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Chapter 2 Being a good wife is a lifelong career - the bag after the dream

Nico Alexander grew up in an old-fashioned orphanage where the orphans worked from five in the morning until the sun went down, eating terrible food and often not getting enough to eat.His childhood wish was to go to college. Nico was so bright that he graduated from high school when he was fourteen.Then he stepped into the society to find a job and began to support himself. He found a tailor's shop, where he got a job operating a sewing machine.In this environment, he has been working for fourteen years.Later, due to the unionization of the tailor shop, the working hours were shortened, but the salary was increased instead.

During this time, Nico Alexander got married, and he was lucky enough to marry a girl who was willing to help him realize his dreams.But things are not easy.Not long after they got married, the tailor shop felt that there were too many people and began to lay off employees, so the young couple decided to start their own business.They took all their savings, and Nico's wife Teresa even sold their engagement ring in order to grow their small capital.Then used the money to start an Alexandria real estate company. Because the company's business was booming, Nico went to college two years later with Teresa's support.At the age of thirty-six, he got his degree and realized his first wish on the road of life.

Then Nico returned to his wife and assisted her in her real estate business, and the two set a new goal-a beach house.Soon they also realized this dream. Now, can the couple stop working and enjoy themselves?Or not, they also have a school-going daughter.If they can pay off the payments in installments, buy a commercial building, and turn the building into apartments for rent, the rent they receive will be enough to pay for their children's college education.After a long time of hard work, they did it too. Tereza told me that their current goal is their own retirement insurance, and the two continue to work hard for it; Nico is in charge of work, and she takes full care of the family.

It can be seen from this that the life of the Alexander couple is very busy, but also very happy and successful.They can do this because there is always a goal in front of them, and all their efforts point to a clear direction.What they believe in is Bernard Shaw's famous saying-I don't want to succeed. Success is doing everything alone in the world, just as the female spider stabs the male spider to death as soon as he is fertilized.I am willing to keep moving forward, because the goal is always in front, not behind me. Many people have no goals in life, don't know what they want, and live their lives in a daze, just like a monk ringing a bell, living day by day.Those who can benefit greatly from life have a clear and firm purpose, and have a very keen sense, patiently waiting for opportunities, and grasping them as soon as they arise.

If it is a long-term plan, it is best to use five years as a time period.For example, it can be planned like this - within five years Mark can get a college degree to work; then within ten years, he can be promoted to a manager. “My husband and I have been married for five years, and almost every year we have a new goal—first he got his degree, then he went on to study, then he freelanced for a year, and now he’s busy with his own business. When his education Enough, experienced enough, and telling me he's got enough money, I know the honeymoon is over and a new life is on the horizon. My hope is that he'll never be content with the status quo and stagnate." The conclusion of a very wise lady.

As the saying goes: "No matter what your current situation is, don't forget what you want in the end, so you won't feel lost." This is an irrefutable truth. Therefore, we must continue to pursue new goals with our husbands. Once one wish is realized, another new one is immediately established. This is the real successful life.
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