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Chapter 34 deserted homeland.1

arc dancer 梁晓声 12872Words 2018-03-19
Qianzi felt like a shrimp on a steamer—the red sun was in the sky, like red poisonous eyes, burning with some kind of strong purpose of revenge, staring scorchingly at her, an extremely small living creature on the earth , so that she has nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape, it seems that she must be dried and scorched... The ground under my feet is also hot.The hot air directly steamed her feet through the thin rubber soles of her old cloth shoes. Her waist was already sore.She was almost prostrate on the ground, mechanically cutting the wheat.The straw was extremely dry, and the sharp stubble cut her hands and arms with bloody cuts.The lying wheat bundles, like batches of slaughtered things, groaned before hitting the ground...

All around are weeds.The weeds, which are half the height of a person, seem to be full of vitality as the sun becomes more poisonous, luxuriantly oppressing the two acres of wheat fields of her family.Looking from the hillside, the two acres of wheat fields look like yellow patches on a green quilt.Down the hillside, Zhai Village at noon was so quiet that there was no sound at all.There is no trace of cooking smoke in the sky above it.It seems that the people of Zhai Village have been completely wiped out by a great plague, and there are no living people who need to cook and eat... "Miss Qianzi..."

Qianzi looked back and saw that he was reborn.Her brother-in-law's younger brother.The second-year student of that county middle school, wearing an extra-large straw hat and carrying a plastic bag, was looking at her intently. This scholarly young man made Qianzi feel a fire of jealousy in his heart. She stared at him hatefully for a while, then cut the wheat mechanically again. "Miss Qianzi..." "Why are you calling me out of nowhere? Which one is your sister? What is it close to? Get lost!..." Qianzi stood up suddenly, and shouted at the boy angrily. "You...I want to tell you that the back of your trousers is open...why don't you wear underwear..."

When the boy said that, he blushed first. Qianzi touched her back with her left hand and touched her butt, which felt wet and greasy.She was soaked in sweat all over her body. Qianzi also blushed suddenly.She became angry from embarrassment, stepped in front of the young man, and snapped: "Then why don't you just watch it? You've been watching it for a long time, haven't you? Why don't you give me what you want!..." "I... no... I..." She couldn't let him explain, and slapped him across the face. "Little indecent thing! Don't roll a scythe and hack you to death!"

From that boy, he thought of his brother, who was also his brother-in-law, and then thought of his sister, and thought of his brother and sister-in-law.It was as if the hatred in her heart had increased tenfold... The boy covered his face and was stunned for a moment, then turned around slowly, and walked away humiliated. From his older brothers and sisters, and then thought of everything, the people of Di Village left Di Village and left Di Village as it is now.Qianzi also hated all those people.All men and women.All my former little sisters.Yes, she deeply hated those Zhai villagers who ran away, no matter how close their relationship with her was in the past, the closer the relationship was, the more she hated it.She felt that they all, without exception, had committed a crime against her.That crime should be classified as indirect entrapment.She thought so herself.

Qianzi touched her back subconsciously again, and then shouted at Gengsheng's back, "Stop!" The boy stopped, but did not look back at her. "Come here again!" The boy didn't move. "Do you get angry when you get slapped? You call me sister, but sister can't slap you? Obedient, come here!" "It's good to be reborn, even if my sister begs you, okay?" Qianzi's tone couldn't help becoming softer, even a little low-key. Finally, the boy bowed his head and walked back silently. "Rebirth, my sister's pants are like this, so I can't enter the village. Who will I meet?"

"..." "Rebirth, the two acres of land are collected by my sister alone. At this time of three or four years, my sister is almost exhausted. There is a pile of dirty clothes, and my sister can't take care of washing. Don't laugh at my sister..." "..." "You know, my sister was not a shameless person before..." The young man had understood Qianzi's meaning, silently took off his trousers, and threw it at her with his head bowed... "Turn around..." Without waiting for her order, the boy had already turned his back. After Qianzi put on his trousers, he saw that he was already cutting wheat for her.

Qianzi felt somewhat guilty and blamed herself because of her strong jealousy towards him and because she slapped his big mouth. "Renewal, it would be nice to tuck your shirt into your shorts. Otherwise, you'd be weird, and people would make fun of you..." In Qianzi's tone, there was a bit of elder sister-like tenderness.In fact, she was only two years older than the fifteen-year-old boy.If Zhai Village is still the old Zhai Village, and the middle school in the village has been running, then Qianzi must have entered the county.And he should be the most proud sophomore in Zhai Village.Of course, it was Qianzi's mother who made Qianzi's long-cherished wish come to naught, and now her mother has become a burden she cannot get rid of...

