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Chapter 66 Chapter Twelve - Tang Zhuang (5)

red tile 曹文轩 3190Words 2018-03-19
When Du Changming left Yau Ma Tei Town, he only left one sentence: Tang Wenfu must be caught. Tang Wenfu began a long escape. Tangzhuang was assigned a working group of 15 people. Dozens of conferences and meetings were held. Men and women, big and small, were all educated. It is impossible for Tangzhuang to have anyone who can Take and harbor Tang Wenfu.He became a lonely soul, a fox that hides by day and night.The arrest notice of Tang Wenfu was posted all over the place with a radius of 180 li.Some people say that Tang Wenfu fled to Yunnan and Guizhou.It was also said that Tang Wenfu was still at someone's house in Tangzhuang.Others said that he fled to the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast, and he had already arrived in the Soviet Union.During this period, there were two tense arrests.Once, it was caused by a voice from the neighboring commune: "Catch Tang Wenfu!" The cry spread all the way, and it led to countless shouts: "Catch Tang Wenfu!" Another time, it was Yau Ma Tei Township. It was caused by a joke between the two children on the board.A child was beaten by another child and chased him. Seeing that he could not catch up, he ran and shouted: "Catch Tang Wenfu! Catch Tang Wenfu!"

Yau Ma Tei immediately shouted like a tide. Society seems to be a little more stable - some.Yau Ma Tei Secondary School has started classes again.The big-character posters posted all over the town have been torn and tattered after several wind and rains, like the scabs of abscesses that are about to heal.The sky remains the same, the fields are as usual, eating, drinking, and sleeping are still eating, drinking, and sleeping, but there is more corruption, more hatred, more hypocrisy and cunning.The simple countryside can no longer be simple.The well-behaved people are all on the road to "troubleshooting".We have gone through the wind and rain, and now we have opened our eyes to see the world that has gone through the wind and rain, leaving romance and innocence, childishness and innocence, inch by inch, in the past.

Ma Shuiqing and I still often go to eat pork head meat, but it seems that it is no longer the fun of the past.At that time, the few of us just ate pork head meat purely, but now, while our minds are on eating, we are still on many other aspects that have nothing to do with eating. As time went by, we gradually forgot about Tang Wenfu. In late spring, the weather is warm, and the whole world has become a big basin, which is fermenting and expanding, exuding a sweet and sour smell.The crops in the field are growing, the water in the river seems to be thickening, and even the air has become thick.The human body is also growing hair, and the clothes that used to feel empty and light in winter now become tight and heavy.But we must dress.Back then, we really only had clothes for two seasons: winter and summer.There are no clothes in spring and autumn.therefore,.In spring, I have to keep wearing winter clothes until summer, and in autumn, I have to keep wearing summer clothes until winter.Now, in late spring, you wear a white shirt, open the neckline casually, and put on a jacket, and travel very chicly and comfortably. You will see hundreds of dark-skinned people at the station and ship pier. Faces, they are all wearing cotton-padded clothes as black as thick clouds, and there seem to be countless collars on their black necks, but they just refuse to take them off. You will say: Chinese country people are particularly resistant to covering.As everyone knows, this ability to withstand covering is actually a kind of numbness caused by poverty.Later, when I had money, I had seasons.In spring, summer, autumn and winter, it's hot and cold, and the clothes and covers I wear are layered, and I feel physical comfort.And when my mood becomes happy with the change of this level, I always think of the rough and dull past, and when I walk to the station and dock, and see those people who are still in my former state, I take a kind of Sympathy welled up in my heart.

At this time, the air in our dormitory smells really bad, especially the smell from Xie Baisan's side.His sweat really ruined him alive, and ruined others too.Recently, he added a pair of nylon socks.The sweat retting the nylon socks in the galoshes created a deadly smell. Ma Shuiqing said: "Damn Xie Baisan, sweat is worse than urine!" That night, I lay under the thick quilt, feeling wet and irritable, but when I kicked the quilt away, I felt extremely cold.Cover, kick, kick, cover, it's hard to sleep.In the field on the other side of the big river, another pheasant was crowing, making people very disturbed.I was anxious, so I got up and went outside.The air outside was very fresh. I breathed heavily and walked towards the big river behind the dormitory.

A hare hopped in the moonlight.I bent down to pick up a piece of mud, and suddenly threw it at it.It was frightened and ran towards the bushes.I had no intention of catching it, and I knew I couldn't catch it at all, but I had the desire to chase it and scare it, so I followed it.It ran into the bushes.Then there was a "crash, clatter" sound in the bushes.Immediately I felt something was wrong with the sound: a hare couldn't make such a loud noise when touched.I asked loudly: "Who?!" The bushes suddenly fell silent. I picked up a brick from the ground and asked, "Who is it? If you don't answer, I'm going to smash it!"

