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Chapter 34 Section VII

lonely novelist 石田衣良 2578Words 2018-03-18
Summer vacation is Qingtian Kohei's deathbed.Every year near the end of July, he was very depressed.Because I have to face my son Xiao Chi who is in the fifth grade of elementary school all day long.He works in his own study room, unlike the company employees who have two consecutive days off every week. If the deadline is tight, he has to put aside all the trivial matters in daily life and sit at the desk to finish the draft. But summer vacation, no matter how tight the deadline, must also keep children's daily life in order.The strong appetite of elementary school students cannot be delayed for a moment.Make breakfast on time, go out for lunch, and make a good dinner in the evening.After putting the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher, there is still a basket of sweaty clothes that Xiaochi goes to swim training every day waiting for him to put into the washing machine. In addition, I want to do the house cleaning twice a week as much as possible...

Sometimes Gengping can't tell whether he is a novelist or Xiaochi's mother.A night of drinking, like the one after judging, is only occasionally available at major events.Every day passed in a very peaceful way on the Kagurazaka slope and between the slopes.On the way back with the shopping bag, he could not help but be surprised to see his book on the front of the bookstore.A day, every day, completely out of touch with the gorgeous creative life of a writer. Ever since Xiaochi said he didn't want a new mother on the second morning of the judging meeting, Gengping has carefully avoided this topic.There are also untouchable topics between the two fathers and sons who look up and look down every day, and sit at the same dining table for every meal.

This autumn, Gengping will pass the 40-year-old mark.Do you just let yourself spend the rest of your life alone in such parenting and writing?One day Xiaochi will move out of this apartment due to work or marriage. Once he moves out, he probably won't come back to live in it again.Although he has only one father, Gengping, and only one son, Gengping, but this is inevitable.Because Xiaochi's inability to stand on his own is equivalent to his own failure in parenting.Every time I think of being alone again more than ten years later, there is always a kind of deep-rooted loneliness that grows wildly in Gengping's heart.

Now working as a writer, the most popular profession in the world, is not very popular with women, and it must be even more unpopular when you are in your fifties.It may be difficult for my income to increase, but I have been tirelessly writing novels that are old-fashioned and not popular.If he can't even write such a novel, he can't help but shudder when he thinks about the old age and loneliness living on the pension. (Oh, what a long way to go in life.) This is Gengping's true feelings about his half life.Although you can arrange other people's lives arbitrarily in the novel, you can't copy them into your own life, but you still have to pretend to be enlightened.This is the writer's destiny.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Katahira Shinnosuke is always so enthusiastic.Perhaps this enthusiasm is the source of his fighting power to write thirty or forty pages of manuscripts without rest every day. "Xiao Jiu is about to drown in the storm of interviews." The writers of the Youth Club, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, got together again in the second week after the judging night.It's nearly August, and the hot summer season is approaching.The air-conditioned Solballet is as cool as the depths of the sea, and the dark blue tone of the sofa and carpet makes people feel cool and pleasant.The waitress Tsubaki brought Kohei a glass of Scotch whiskey and water.Genghei took a sip and said, "Isogai, how are you?"

Too busy!The life of the writer of the New Direct Award, at least half a year after winning the award, can be summed up vividly in this few words. "Ah, he called me once and said that within three days after the judging meeting, there were twenty-two interviews. The interview lasted 50 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break. All newspapers in the country, half of the TV stations, regular weekly magazines, women's magazines, Magazines, plus novel magazines for manuscripts, and even little-known industry newspapers and advertising newspapers. He told me in surprise that there are so many media outlets in Japan.”

Maria Yamazaki interjected: "I thought the interviews were troublesome at the time, so I asked the publishing house to block a batch of them for me. Isogai should have accepted them all." The hawkish novelist Kenji Hanabaza said with a feeling of displeasure: "This is his style. Xiao Jiu is well-behaved, serious, and knows everything about gratitude." "Ah... yes, yes, that's him." Make no mistake, this shrill anime voice is Ai Hasegawa, a science fiction novelist.Wearing a Kitty cat T-shirt to shine in the night Ginza, I am afraid that she is the only writer of unknown age.

"He said that since his debut, he has received support and help from many people, so let this be a little reward. Isogai is so handsome, and I really want to have the opportunity to say such extravagant lines, but our science fiction Few people like to watch..." Every few years, there will be a wave of enthusiasm in the world of fiction.Although the popularity of books does not change with the seasons like fashion, but every three or four years, the category of popular novels will have a feng shui rotation.It seems that it has been more than twenty years since the craze for science fiction has dissipated. After that, adventure novels, hawkish novels, orthodox mystery novels, and pure love novels have come one after another, and now it is the world of historical novels.No writer, no matter how good, can lead every wave.Writers write only what they can write.Except for those few years of popularity, all they can do before the next wave is to bury their heads and write down.And sometimes, there may never be a next time.

"With the support and help of many people..." The sound was deeper than expected, and Kohei couldn't help being surprised.Tsubaki looked at him worriedly.In order not to chill the atmosphere, Gengping laughed at himself and said: "I have survived for ten years anyway, but the publishing industry is not so kind to me. The number of first editions is cut, and the publishing houses and editors with whom I have contacts are one by one. decrease." Kataira Shinnosuke raised his empty glass: "Have a glass of iced whiskey!" Shinnosuke can be regarded as the hardest but not the most meritorious person in the Youth Club.

"Before I wrote Wenku's new historical novel, I was unknown. I've seen a lot of people in this circle who turn faces faster than books." Tsubaki handed him a glass of whiskey on the rocks and said, "Let's drink some hangover tea later, Mr. Shinnosuke, drinking too much is not good for your health." "It's okay, if you're so worried about me, then sleep with me tonight." It's that old stalk that I don't know if it's a joke or the truth.Hanafang Kenji said: "I think we are very lucky to be able to sit here. Do you remember the castle ministers?"

Maria Yamazaki nodded: "Well. I don't know where he is now, "Oath of Love" is very good." Jouchi, who debuted at the same time ten years ago, had his debut novel "Oath of Love" break through the million-selling mark and was adapted into a movie. It became so famous that "Oath of Love" was selected as one of the catchphrases of the year. "Then how is he doing now?" Ai Hasegawa's anime voice was tinged with sadness. "I heard that I worked as a novel class teacher in a cultural school in a provincial capital, probably because I couldn't write a second novel." Overselling novels is as dangerous as underselling them.A novel with more than one million copies printed is well-known throughout the country, so the next work must be more perfect and more eye-catching.But because of this obsession, I couldn't write a line. "Tamako Funayama, too..." Kenji Hanafo said in a reckless tone. With his debut novel, Chuanshan won the Kutayama Award, which is known as pure literature, and once dominated the covers of several magazines.This twenty-two-year-old young and beautiful female college student gave up writing early and married a trading company employee. It is said that she is now settled in the Middle East.As for the reason, there are rumors among the editors that it is because the second work cannot be written.Jouchi and Funayama were two shining new stars in the world of popular and pure literature at the same time, but now they are gone.Who will survive?Who has development?Gengping, who has struggled in this world for ten years, cannot predict the answer. He looked around again at the friends of the Youth Club who had spent ten years with him, and suddenly felt that everyone was amazing.However, the face of the writer who was flushed with drunkenness did not show the slightest greatness, just a very ordinary face that should be taken for granted.The era of great writers must have come to an end at some point after the war, but the rest of us, even if we were nothing great or great, had to keep writing.
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