The boy threw away the sickle, straightened up, turned his back to Qianzi, obediently tucked his shirt into his shorts... "Rebirth, don't cut it now. Come here, sit down with sister and have a rest, talk..." Qianzi has not talked to anyone for a long time, and there is no one in the village she is willing to talk to.She can't speak a few words a day, and she can only talk to her mother, which of course can't be regarded as talking but complaining.It used to be her mother who scolded her, but recently she scolded her mother. Qianzi suddenly had a desire to talk to people, and this desire was extremely strong.

Gengsheng seemed to have sympathized with her heart, hesitated for a moment, walked over silently, and sat silently on the sheaf beside her. "Finished the exam?" "Ok." "How did you do in the exam?" "good." "How do you call it okay? How many ranks?" "The third in the class, the twelfth in the school." "I can't see, you really want to be strong! What are you doing when you come back?" "homesick." "Home?..." Qianzi sneered, "Your brother and my sister, they don't care about you and me anymore, what kind of home do you have? It's nothing more than that dilapidated house and yard. One day I passed by , Weeds are growing all over the yard!..."

"I came back to shovel grass." "It's a good thing you still have this kind of thought! Are you thinking of your broken house and broken yard?" "Ok!" Gengsheng opened the plastic bag and placed it in front of Qianzi - inside were various pastries and several cans of drinks. Qianzi was very thirsty and very hungry, so he grabbed it and ate it, opened it and drank it... The boy himself neither ate nor drank. He said melancholy, "I passed by the big fish pond in our village. Sections of the embankment collapsed, and the water ran out. When did the drowned pig stink in the pond..." "Stop! Say something else! . . . " Qianzi felt sick for a while. "The original canal also collapsed section by section..." "I knew it earlier." "There are also fruit forests, which have been cut down in a mess..." "I did too. In broad daylight!" The boy looked at her, with deep regret in his eyes, but also condemnation that he didn't want to say. "What are you doing looking at me in a daze? It's used as firewood. If you don't chop it for nothing, no one cares anyway." "Old Guangtai stood in the fruit forest, like a wooden stake, thinking about something..." "Hmph, he's not qualified to manage!" "I'm so sad, Zhai Village didn't deserve to end up like this." "You are enough! Zhai Village Zhai Village! Why don't you feel sad for me, should I end up like this?" The boy looked at Qianzi in a daze again. "Did your brother send you money again?" "Ok……" "Your brother is a bastard! So is my sister! When they left Zhai Village, they made a wish for me! But why don't they send me money now? Tell me!..." "Sister Qianzi, don't you know the reason?" "I know shit! I don't even know where they are!" "They...they...separated..." So it was Qianzi's turn to stare at Gengsheng in a daze.She didn't understand what he said for a moment... "What I mean is...they're not together anymore. Your sister, she fell in love with a deep-fried pancake from another province, and she took her child with her and didn't know where she went with that person...my brother told me in a letter. My brother I wanted to look for it at first, but I didn’t want to look for it later..." The pastry choked in Qianzi's throat and couldn't swallow it.She grabbed the cold drink canister and took a big sip, but she was choked and coughed again... The boy hastily patted her on the back... So Qianzi covered his face and wept loudly.It's not because my sister and brother-in-law are separated, it's purely for myself... Within a hundred miles, Zhai Village was not a poor village in the past, and was even a richer village at one time. The land they owned was the most flat land within a hundred miles.The water canals built collectively in the early years ensured that the land was well irrigated in dry years.In the event of waterlogging, the people of Zhai Village are not afraid. The three water pumps in the village can still take back 70% to 80% of the food from God.So in the early years, there was such a saying in a radius of 100 miles - "the man who burns the kiln can't be frozen, and the villagers of Zhai village can't be hungry." In the early years, when the old village head Zhai Guangtai didn't quit the party, the people in Zhai village were very united.As soon as Zhai Guangtai mobilized, the villagers worked together to do anything that couldn't be done, and finally everything was done... The old village chief quit the party two years ago. That day, he took the village cadres and others to the county party committee compound to appeal.The secretary of the county party committee was nowhere to be seen.The secretary of the county party committee went to the prefectural party committee for a meeting.The county magistrate didn't want to see him, so he sat in his office smoking a cigarette and drinking tea, angry with him, thinking he was provoking trouble. As for him, he found a shovel somewhere and dug a hole in the county party committee compound. Seeing