes, men and women who tell lies must be the most.It is absolutely difficult to become a part of the first rich people in China without telling lies.If you are not good at telling lies, you will never succeed in your official career in China.If you don't rely on these two classes at least at the same time, you may not be able to afford imported cars.The three of us stood on the side of the road with our old bicycles, trying to cross the road but we had no chance, we could only look forward to the car and sigh.This city with a relatively backward economic development index, unexpectedly has so many high-end cars!Indeed, seventy-eight out of ten of the cars passing by our eyes are imported cars.Can not see the shadow of a domestic car.It cannot be said that there is no such thing at all.Yes or yes.On the sidewalk here, not far from us, there were three "Xiali" and one "Santana", but all four wheels were overturned.The Santana's engine hadn't stopped.Across the road, there were also several "Santanas" and several "Cherokees", which were also overturned on all four wheels.Who squeezed them onto the sidewalk?And who overturned them?Where are their masters?How could he tolerate his car to such an end?Question marks passed through my mind one by one.But I can't answer it for myself. I was going to hail a taxi to take my wife and son to the airport.It seems that when I was sitting at home making plans, I was simply wishful thinking!I was too underestimating the situation and too optimistic.Even domestically-produced cars have lost the right and qualification to drive on the road leading to the airport. At this moment, can ordinary people still enter places like the airport?I just got in by luck, can I buy a plane ticket?Even if I was lucky enough to buy a ticket for the day after tomorrow, would I still have the right to board a plane? I am sure that the men and women sitting in the cars passing by in front of me must have grown all kinds of tails.At least large and small soft or hard bags have grown.It should be said that they have the most direct and greatest responsibility for the punishment of this city.Even if ordinary people in the congregation tell lies, it is probably within the ordinary life of the bourgeoisie.The harm is probably limited to this range.How can they compare with some "public servants" who stare and tell more lies every day in order to keep the black hat on their heads?How can there be more lies than some "big money" who cheat more money from the bank in order to take advantage of the country's loopholes?However, they are only resigned to their fate.I'm even convinced that more ordinary people may not take the "report to the citizens" read on the TV news as a big deal.If you understand it 100%, you probably don't care if you understand it.I suppose they'd care a little bit if they'd all seen what happened in that grocery store in that fuchsia Crown? ... I told my wife and son that there was nothing I could do to drive them to the airport.It's useless to go.The next best thing should be to go to the train station.I let my wife and son get on their bikes and go first.They just rode to the side of the "Santana" with all four wheels in the sky, and they both got off the car again. The son turned around and shouted at me: "Dad, Dad! Come here quickly! There is still someone in this car, it's a woman!" My wife also yelled at me: "It looks like she's still alive! Let's save her!" I had no choice but to suppress one of my bad thoughts for the time being, and drove over by bicycle. My wife and son squatted down to take a closer look, and the woman was indeed alive.His face was covered in blood.There was another girl in the car.Beside the woman.Apparently dead.Drape your head over your left shoulder.A person's head tilted to such a degree is certain to die.The car was hit hard before being overturned.The front four-way cab is almost flat. The woman looked at us from the bottom up.Blood smeared her eyelashes, and under the light of the clear street light, it could be seen how much she was trying to widen her eyes. She said weakly: "Help me...help me...there is money in the suitcase in the car...it belongs to you..." The wife said: "You should think of a way quickly!..." The son also said: "Dad, save her!..." I don't think there's any way to get the woman out without flipping the car over. So I said decisively: "Come on, let's overturn the car!" Our family of three worked together, and after several efforts, we couldn't turn the overturned car. The son gave up trying, ran to the sidewalk, waved, stomped, yelled - a car sped past him... His face was shining when he came back to us.It was the result of a teenager's tears being illuminated by the brilliance of a clear street lamp. "I curse the people of this city! Everyone will grow tails—including those who escaped from this city!..." His wife immediately stopped him: "Shut up! Do you curse yourself too? Like this Never speak ominous words casually! I saw my son sneering, as if God himself was sneering as my son. And the woman lying face down in the car kept pleading, "Help me...help me...don't leave me alone..." Suddenly there was a sound in the bushes behind him.I turned my head and saw a horrible man's face.I think I've seen that face.I suddenly remembered the situation in the fuchsia "Crown".His face was scarier than it was then.His eyes are green.He was grinning ferociously, spitting out the python's forked tongue core. I no longer cared about saving the dying woman, and ran away with my wife in one hand and my son in the other.And behind us, the woman's heart-piercing wail came... Panting, we ran up an overpass.He stopped and looked back, and saw that the man with the python tail wrapped his python tail around a concrete pole, and his body was suspended in the air.Hanging above the road, it keeps waving its arms towards the continuous flow of vehicles on the road, as if playing and entertaining itself... I think that he didn't pursue us so hard, it must be because the flesh of the woman who asked us for help was full of his belly.I can't help but pray secretly for that woman's soul, filled with gratitude.If she is not eaten, I don't know if I will lose my wife or my son?Or they lost me, my rat-tailed husband and father.Don't snakes love rats the most? The next day, the city's armed police were dispatched, armed with live ammunition, to take in all those who were generally considered to be the best at fabricating lies and telling lies, and implemented emergency supervision.For example, before the "National Day", before the Spring Festival, and before major foreign affairs activities, it is the same as implementing emergency supervision on various social dangerous elements.The first battle was successful, and the first batch accommodated more than 4,000 people, who were divided into men and women and supervised in two universities... This is the second of the contingency measures I recommend. In fact, according to my original intention, only the police force should be dispatched.Moreover, it doesn't have to be too loud.However, the Municipal Standing Committee believes that the comrades in the public security department may just be some good comrades who have told lies because of defending the people and cracking down on various criminals.Just think about it, criminals, once arrested and interrogated, which one is not full of lies?To deal with their crimes, to tact with cunning, to tell truthful and faithful lies, is it always inevitable?That being the case, it is also necessary to grow a tail.What's more, in the public security department, there are also corrupt elements, degenerate elements, and "internal traitors" who collude with and cover up criminal gangs.Some of these guys have grown all kinds of tails, and they can no longer wear police uniforms.Some have already grown large and small bumps, and they are in constant panic, hindering their movements.Therefore, after discussion, the Municipal Standing Committee unified its thinking and will, and decided to mainly rely on the armed police to implement the second emergency measure. All walks of life, agencies, units, colleges, and resident groups have quickly set up reporting stations, reporting boxes and even reporting hotlines—specially dealing with those who seem to be honest on the surface and don’t like to make lies and tell lies. But in fact, people who believe that "you can't do great things without telling lies", and people who don't make some lies will cause problems.Once reported, they will be taken into custody immediately. This is the third of my suggested emergency measures. The fourth item is, of course, a popular and routine measure in recent years of "Leaders set up the stage, perform arts and operas"—within a few days, a "sea" of slogans, slogans, and aphorisms appeared everywhere in the city. "Speaking the truth is equivalent to showing love to others!" "Bite the lies and go out, and come home without the tail!" "Cadres must be self-respecting, party members must be self-disciplined, and the masses must be self-aware!" "Give back the tail to the animals, and leave the decency to the human!" ... Wait, wait, and so on. From kindergarten to elementary school, aunts and teachers are teaching children and elementary school students to sing a new song that the songwriters urgently collaborated on - "Crossing mountains is not difficult, and crossing mountains is not difficult. From the novel to the truth, it is actually not difficult... ..." The elderly Yangko team is not to be outdone, and they are getting stronger and stronger. While twisting their Yangko dances on the road, they sang passionately: "Comrades are so loud, remember to say hello, and tell the truth so hilarily Soroloro is crispy, so hey without a long tail!..." Under the direct leadership of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, several large-scale concerts of telling the truth were organized in a row, and the standard requirements of "three natures and two essences" were put forward, that is, epic, national, eternity, boutique consciousness and spiritual clarion call A high degree of unity of consciousness.However, the first hit was at the concert, the singers sang and sang, the movie stars acted and the backup dancers danced, and even they or themselves didn't feel that there was anything wrong. There are all kinds of tails growing out of Dadi's buttocks!As a result, the public shouted loudly, and even jumped onto the stage to fight.But they or they all feel very wronged, and feel that the public is too inconsiderate of themselves.Just because they or they grow tails