Home Categories contemporary fiction Tail



  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 259382

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Chapter 1 one

Tail 梁晓声 1619Words 2018-03-19
All housekeepers!No, respectable and respectable readers, I have something to do!I mean - I'm in trouble!I have a problem!Big trouble, everyone!Very serious question, everyone!Very... How should I put it, I am really ashamed to say it!Very... very... that!It makes me very... very ashamed...but not angry.Because I don't know who to blame.If I have to be angry, then I can only be angry with myself!And of course I don't want to be angry with myself.I'm already very innocent and wronged!I am an unfortunate victim! If a person, a person with a good relationship, a person who has a good life, one day accidentally finds out that he...maybe growing a tail, no, no, it's not fucking impossible, It is an indisputable fact—because of it, I mean the tail of course, the tail growing from my sacrum is more than six inches long, so what should he, that is, me, do with myself? Woolen cloth?And what should I do with my tail?

Gentlemen, please put yourself in my shoes—if you have any sympathy.Have you no sympathy for me?My tail is still growing!Every day, every moment, every minute, every second, it keeps growing!Indomitable and "well-grown" growing!It grows slower than bean sprouts, but much faster than a baby! ... Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think I can do! But what the hell am I telling you about sympathy and not sympathy?In fact, in my heart, I don't expect you to sympathize with me at all.Don't say "a little bit", "a little bit", "a little bit" and don't count on it!Nowadays, ah, jewelry and diamonds are not rare, from the counter of the store, to all forms of advertising, to women's necks, fingers, wrists, earlobes, and " The belt clips and clothes buttons of the "big money" can be found everywhere.Advertisements for ankle bracelets have appeared.That said, it won't be long before jewels and diamonds will be on women's ankles.And sympathy has become quite rare!How could I foolishly expect you to give me something so rare!Besides, I suspect that you yourself don't!

Even so, I can imagine.All of you will gloat over my misfortune, and be extremely happy!I have experienced this virtue of our Chinese people deeply.I think you have every right to take pleasure in and gloat over my misfortune.I have the utmost respect for your right to do so.I just have a small pursuit, and I humbly ask you to show a little patience and kindness while comforting and gloating, and listen to the honest and honest narration of a poor man!At least this can create an authentic false warmth, can't it?Furthermore, from what I have told you, you will definitely gain greater pleasure and further schadenfreude!Since my desire to confide is satisfied, you yourself have no actual loss, so it is not considered a disadvantage.Ladies and gentlemen, why not do it?

Please have mercy!Please take care of me! I bow to you from all directions! What? ——It’s not cancer, why are you pretending to be pitiful? Everyone, everyone!My dear and beloved compatriots!If it was cancer, I might take it lightly.Can the tail be compared with cancer?Are people with cancer ridiculous?Is it funny?Is it worth being ashamed of?No way!In our era, our society is not so cruel and ruthless!But a man in his forties, who is more unfortunate to be a writer, his tail will undoubtedly make him ridiculous and comical!It would make him feel very ashamed!Writers with long tails in all times and in all over the world, "unprecedented in history"!There is no way to tuck or hide the tail!A few years ago, a "hair boy" was hyped up by the press, and everyone knew it.A writer with a long tail has not yet been "fried" by the "old notes" and "fried" and muddied!What's more, I, Liang Xiaosheng, have always claimed to be some kind of "civilian writer", willingly or unwillingly packaged as some kind of Chinese "Balzac", talking about "sorrow", "responsibility", and "social conscience" , "My country"!My peers have long watched with cold eyes that I am making a show to the public in a fake way!I have long been full of anger at my blustery confession!Even if the "Old Notes" are willing to let me go, the words and pens of my colleagues will never allow me to grow my tail in a hurry!Why don't other writers grow tails, but your writer Liang Xiaosheng has grown a tail!Give me an explanation! Where are you!Explain, explain, you!What can I say?How can I explain it?

"Atavism"?Nothing to be ashamed of? No, no, folks, my tail is not some kind of "atavism."It has nothing to do with the "atavism phenomenon"! Surgery to cut it off?Trouble eradicated from now on? If only surgery would fix the problem! It is not allowed to have an operation and cut it. It will grow back after the operation and cut it, but it will grow faster! Ladies and gentlemen, let me explain in detail!
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