There was another "cracking" sound in the bushes, first a head came out, and then a whole person came out. "Who are you?" The man called out softly: "Lin Bing." "Tang Wenfu!" He walked into the moonlight.The moon was as bright as the day that day.People will never forget the image of Tang Wenfu—his hair is long and messy like autumn wormwood; his beard is unshaven, which almost covers his mouth; — A woman's padded jacket.He walked towards me with a smile, his teeth and glasses shining brightly in the moonlight. "Lin Bing, don't be afraid. I will never implicate you!" He walked over and said repeatedly to me who was still in shock.

He and I both slipped into the shadow of the tree.I asked him: "These days, where have you been hiding?" "It's in Ludang, thirty miles away from here." "What do you live on?" "Fish, shrimp, wild duck eggs, and then steal. Steal rice, steal vegetables, steal raw, steal cooked, steal whatever you see." "How did you come here?" "Lonely. I can't take it anymore. I want to talk to someone." "That's not okay. They're after you. There's a net!" "I'm not afraid. Grab it and grab it!"

"Let's hide!" "When did you hide?" "When did you hide here?" "It's been three days. I really want to see you. Yesterday, I don't know what you were doing after you came to the house. I was about to call you, but you left." "Somebody's coming to this bush. You can hide under that wreck by the river." "Broken ship?" "I hid a dog somewhere." he laughed. I took him to the wreck.He crawled in, and after a while, he crawled out again, "Not bad, not bad, really good!" We talked a lot.Mainly he said.His desire to speak was extremely strong, and he was eloquent and eloquent.In the middle, he repeatedly reiterated: "Lin Bing, don't worry, I will never implicate you!"

After observing his cotton-padded jacket again, I burst out laughing. He also laughed, "When I ran out, they were all single clothes. This was stolen, from a woman. At that time, it was full of milky smell, which smelled very good. Probably that woman was breastfeeding a doll. Can you help me get some clothes Is it? I already have lice. I want to throw them all away." I said: "OK." The air has become very humid.The fog floated up from the fields, getting thicker and thicker, and finally, it was like billowing white smoke.Under the cover of the smoke, I stole some clothes from Xie Baisan, Ma Shuiqing and others, and took out two of my own, and gave them to Tang Wenfu.He said he wanted to read, so I stuffed a big bag with all the printed things I could get my hands on, and sent them to him, and told him that there was a small hole in the boat into which a beam of light could shine. Inside, Zheng Ke could sleep there and read a book.I sent him a broken mat, and carried a quilt hanging on the iron bars at the door of the teacher’s dormitory that I had forgotten to take back... four or five times.He kept saying, "Lin Bing, I, Tang Wenfu, will report back to you in the future!"

The next day, Xie Baisan, Ma Shuiqing, and I were all looking for clothes on and off the bed, and I scolded while searching: "Which bastard stole the clothes!" I often visit Tang Wenfu secretly. That night, there was another shout outside: "Catch Tang Wenfu! Catch Tang Wenfu!" Even the loudspeakers on the streets of Yau Ma Tei town rang out the shout.There were footsteps of "chi 嗵 嗵 嗵" all around.There was an urgent gong in the distance.The sound came and went, resounding from Yau Ma Tei Town to the sky, and from the sky to Yau Ma Tei Town.Qin Qichang led more than a dozen militiamen and ran around the town of Yau Ma Tei, asking loudly: "Where is it? Where is it?" Many people had gone to sleep, and after waking up, they followed the crowd—to the east—to the east. oo.

By the river, it was quiet. I retreated from the crowd, turned around and ran to the broken wooden boat on the side of the big river, calling softly: "Tang Wenfu! Tang Wenfu!" "What's going on outside?" Tang Wenfu poked out his head. "Are you Tang Wenfu?" "It's Tang Wenpu. What's the matter, Lin Bing?" I leaned on the boat, gasping for breath, looking at the wandering clouds floating in the sky like a dream. After a while, a voice came from the town: "Catch Tang Wenfu! Catch Tang Wenfu!" Tang Wenfu touched himself, "Aren't I here? Am I not here?" After a while, the loudspeaker announced that it was a misunderstanding, that Tang Wenfu who was caught was a man from far away who was visiting relatives in Yau Ma Tei Town, and told everyone to go back to sleep. Tang Wenfu and I laughed in a low voice for a long time. About ten days later, one afternoon, when we were in class, a dozen militiamen armed with spears and hemp ropes went straight to the river, and caught Tang Wenfu from under the wrecked boat.That night, two men with short guns in their waists came from the Public Security Bureau and handcuffed Tang Wenfu.When he was about to be twisted into the jeep, he turned his head and saw me in the crowd of onlookers. He smiled and nodded to me. Later, when he was released from prison, the first person he went to was me.When he saw me, he held my hand with a pair of callused hands cast in labor camps and shook it again and again.I asked how he was discovered at the time, and he thought for a while and said: "On the afternoon of the first day when I was caught, I saw Qiao An fishing by the river, he hesitated in the boat for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back. Came out and spoke to him."
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