this, the guard stepped forward to stop him, and yelled, "Hi! What are you doing?" He glanced at the other party and said slowly: "What are you doing? I don't understand? Didn't you see that we are carrying pots and grain bags? It's almost noon and I'm hungry. I want to dig a stove and cook pots on the spot." Let us petitioners drink porridge." The guard said, "Don't mess around! Don't you know what this place is?" He said: "Why don't you know? You know, when we came, we were mentally prepared to set up camp here!" The guard wanted to take the pot away, but he actually raised the shovel at the guard.Seeing that he was really not easy to mess with, the guards didn't dare to deal with it to the end. Seeing this scene from the window on the second floor, the county magistrate was so angry that he pressed out a cigarette that he had just taken a few puffs, picked up the phone and gave an order to the guard room - "No one should interfere with him!" I don’t believe in evil today, so I don’t want to meet him, I want to see what kind of trouble this old guy can make!” Old Guangtai is also a person who does not believe in evil.That day, the two unbelievers both seriously cured their qi.However, old Guangtai is the head of a village who leads more than a hundred households after all, and he has not forgotten who he is.The guards didn't care about him anymore, and he didn't intend to go too far.He carefully cleaned the rice at the open-air tap, and chatted with a guard squatting there doing laundry in an intimate tone: "Young man, it looks like he came from the countryside? Does the family still farm the land?" He pretended not to hear, and didn't even raise his head. "If there are still people in the family farming the land, you can sympathize with us farmers. It is true that the price of food is increasing, but it is raised at a dime a dime! But as for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, it costs one yuan and one yuan, how many yuan. A few yuan, a dozen yuan, a price increase of more than ten yuan, it is obvious that we farmers can't grow any more..." When people heard that what he said was very dissatisfied with reality, they didn't dare to start a conversation. "Young man, don't you think so? I am here to appeal today, which represents the whole village. To put it bluntly, it represents us farmers asking for justice from the parents and officials! If I can't get justice, I will go back and talk to the whole village. Can't explain wow!" He sighed again and again, with a sympathetic look. As a result, he picked up the basin and left, how dare he show sympathy for the person who took the lead in making trouble! He didn't feel annoyed at all, and said to the back of the person: "Listen to what I say is reactionary? Are you afraid of being implicated even if you listen to it? Understand, completely understand!" He turned his head angrily and threw him an unpleasant sentence—"Go to hell! Who wants your understanding!" Still not annoyed, he smiled, shook his head, walked to the stove he dug, put the rice in the pot, and then lay down on the ground puffing his cheeks and blowing on the fire. The cadres of Zhai Village led by him dispersed at that time, and those in and out of the courtyard went around picking up burnt things for him.The location of the county party committee, whether inside or outside the courtyard, is strangely clean after all, and it is not easy to pick it up.So old Guangtai dragged a wicker basket from the corner of the courtyard. There were broken rubber shoes, rotten socks, table and chair legs, old books and newspapers in the basket, and he stuffed them all into the stove.The frontier said 〖BF〗: "A wise man is always worried, and there is bound to be a loss. Why didn't he bring a bundle of firewood? I am old and I don't think so thoroughly. You should think about it!" The cadres in Zhai village kept nodding, nodding their heads frequently and saying: "The old party secretary's criticism is right, right. We have no experience. We have encountered it for the first time, and we will definitely learn from it next time... " They all respect their old party secretary very much.It's real respect, respect from the bottom of my heart, not fake.Leaving aside his selfless devotion to Zhai Village for the past 30 to 40 years, they have all thought about this action—if it is not done well, their old branch secretary may be imprisoned! Their respect for him at that time was extraordinarily sincere and sincere. He also saw from their faces that they all cared for him.If he is punished, his crime will be much heavier than theirs! He knew this himself, so he comforted them: "Why are you all so sad? If we are punished, you should cleanse yourself as much as possible, Push it all on me alone. The more thorough the better! I am the mastermind, I instigated you, you instigated you, and forced you to come with me..." What he said, what he said to the two guards, and what he said to the cadres of Zhai Village were all heard by the alert ears of the guard squad leader who walked back and forth from the stove from time to time.So the county magistrate also learned what he said in the yard in the office. The county