on the stage under the illumination of colored lights and chasing lights does not mean that they definitely lied during the performance.Other people, such as them or her relatives and friends, said a lie somewhere else, and it is very possible that the consequences will hurt them or them... Then there was a problem with the tens of thousands of people who were detained and supervised, because no one has the right to seal the mouths of tens of thousands of people, and gathering them together is tantamount to opening up several places for lies exchange and lie training base.Within a few days, tens of thousands of people have all grown tails, just like the plump beans soaked in several large tanks have all grown bean sprouts.No one expected this.The so-called wise man will make a mistake if he has a thousand worries. Therefore, containment and supervision no longer have any meaning, and tens of thousands of people were condemned to disperse.Based on the fact that each of them only uttered five falsehoods within a few days, 30,000 people uttered at least 150,000 falsehoods within a few days. Affected by them, within a few days there were more than 150,000 people with long tails in the city.In fact, it is more than 150,000!It is estimated that there are at least two or three hundred thousand more.So the long tail phenomenon became public instead.In order to protect themselves from the contempt, hatred, and even attacks and siege of people who have not yet grown their tails, they occupied several high-end hotels and gathered together, and announced the establishment of the "General Committee for the Legal Existence of Long-tailed People".Relevant departments immediately issued a notice to them that their "General Committee" can only be established after application and approval, otherwise it is an illegal non-governmental organization and should be severely banned.But they rely on a total of 400,000 regular members and more than 300,000 preparatory members who have not yet grown their tails but have grown their bags, and they don't take the relevant departments seriously at all.A sign was put up openly, which was as big as the sign of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.How dare you use the scarlet letter.The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government were afraid that taking tough measures would lead to confrontation and stir up civil uprisings, and urgently issued "red-headed documents", warning relevant departments to pay attention to tactics and deal with it in a low-key manner.In fact, it is to turn a blind eye and close one eye, let it go, let them do whatever they like... The situation at the reporting stations is not good either.Crackdowns, reprisals, and false accusations and frame-ups happened frequently, and it was unknown whether it was the whistleblower or the whistleblower.We have no choice but to rule by doing nothing, promote its existence in name only, and disintegrate on its own... Once the long tail phenomenon has been made public, there will be a unique landscape in the city.The season has entered July, and it is getting hotter and hotter, people have to change into thin trousers and short skirts.Since the tail couldn't be concealed, it had to be exposed.Moreover, the number of people with tails grew day by day, until they accounted for eight or nine out of ten of the city's total population.Therefore, due to the difference in the tails, a dozen "associations", "fraternities", and "clubs" were derived and split from the original "General Committee for the Legal Existence of Long-tailed People".Such as "Primate Long-tailed Human Association", "Beast Long-tailed Human Association", "Reptilian Long-tailed Human Association", "Short-tailed Human Association", "Carnivorous Long-tailed Human Association", "Herbivorous Long-tailed Human Association", "Herbivorous Long-tailed Human Association", etc. Tailmen Association" and so on. The "Insectivorous Long-tailed Human Association" is divided into three sub-organizations: "Artiodactyla Branch", "Singular-hoofed Branch", and "Ruminant Branch".In addition, there are "Marsupial Long-tailed Human Branch", "Feline Long-tailed Human Branch", "Canine Long-tailed Human Branch", "Amphibious Long-tailed Human Branch" ...So nearly 10,000 retired cadres in this city were hired by various branches to serve as honorary president, president, vice president, secretary general, deputy secretary general, executive secretary general, legal adviser, publicity minister, and public relations minister , Coordinating Committee, etc.Although in name only, with a position but no power, after all, there are things to do, an office, and a secretary.There are many people in the business and business circles of this association, and those with strong financial resources naturally have special cars, so they will no longer be lost, no longer lonely, get rid of illnesses and strengthen their bodies, and no longer suffer from "depression" and "claustrophia".And some social celebrities have transformed into elites of various "associations", "branches", and "clubs", honorary members, committee members, life members and so on.Some of them serve as the heads of several "associations", "branches" or "clubs", but there are a few who have no tails. They seem lonely and special in work, at