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Chapter 6 Being a Good Wife is a Lifetime Career - Be a Faithful Believer of Your Husband

At the end of the 19th century, the young Henry Ford worked as a mechanic for the electric light company in Detroit, Michigan, with a monthly salary of only eleven dollars.The working time is ten hours a day. After get off work, I continue to work in an old shed behind the house, trying to develop a new engine for the carriage. Henry's farmer father and neighbors at the time thought he was an idiot and a waste of time.Everyone except his wife made fun of him, thinking that his clumsy tinkering was impossible to make anything. After the day's work was over, his wife began to help him with his research.It was dark early in winter, and in order to enable Henry to work, Mrs. Henry carried a kerosene lamp. The cold weather made her hands turn purple from the cold, and her teeth were shaking up and down, but she firmly believed that her husband would succeed one day.Mr. Henry affectionately called her "believer".After three years of hard work in the old shed, this strange thing that no one has ever seen has finally come out.

One day in 1893, before Henry's thirtieth birthday, his neighbors were drawn to the window by a series of strange noises, and they saw Henry Ford, the big fool and his wife, sitting In a horseless carriage, that rickety cart could turn a corner and come back! That night, a new industry with huge national impact was born.If Henry Ford is called the "father of the new industry", then Mrs. Ford, the "believer", is of course called the "mother of the new industry". When Mr. Ford was interviewed fifty years later, he asked a question: "If there is an afterlife, what do you want to be?" He replied, "It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you can live with my wife." Mrs. Henry" Believer" has been used for a lifetime.

When every man is struggling in a difficult environment; when things are in crisis; when he is on the verge of failure, he needs a loyal believer to guard him. A man needs a wife who can help him build confidence and resistance No matter how difficult the situation was, she would not shake her trust in him.If even his wife didn't believe him, how could anyone else? There is an amazing dynamic in total trust that can help people regain lost self-confidence and never admit defeat.This is demonstrated by the example of Lobo Dupere. Mr. Lobo Dupere wrote to me: "I have always wanted to be a salesman. One year the opportunity finally came, and I became an insurance salesman. However, all my efforts were in vain. Insurance was useless at all. It didn't sell, and I was very worried about it. I was nervous and miserable, and finally felt that the only way to avoid a nervous breakdown was to resign." He said: "I feel like I have completely failed, but my wife, Dorothy, keeps going. Encourage me: 'Don't worry, Lobo, I believe this is just a short-term setback, next time you will succeed, because you are a great salesman.'”

"Although Dorothy and I worked in a factory, she paid great attention to my speech and clothing. For the next year and a half, she continued to praise my temperament and pointed out many talents that I didn't know about myself. Especially when it comes to sales work. If it wasn't for her constant encouragement to keep going, I would have given up on starting over. She told me over and over again, 'Lobo, you have this ability, you can do it if you work hard. , I don't want you to give up!' How can I live up to her trust in me? I left the factory and returned to the sales position. This time I completely believed in myself, because I had Dorothy as a faithful believer by my side, she She successfully helped me regain my confidence, and she made me believe that as long as I want to do it, I will definitely achieve my goal. Although the road ahead is long, I am already on the road, thank you Dorothy!"

After reading this letter, I think that if you want to hire a salesman, you will definitely choose a man with a wife like Dorothy Dupere, because they will not let their husbands admit defeat, even if the husband is in the competition again and again. Even if they fall down, they can still manage to encourage them appropriately and subtly, dispel all depression, and send their husbands back.Therefore, men with this kind of believer are the most worth trying. The great Russian musician Sigai Lokmaninov was so conceited that he was a successful composer when he was twenty-five, and it turned out that he wrote a very unsuccessful symphony.This blow made him so depressed that he couldn't cheer up for a long time.His friends had no other choice but to take him to see a psychologist.

The psychiatrist Mr. Nicholas Dahl told him repeatedly: "There are great things in you, waiting for you to discover them and make them known to the world." Dr. Dahl repeated this point of view over and over again, gradually this idea It took root in Lokmaninov's heart and regained his self-confidence. Before the end of the second year, he created the great Concerto No. 2 in C minor, and made a special note to dedicate this piece to Dr. Dahl.When this song was first presented on stage, it shocked all the audience.Lokmaninov succeeded again. It can be seen that encouragement is as important to men as fuel is to engines.Encouragement is the engine that keeps men running, recharges their mental batteries, and turns a losing streak around.

Sometimes, luck will hit everyone's spirit, and if the blow is severe, it will even make people unable to stand up.At this time, if someone we like said, "Don't be discouraged, honey, this kind of thing is nothing. I believe you will succeed!" The situation will be completely different. The Bible says, "Everyone wishes to have faith, for it bears witness to what we cannot see." That is to say, confident wives always trust their husbands.They see with their eyes, but also with a special kind of vision - the love in their hearts, and they see qualities that others don't see.

But faith must be expressed in words, otherwise it is useless.The wife must use skills—appreciation and encouragement, loving words and actions to express her confidence in her husband.
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