magistrate said to the phone: "Okay. The report is very important. Continue to listen to what the old guy is spreading!..." The county magistrate put down the phone, couldn't sit still, and paced up and down in the office.In fact, as soon as the county magistrate saw him digging a hole in the yard, he couldn't sit still.Of course, I don't smoke anymore.Because the cigarettes made by old Guangtai are stronger than any brand of Chinese or foreign cigarettes he has ever smoked.The direction of the wind just happened to blow the column of thick black smoke wrapped in a peculiar smell to the rows of open windows of the county party committee office building.Amidst the crackling sound of closing the window, the county magistrate coughed from choking.While covering his mouth and nose with his handkerchief, he hurriedly grabbed the phone and issued a second order to the guard room: "Quick, quick! Tell that old guy to come upstairs immediately! I'll meet him, damn it!" So the security squad leader, who was waiting by the phone and kept in close contact with the county magistrate's office, put down the phone and ran to old Guangtai and said politely: "Old guy, don't play with fire, our county Please go right away!" Old Guangtai stared at him: "Young man, what do you call me?" "Old comrade, old comrade, I have slipped my tongue, please forgive me! You must not be angry!" The security squad leader respectfully admitted his mistake and apologized. "I don't care what you call me, old guy, old comrade, you can call me whatever you want, and you can call me whatever you want. I just can't accept the word 'playing with fire'! I'm clearly cooking Porridge!" Old Guangtai said sternly, with a look of reason but not in a high voice. "I was wrong, I was wrong. You are not playing with fire, you are cooking porridge! Cooking porridge..." "Young man, just admit your mistakes. Let me ask you again—what did you say in your last sentence? You said—'our county magistrate', right?" "exactly……" "No! He is not only the county magistrate of you people in this compound! He is also the county magistrate of us peasants from outside the compound! So, you can talk about him to me, to anyone in this county , you must say 'our county magistrate'! Boy, you will firmly remember this point..." "Remember, remember..." The security squad leader just wanted to quickly complete the task of "inviting" him, so he simply pretended to be a "good boy"-style junior, not as knowledgeable as him. Old Guangtai glanced into the pot, and then said to the cadres of Zhai Village: "Why are you staring at me? Is the water almost boiling? Hurry up and serve rice! Make it thinner. I don't know what to do. How many days will I live in this yard! I don’t have much rice with me, so I need to save it..." After that, he strode away, with his chest up and his head held high, and he walked calmly and unswervingly towards the gray building representing the highest authority in the county.His thin back, at that moment, showed a kind of spirit of no turning back, full of a tragic momentum that will never return.The cadres of Zhai Village all stared blankly at his back, and felt that their old village head and party secretary seemed to be walking towards their own grave... For the secretary of the county party committee, among the more than 700 village chiefs and party branch secretaries, Zhai Guangtai is a relatively familiar name.This is not because he is both the village head and the secretary of the village party branch.Each of the more than 700 people held the above two positions. The phrase "separation of the party and the government" is absurd and puzzling to the majority of farmers in China.They are used to having both a magistrate and a secretary of the county party committee in a county, but they are by no means used to having the same in a village.The very small number of people who do not hold two jobs will be a person whose authority is greatly questionable in their eyes. The county magistrate, who was transferred not long ago, remembered the name Zhai Guangtai because it was closely associated with many honors of Zhai Village--the model village for paying public grain, the model village for family planning, the advanced typical village for "literacy eradication", Spiritual civilization model villages...the list goes on and on.Some honors were officially awarded to Zhai Village after he, the county magistrate, circled them out of more than 700 small villages.No one can separate the name Zhai Guangtai from Zhai Village in the face of a series of honors.In fact, it is also inseparable.First of all, the people in Zhai Village will feel that this is too disappointing for them.You may even feel that the weight of those honors has become a little lighter and insignificant.In the sense of honor of the people in Zhai Village, it seems that only the awards, pennants, certificates brought back from the county by Zhai Guangtai himself are some kind of honor... To be fair, the county magistrate was already very tolerant of the old Guangtai.Leading the cadres of the whole village, they dug up a stove in the county party committee compound and set up a pot to cook porridge. If such presumptuous behavior was done by other village leaders, the county magistrate would have been very rude.The security squad has been ordered to take "necessary measures"! Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?! But as far as the old Guangtai is concerned, it is not because he deliberately relied on his meritorious deeds and relied on his elders to sell his elders.No, he was not such a person at all.This old farmer who has been endowed with great power and authority in a very small crowd, this old member of the Communist Party of China who is much older than some county magistrates and county party secretaries today, no matter whether he is against the top or the bottom, he is He is recognized as a kind person who is the most reasonable and least willing to embarrass others.What he did that day was a choice he had no choice. He has come to the county party committee to see the county magistrate or secretary of the county party committee no less than ten times. The first time the secretary of the county party committee wanted to meet him, but because he was in a meeting, he was told to wait in the reception room.When he waited, he didn't even have a bite of food at noon, so he waited hungry until the group of people got off work.The courtyard of the county party committee was quiet, and every window in the office building was gradually darkened.He was surprised, and asked the messenger what was going on? The secretary of the county party committee clearly agreed to see me, but why didn’t he see me after I waited until now! He shook his head and said how could I know? He said that I don’t care No matter what, I have to make a phone call with the secretary of the county party committee! I asked the phone number of the county party secretary’s home, and they said I can’t tell you. Can you just tell the visitor the phone number of the county party secretary’s home? He said, then you can tell The phone number of the secretary’s home of my county party secretary! People say that you can’t tell the petitioners casually! If you tell, you will be scolded! He begged repeatedly, and he almost knelt down. Reluctantly, Twelve Fen told him the secretary's phone number.He dialed the phone nervously, and asked sincerely, only then did he be remembered, and he was completely disappointed to be told that it was impossible to see the secretary of the county party committee.The secretary of the county party committee went to the province to attend the training class for county party committee cadres, and it was over three months later! He asked angrily——then why didn’t you tell me earlier and let me wait until dark? The other party was also angry, and in The other end of the phone said, who do you think you are? Isn’t it just a village party branch secretary? I serve you alone? Do you know how many things I have to remember every day? Forgot? The other party hung up the phone with a snap. So he understood that if he bumped into the secretary of the county party secretary, it would be even more difficult to see the county party secretary in the future. The second time he walked into the county party committee compound, he wisely didn't mention the county party secretary and asked to see the county magistrate.But he didn't see the county magistrate that day either.Although, the county magistrate did not go out that day, nor was he in a meeting, so he worked in the building.But he didn't come in vain. After waiting for a long time, he was finally allowed to talk with the county magistrate on the phone in the reception room. He said: "County magistrate, I am Zhai Guangtai from Zhai Village, the village head and Party branch secretary..." He was very excited at the time, and the hand holding the microphone was shaking. "I know you, I know you, what's the matter, you start to report. But be brief, don't NB023 insinuation. The quality of your comrades at the lowest level is generally too low! Some people report work without marginalization. The clouds and mountains are covered with mist, and the leaders often listen to it for a long time, but they still haven't heard the reason..." The county magistrate's calm and rigid tone made him hear an undisguised condescension.I also seem to hear a subtext that is - don't be like those who are too low-quality, my patience is not infinite... "County magistrate, I'm mainly here to ask, when will the IOUs sent to us farmers be honored?" Old Guangtai thought that his question could not have been more brief or clear. It seems the mayor thinks so too.In life, there are times, situations, and things that, once asked briefly and clearly, will inevitably embarrass and embarrass the person being asked.Once this kind of embarrassing and embarrassing situation arises, the questioner will inevitably be dragged into embarrassment and embarrassment unfortunately.And this, in turn, further proves that the person who asked the question only cared about brevity, only cared about understanding, and didn't take care of other things. The county magistrate was silent for a long time on the other end of the phone. Old Guangtai held his breath on one end of the phone, oppressed by the silence on the other end, he