home, and everywhere.It makes people with long tails look awkward, and I finally feel awkward.No popularity.There is no mass base.If it is an ordinary person, loneliness is just lonely.If there is no fate, there is no fate.Without a mass base, there is no mass base.If you are still a leading cadre in office, then the problem is serious.No one is popular, there is no mass base, and the work is not easy to carry out. Wow!Those who lead the masses without a long tail have no minimum affinity or cohesion!Therefore, the organization department of the municipal party committee made an emergency major adjustment to the cadre team, a major change of blood!Those who should be exempted, those who should be withdrawn, and a group of new cadres who are popular because of their tails, have a broad mass base, strong ability, and doubled leadership confidence have been promoted in time. Ladies and gentlemen, please imagine——if you saw a few tall and tall girls in fashionable dresses walking by, with cat tails, dog tails, fox tails, monkey tails, magpie tails, and thrush tails behind them, you would shake them step by step. , a flap, trembling, shaking, or standing upright, or hanging down softly, what kind of feeling do you have?Don't you think it is so romantic, so emotional and poetic? Striped tiger tails, leopard tails with black round spots, and lion tails with hairy tassels make some men more masculine.However, if the tails of these three beasts grow on some young ladies, they will make the already beautiful ones more eye-catching and the "return rate" will be higher, and they will at least make the not-so-beautiful or even ugly-looking ones awe-inspiring. Respect. Of course, what kind of tail it looks depends on luck, not on personal subjective will at all.There are also opposite situations, for example, a very beautiful girl, like me, has a mouse tail, or a snake tail, a pig tail, or an elephant tail.Although it looks like a dignified and noble animal, how exactly it looks like a huge stupid pig when viewed from behind!An elephant's tail is not aesthetically pleasing either.One can imagine how unlucky the girl with the elephant tail is.The very gentle aunt has grown a scorpion tail instead.It's not a real scorpion's tiny tail, but a hooked scorpion's tail more than one meter long.Or like an old seedling, it has grown one hundred and eighty unwilling crocodile tails.A man with a very strong tough guy shape, with a fluffy lap dog tail, or a rabbit tail, is enough to embarrass them! That one said, isn't it very lucky to have a lapdog's tail or a rabbit's tail?Can't it be hidden in pants?But you are wrong!When long tails become a fashion, a fashion, and a trend, who would like to hide their tails and join the ranks of a handful of people without tails!In this city, a general social consensus was quickly formed - people with tails are first-class people, people with disgraceful or even ugly tails are second-class people, and people without tails are inferior people , Never be ashamed of having a tail.To be proud of having a tail; from being ashamed of being in the company of people with tails to being ashamed of being in the company of people without tails, the transition and transformation of concepts can almost be said to have experienced no pain of the times.In terms of selecting cadres, choosing a job, choosing a spouse, making friends, etc., the embarrassing situation of those without a tail is more miserable than those with an ugly tail. Zoologists can find the tails of all animals, birds, reptiles and amphibians that existed in the sky, on the ground, in the water and even in the paleontological era from the crowd.Everything you need, everything you need.It's just that - the Chinese people have a lot of ambitions, they don't like fashion but tails. Even the tails of mythical legends, phoenix tails, and unicorn tails grow strangely behind people's buttocks.Of course, these are noble tails, "extreme" tails.They are mostly taken care of by good people who sometimes have to tell lies against their will because of good wishes.However, alien visitors lack the concept of masculinity and femininity between men and women on earth, so that some good men grow phoenix tails, and some good women grow dragon tails and unicorn tails.Yin and Yang are misaligned, and rigid and flexible tails are everywhere. Lao Miao submitted an application report to the city leaders, requesting to increase the number of square meters of housing, and to transfer from the sixth floor to the first floor.He and his wife live together with their grandson.My son and daughter-in-law went to Australia to do part-time jobs.Three bedrooms and one living room, the original living room was very spacious.But his crocodile tail, his wife's peacock tail, grew very rapidly.In just over two weeks, they have grown to a distance of one meter.This made their living space of three bedrooms and one living room significantly narrower.His wife's peacock tail spreads at every turn.Open your screen when you are happy, when you are angry, when you are happy and sad, when you are surprised and stunned, you will open your screen.Beauty is beauty, but after all, it is at home. After all, the frequency is too frequent, which often causes beauty stimulation to Lao Miao's heart.As soon as she opened her