didn't have the courage to ask any more questions, and could only hold his breath to accompany the silence. His hand gripping the receiver was sweating. Finally, the county magistrate spoke again. The county magistrate only asked: "You came here to ask this?" Old Guangtai especially answered "yes" briefly. The county magistrate said: "You don't need to ask this question, and you don't need to worry about it. When it will be fulfilled, the county party committee will arrange it on the agenda for discussion. After the discussion, a resolution is formed, and the document will be released. It will be sent..." Old Guangtai said: "But the county magistrate..." The county magistrate said, "Huh? What are you?" "If you don't honor it, there will be no one to cultivate the land!" Old Guangtai was anxious. "What are you talking about? If the peasants don't cultivate the land, why does the country support hundreds of millions of peasants?" The county magistrate's tone was very severe. Old Guangtai didn't have the courage, so he had to squeeze some courage out of his courage.He reasoned hard: "County magistrate, I don't like to hear what you say! You can't say that the country supports hundreds of millions of farmers, but hundreds of millions of farmers support the country!" "Comrade Zhai Guangtai! Don't argue with me! I'm at work, I'm the head of a county, and I don't have time to argue with you on the phone! You don't like to listen to me, so if you want to listen to someone else, go find someone!" The county magistrate slapped the table on the other end of the phone, and the sound was transmitted to the old Guangtai's ears through the receiver, causing his eardrums to vibrate, and he couldn't help shaking... "County magistrate, I didn't want to argue with you, I didn't come all the way to make you angry. What I mean, I want to say, if you don't honor it, the farmers will have no way to plant the land!" "Enough is enough! I said comrade, you are not making me angry, what are you doing? You have to be patient and do the ideological work of the peasant brothers! You must be good at explaining to the peasant brothers! The party has trusted you for dozens of years. For years, you have always been a grassroots cadre in the countryside. Don’t forget your responsibilities to the party! Let’s talk about this today! Go back and tell the farmers in Zhai Village to tell the farmers in the nearby villages. It is not an IOU! It is an IOU issued by the state, the government, and the party to the peasants! As long as it is well preserved, it will stand the test of history. Ten, twenty, thirty years later, if you present it, the state will Accepted!" "But the county magistrate..." But the county magistrate had already hung up the phone. A few days later, old Guangtai appeared in the county party committee communication room again. They did not see the face of the county magistrate.Not only did he not see the county magistrate's face, but he never heard the county magistrate's voice again.Instead, I heard the voice of the secretary of the county magistrate.The secretary of the county magistrate conveyed the "meaning" of the county magistrate by phone-if he still came for the "IOU", then we can meet or discuss it.It’s already been discussed! The county magistrate already knows it! If he should be instructed, he has already been instructed! He just obeys and does it!  … Old Guangtai was very grateful to the secretary of the county magistrate.Because he finally revealed to him on the phone in a low voice——last time, the indirect impression he left on the county magistrate was not very good, and he kindly advised him not to come again. This made him feel that the secretary of the county magistrate was better than the secretary of the county party committee. When he appeared in the county party committee reception office for the third time, even the old man in the reception office persuaded him. People say: "Brother, you are over sixty years old, and I am also over sixty years old. People should talk about self-respect and self-love for their own age, don't they?" He sighed, expressing complete agreement with the other party.But he said, "I didn't come here for my own sake!" People say: "I know. That's why I advise you! Why do you bother to do things for others!" The secretary of the county magistrate happened to come back from outside on a bicycle, and he saw him at a glance. He rushed out of the reception room, grabbed the back of his car, dragged him, and begged him to report to the county magistrate again. The secretary of the county magistrate sighed, looked around and saw no one around, and told him frankly: "Old man, let me be honest! Because you come too often, the county magistrate is very unhappy, thinking that you have constituted Harassing him personally. I can’t report it for you! I can persuade you not to come again, but I can’t persuade the county magistrate to meet you once? In that case, can my secretary still be the magistrate?” He put himself in other people's shoes and thought about it, and felt that he was really embarrassing him, so he let go of the hand that was holding the rear frame of his bicycle... Afterwards, he came again three or four times, trying to block the county magistrate's car on or off work.But it didn't stop once.The county party committee has two other side doors, how can the county magistrate let him block them? For a month or so, he went back and forth for more than a hundred miles each time. In order to meet the county magistrate and get a chance to present his interests face to face, his already thin face became so thin...  As soon as old Guangtai stepped into the county magistrate's office, the county magistrate said in a cold tone: "Cunji Zhai, secretary Zhai, now, I can finally talk to you face to face!" He froze for a moment, not knowing what to say for a moment.Because what the county magistrate said was exactly the first thing he wanted to say after seeing the county magistrate, but unexpectedly, the county magistrate said it first. 〓〓 The county magistrate took a few steps to the window, stretched out his arms, pointed into the yard and reprimanded harshly: "What are you doing? What do you think of the county party committee compound as a place? Today you have to admit your mistakes to me!" He said dully: "County magistrate, I was wrong!" The county magistrate stepped up to him again, pointed at him, and said, "Wrong? Is it overwhelmed with just one sentence? You can't just admit your mistake verbally! You have to write me an in-depth inspection!" He said dully, "Okay, I'll write." So the magistrate glared at him, and he glared at the magistrate.The two stared at each other for a few minutes, and the county magistrate suddenly waved his hand: "Forget it! Because you are an old party member, I will not pursue what happened today! In the final analysis, it is still a matter of quality! How much education has been received by the party?" It's been ten years, and you still haven't cultivated a little bit of rationality? Is your porridge cooked?" He muttered: "It's probably cooked..." The county magistrate softened his tone: "If it's cooked, drink it up. If you don't have a bowl, go to the cafeteria to borrow it! Just say that I asked you to lend it to you! It's a sin to waste food. Who knows that Chinese food, grains..." He interrupted the county magistrate to memorize the two poems that almost all Chinese people know: "County magistrate, I just want you to give me a promise today. When will the 'white note' be honored?" When the county magistrate heard this, he immediately put on a straight face: "'Bai Tiao'! 'Bai Tiao'! Cash in! Cash in! I have already proposed it once at the county standing committee, and the standing committee members said that it has been cashed in once!" "But that time it was the 'white strip' from the previous year. And only half of it was cashed! Last year's has not been cashed yet! This year the farmers paid the grain, but received another 'white strip'!..." "It's not a 'white stripe' this year, it's a 'green stripe'!" "Anyway, it's strips! Not money!" "That's different! The slogan 'Promote private fundraising and support national construction' is printed on the 'Green Bar', don't you see clearly? That is to say, this year's 'Green Bar', compared with previous years' 'White Bar', of an honorable nature..." He interrupted the county magistrate again: "But we farmers don't want this glory! We want money! How will we live this year without money? What will we use to buy fertilizer next year? Buy pesticides? If we don't give cash, farmers will not plant land next year." It's..." The county magistrate also interrupted him: "Zhai Guangtai, doesn't the country have the right to owe farmers a few debts? If you owe them, you have to represent the farmers, just like Huang Shiren forced Yang Bailao, to force the country to repay the debt within a time limit ?If the country is a person, do you want to force the country to commit suicide and drink sea water? NC267? The times have changed, and you don't have any feelings for the country?..." Old Guangtai suddenly roared: "Put your mother's shit on!" The county magistrate was startled and completely stunned. "How come the county only owes farmers and teachers, and I have never heard of those unscrupulous nouveau riche! It is often heard that they owe the country! They owe governments at all levels! What they owe is often in vain, no If you pay them back, you won’t pay them back! Why? Why do you always have so much affection for them? Do you always bully the peasants? Bully the teachers?..." Old Guangtai was so angry that he blushed for a moment, and raised his old farmer's thin and black hand towards the county magistrate... As for the county magistrate, he closed his eyes and straightened his neck, as if preparing to receive a slap in the face. However, old Guangtai restrained his impulse in time, and his hand did not really slap the county magistrate in the face.He froze for a moment in mid-air, and finally hung down slowly, grabbing the open corner of his skirt... The county magistrate's eyes also opened slowly, and they opened wider and wider, and finally opened them to a frightening degree, staring at old Guangtai covetously. Old Guangtai was at a loss for a moment. The county magistrate's face also flushed brightly. The county magistrate slapped