screen, the beautiful and colorful tail with a radius of one and a half meters trembled, and Lao Miao had to quickly stuff the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill into her mouth, her pulse speeded up and her blood pressure rose.Lao Miao suffers from frequent urination and wakes up at least four or five times a night.If he couldn't turn himself over, he had to wake his wife to help him turn over, dragging a huge crocodile tail up and down the bed, from the bedroom to the bathroom, and from the bathroom back to the toilet, bumping here and there, making lots of noise.Madame still suffers from insomnia, how could she endure such torture!Annoyed and complained, the tail opened.Now that the tail is unfolded, it cannot sleep.The mood gradually calmed down, and the tails that opened the tail gradually gathered, merged, and hung down, so that they could lie down again.Within two weeks, both of them had dark circles under their eyes, and their faces were quite haggard.My wife is in postmenopause again, and her mood is volatile, and she has to turn on her screen dozens of times a day if she speaks at least.As many as nearly a hundred times.Once the screen is turned on, she can't turn around in any room by herself.The old Miao had no choice but to leave the room in a respectful and courteous manner.Dragging a huge, heavy crocodile tail from one room to another is no easier than moving a large cabinet.Lao Miao has not gone downstairs for several days.Wow, the next time the giant crocodile's tail goes up and down, it will be sweaty and panting... His great novel, which is confident that it will shock the Chinese literary world and even the world literary world, is not in the mood to continue writing.During the day, I just sit on the carpet in front of the sofa, read books, read newspapers, watch TV, listen to music, and spend the long, sweltering and idle time bored.Or just sit there and take a nap.He couldn't sit down on the sofa because of the insurmountable hindrance of his tail.Sitting on the rug in front of the sofa, the tail can go down under the sofa.His crocodile tail secretes a layer of dirty mucus every day, and it stinks.Every night before going to bed, the wife would bring a large basin of water to his tail, dip a brush in the water mixed with "Vitality 28", and carefully brush him from the root of the tail to the tip of the tail.Every crease has to be brushed.It’s okay if you can’t brush it.It doesn't work if you don't brush it clean.It's hot, I'm afraid of maggots.Moreover, you have to use a toothpick, under the observation of a magnifying glass, use the toothpick to remove the parasites in those folds.Lao Miao has washed his wife's feet for decades.Decades have been like a day, hard work.This is an open secret known to everyone in the "Writers Association".Now, the tail of the giant crocodile finally got some justice for Lao Miao.The so-called non-reporting is not that the time has not yet come, but when the time comes, everything will be reported.But for Lao Miao's wife, cleaning her husband's tail every night is such a troublesome and wronged thing!But even if it is for her own peacock tail to avoid getting parasites, and for the sake of family hygiene, she has to do this duty! Fortunately, their grandson has the tail that is second only to the "extreme grade" - a beautiful goldfish tail.If it was a dinosaur tail, his family's problem would be difficult to solve. There is a grandson with a goldfish tail, which brings a lot of unprecedented worries to the couple.The child is tired enough to live by himself.Every day, I have to get up half an hour earlier than other children, squat in the basin, and soak the beautiful goldfish tail in the water.Think, goldfish tail, what a delicate tail it is!If it doesn't get wet for a few hours, won't it be dry?Won't it shrink?And if it shrinks, isn't it not beautiful but ugly?Wouldn't it be brittle after doing it?Wouldn't it be easy to break if you kneel?What a serious loss it would be if it was damaged!It is related to the child's future career choice and spouse choice!It will miss or even ruin the child's life!So, Lao Miao's wife bought a flat plastic bucket for her grandson that can be carried on her back.Lao Miao did it himself, connected the bucket to a hose, and installed a lotus core nozzle on the other end of the hose, and equipped it with a pressure system.In contrast, the bucket full of water is several times heavier than a primary school student's schoolbag.Every day the poor child goes to school with a bucket and a schoolbag on his back.During the class break, I thought about spraying water on my tail to ensure the minimum humidity of his beautiful and delicate goldfish tail.The child didn't feel sorry for himself.His goldfish tail is unique in the school, and he cherishes it very much.The teacher and the principal also gave him thousands of exhortations, asking him to take good care of his unique goldfish tail in the whole school.Because there will be a "tail review contest" for primary school students in the city soon, the school is counting on his goldfish tail to get high marks.The teacher also counted on him to win glory for the class.And he has a strong sense of honor, and he loves his tail far more than his eyes...
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