the table and yelled, "You want to hit me? You want to hit the county magistrate?! You bastard!..." Old Guangtai is on fire again.Veins bulge on the neck.He grabbed a bottle of ink on the table and hurled it against the wall.The ink bottle was broken, and a large blue chrysanthemum appeared on the snow-white wall. Countless blue ink spots were splashed on the faces of himself and the county magistrate.Then he grabbed another bottle of ink and threw it on the wall, so another red peony appeared on the white wall.Countless red ink ideas were splashed on the body and face of himself and the county magistrate... Before the secretary of the county magistrate and several men and women in the office next door arrived, the beautiful thermos bottle on the magistrate’s desk had already paid the material price for the conflict between the farmers and the magistrate—it smashed a piece of glass, The county magistrate's office flew into the yard, and when it hit the ground, it made a sudden explosion like an explosion.The sudden explosion-like sound alarmed the security squad.Under the leadership of the security squad leader, almost all of them rushed to the office building.The village cadres of Zhai Village, who were squatting around the stove and drinking porridge around the pot, threw away their bowls very quickly and stood up together.One of them yelled, "Fuck!" - and they threw themselves at the fire rack... Old Guangtai, who went mad like a furious old bear, had just been pinned down on a chair and couldn't move. People from Zhai Village rushed into the county magistrate's office, one by one holding axes, hooks , Shovel and pickaxe or something.One of them was also carrying a foam fire extinguisher.The "guys" in their hands are different, but the expressions on their faces are the same, they all look like a diamond with angry eyes. The men and women of the county party committee were all horrified.The county magistrate's secretary turned pale, stood up to protect the county magistrate with both extreme timidity and infinite loyalty, and stammered: "Don't, don't, don't mess around..." The county magistrate calmed down now, and said calmly, "Why are you still relying on Comrade Zhai Guangtai? Let him go!" So several pairs of hands that were firmly pressing on old Guangtai let go. Old Guangtai said to the people in Zhai Village: "Are you going to smash the county party committee? Put them all down!" The people in Zhai Village turned their heads one by one, and saw the guards blocking the door. For the first time, they didn't listen to the words of the old village chief and old secretary, and no one put the "guy" down. 老广泰也不再喝迫他们。他掏出烟盒,吸起烟来。 于是所有人的目光都盯在他一个人身上。 老广泰将那支烟吸得差不多了,就用目光四处寻找什么。 县长猜到了他在寻找什么,陪着小心说:“烟灰缸也被你摔碎了,烟头你就踩灭在地上吧!” 于是老广泰只好将烟头扔在地上,狠狠一脚踩灭。 他往起一站,瞪着县长说:“县长,我主意已定,今天当着县里这些同志的面,当着我们翟村几位支委的面,我郑重宣布退党了!从今往后,党在翟村的事,我就不负责任不尽义务了,啥时候俺们农民打的'白条'、'绿条'一总地兑现了,我翟广泰重新争取入党!重新经受入党考验!” 他这番话说得相当平静。 县长默默掏出烟盒,抽出一支烟递向他。 He shook his head. 县长就自己吸着了那支烟,默默吸了几口,注视着他的脸说:“翟广泰同志,我希望你能及时收回你的声明,不要感情用事。” 县长的话也说得相当平静。但是那一种平静的语调之中,隐含着不容忽视的警告意味儿。县长的脸,当时严肃得像一位正在法庭上执法的审判长的脸,甚至简直就可以说,像一张即将张贴的布告。 然而翟广泰的决心已坚如磐石,任谁的话都不能使之动摇了。 他冷冷地吐出一个字是——“不!” 翟村的这一位老农,将那一个冷冷的“不”字一说完,谁都不看,抬腿就走。翟村跟来的人们,都仍操着“家伙”,有意无意地护着他,随之而去。从县长办公室至院子里,他们觉得他一总儿推卸掉了责任感义务感什么的,似乎年轻了几岁,步子也似乎轻快了…… 然而老广泰离开县委大院没多远,站住不走了,众人便也一齐站住了,疑惑地望着他。都以为他后悔了…… 不料他哇地喷出了一大口鲜血! 他义无反顾地率领着翟村的干部们来的,结果却是昏迷不醒地被轮着背回了翟村…… 第二天,翟村的农民们全体出动,在县委大院门前黑压压坐了一片…… 第三天赶来了更多的其他村里的农民…… 于是整个县城被震动了,地委被震动了,省委被震动了…… 县长引咎辞职了…… 县委书记从省党校惶惶然地赶回来了…… 省里拆东墙补西墙,还以省委名义向几位名声赫赫的“大款”开口借,才十万火急地临时筹措到一笔款,先替县里还了欠农民的债…… 一场风波总算消散。农民中惟一付出代价的是老广泰。县委、地委向各村发出联合通告,措辞严正地开除了他的党籍,取消了他县人大代表的资格…… 县长离开本县之前,去到翟村一次,向翟村人道了歉,并深深鞠了一躬。之后他光临了老广泰家。 在没有第三者的情况下,他们一个躺着,一个盘腿坐在炕上,推心置腹地长谈了一番。 老广泰说:“县长,我很抱歉啊!我那么做,是万不得已的啊!” 县长说:“你现在连党员都不是了,我也不称你同志了。就叫你翟老汉吧。翟老汉,我也很抱歉啊!县委向农民们打白条,也是迫不得已的啊!” 老广泰说:“我明明是当众宣布退党在先,县委地委为什么还要在其后下一道红头文件开除我呢?这不等于是存心整治我吗?” 县长说:“翟老汉,毕竟的,你是在过党四十多年的人,怎么竟也问得这么没常识呢?” 老广泰苦笑了一下,自嘲地说:“其实我心里明白,不过是想从你口中讨句哄人的话。” 县长也苦笑了一下,也用自嘲的口吻说:“我现在已经不是县长了。连说句哄你的话的资格都没有了。我还巴不得谁来哄哄我呢!” 老广泰望了县长几秒钟,内疚地说:“县长,我不是成心要把你闹倒,真的!你信吗?” 县长点点头说:“我当然信。咱俩往日无冤,近日无仇,你干吗存心要把我闹倒呢?” “县长啊,农民们也不是成心要把你闹倒哇!他们是因为有地眼瞅着不能种了才……” 县长用手势制止住他的话,叹口气说:“这我也知道。我调来还不到半年,没什么受农民们拥护的政绩,也没什么被农民们憎恨的劣迹嘛!农民们干吗非闹倒我不可呢?一袋碳氨已经四十多元了,一袋尿素已经九十多元一百来元了,一袋二氨一百五六十元,再加上水费、电费,农民们辛辛苦苦半年,按最好的收成算,一亩地也不过就落个三百多元钱,遇上平年,就等于白干。遇上灾年呢,不用遇上大灾年,只要遇上小灾年,一亩地就会赔上几百元,种十亩地的人家就会赔上几千元。几千元就可能压得农民几年内喘不过气儿,翻不过身。这些,我这个当县长的都知道的。前任县长向农民打了两年白条,我能一上任就都替他还清了吗?县里底子薄,我有什么办法?我又不是神仙!我像一个钱搂子似的,到处搂钱,却只不过替前任还了农民一点点,可自己这一届又对农民欠了新债!……” 老广泰从枕下摸出烟递给县长。 县长吸了几口,摇头说:“不谈这些了!” 老广泰同情地说:“我又没烦,不是在认真听着嘛!” 县长又吸了几口烟,叹气说:“今年我为什么向农民打'绿条'呢?起先是这么想的,不能白欠农民的!还那一天,得连利息一块儿还!我也是从农民家庭出来的,我是体恤农民的!我这任县长向农民打的欠条。不光颜色不同,实际上内容也要有所不同。可常委会上一讨论,把我的想法彻底否了!常委们说,利息?你到时候从哪儿来钱又还欠债又还利息?我说不知道。常委们说你不知道怎么敢预先许愿?我没话说,就这么给否了……” “那,县委每年的钱都用到哪儿去了?” “修公路。不是都说要想富先修路吗?盖了十几所小学校。孩子们没地方念书行吗?拨给了一些县办企业发工资,不发工资,总共几千工人怎么生活?按倒葫芦起来瓢,反正不是农民们把我闹倒,就是县办企业的工人们把我闹倒……现在,终于好了。我的刑期提前结束了。我很感激你呢!……” 老广泰有些不解了。 县长如释重负地说:“不是你们农民把我闹倒了,我有什么正当的理由离开这个县啊!是这个县的农民们成全了我呀!” 老广泰说:“县长,你也不必感激我。因为农民们去闹县委,并不是我煽动的。我只不过没能力再靠权威压住他们了。” 县长说:“我知道不是你煽动的。我根本就没往这方面想,所以我离开之前,才来向你告个别嘛!我不愿见你,那是因为我怕面对你提出的问题!不愿正视它。有时候甚至自欺欺人,恨不能要忘了问题的存在。翟老汉,今天我对你说的这些话,可都是大实话,天知地知,你知我知,哪说哪了!你可千万别给我扩散。你不在党了,我还在党呢!档案转到哪儿还是个县级干部呢!我没你那种勇气什么都不考虑了……”
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