Home Categories Chinese history This history is quite reliable 2: Yuan Tengfei talks about Chinese history (Part 2)

Chapter 35 4. Three-game tiebreaker

After 1948, the military situation of the Kuomintang went from bad to worse, and the whole party was very pessimistic about the war situation.After years of war, the CCP has full confidence in the military decisive battle with the Kuomintang. The first battle of the decisive battle between the Kuomintang and the Communist armies still started from the northeast.Before the Liaoshen Campaign, Wei Lihuang, the commander-in-chief of the Northeast "Suppression General", had 4 corps under his jurisdiction, with a total of 14 armies, 44 divisions and 550,000 people.The Northeast Kuomintang Army was divided into three isolated areas of Changchun, Jinzhou, and Shenyang. There was no strategic rear, and the connection with the pass was cut off. It was difficult to obtain logistical supplies. The morale of the troops was low, and the situation in the Northeast was grim.

In February 1948, Chiang Kai-shek once decided to withdraw the main force of the Northeast to Jinzhou in order to rely on North China to solve the supply.Chiang Kai-shek even had the idea that if the situation was unfavorable, he could retreat across the board.Wei Lihuang believes that retreating in front of the enemy is a taboo for military strategists. At the same time, he is not very sure whether he can retreat for a long distance, and dare not take the risk of failure caused by retreat, so he advocates sticking to it.Wei Lihuang's proposition was supported by most of the Northeast Kuomintang generals, and Chiang Kai-shek was in a dilemma for a while, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Later, Chiang Kai-shek was eager to get through the Shen-Jin line and withdrew his main force to Jinzhou, leaving only the 53rd Army and the 207th Division of the Sixth Army to guard Shenyang.The remaining armies and special forces such as chariots, artillery, armored vehicles, and cavalry were organized into a mobile corps under the command of Liao Yaoxiang, ready to retreat at any time. At that time, the CCP occupied most of the land, population, and railways in the Northeast, and the number of troops was close to one million. Large regiments and regular operations were already able to be implemented.The most important thing is that the CCP has established its own rear supply base in the Northeast for a long time. This was a theater where the CCP had an absolute advantage over the Kuomintang at that time.From a strategic point of view, Lin Biao believes that Changchun is an isolated city, which is expected to be won within half a month.

Faced with the Northeast Field Army's intensive deployment of the Changchun War, the Kuomintang garrison in Changchun hoped to abandon Changchun and retreat to Shenyang, but they did not get the consent of Chiang Kai-shek and Wei Lihuang.Changchun was besieged. During this period, the Kuomintang defenders attacked many times to grab food and were beaten back.The Changchun garrison of the Kuomintang was swollen from hunger.While besieging Changchun, the Northeast Field Army quickly deployed the next battle strategy, staying behind with 2 columns and 6 divisions to continue besieging Changchun. Under the command of Mao Zedong, they went south with all their strength, attacked the Beining line, and captured Jinzhou with all their strength. In this way, the Liaoshen Campaign The curtain officially kicked off.

The Beining Line runs through the Liaoxi Corridor, starting from Beijing in the west and ending in Shenyang in the east, with a total length of more than 800 kilometers. Along the line are important towns such as Tianjin, Tanggu, Changli, Qinhuangdao, Shanhaiguan, Jinxi, and Jinzhou. It is an important land passage connecting inside and outside the customs. The Northeast Field Army successively conquered Changli and Beidaihe in Hebei, Suizhong and Xingcheng in Liaoning Province, cut off the Liaoxi Corridor, and completed the siege of Jinzhou and Yixian. Chiang Kai-shek was concentrating on dealing with the East China Field Army. On September 16, 1948, the East China Field Army launched the Jinan Campaign, which made Chiang Kai-shek overwhelmed by enemies on both sides.The situation at the time was that if Chiang Kai-shek wanted to save Jinan, he would not care about the Northeast.The siege of Jinzhou can only be relieved if Wei Lihuang goes out of western Liaoning via Shenjin Road.Wei Lihuang disagreed with Jiang on the issue of Northeast China. He believed that the siege of Jinzhou should be resolved directly by sending troops from within the pass.Then the main force in Shenyang sent troops to meet up with the Dongjin troops, so they did not obey Jiang's order.

It is said that Wei Lihuang was suspected of being pro-communist. Although he held an important position to suppress the communist party, he did not take action for a long time.During Wei Lihuang's stay in the Northeast, Jiang placed a large number of spies around him, and Wei Lihuang had difficulty mobilizing troops with full authority, so he had to resist orders from time to time, delaying time and delaying the opportunity of the war. Fan Hanjie in Jinzhou was besieged so hard to breathe that he asked Chiang for help many times. Chiang Kai-shek took the opportunity of summoning Wei Lihuang for a meeting and forced him to send troops from Shenyang to support Jinzhou.Wei Lihuang was very good, but he still refused to obey orders.In the end, Chiang Kai-shek had to airlift the 49th Army to Jinzhou for reinforcements. Of course, he still refused to let Wei Lihuang send troops to rescue the siege, and asked Chief of Staff Gu Zhutong to personally supervise the battle in Shenyang and carry out Chiang Kai-shek's orders.During Gu Zhutong's stay in Shenyang, he repeatedly convened a meeting with the Northeast generals to ask the guards to send troops along Shenjin Road to break the siege of Jinzhou.Wei Lihuang objected again, rejecting Lao Jiang's instructions again and again, and had many quarrels with Gu Zhutong.Liao Yaoxiang, commander of the Ninth Corps, proposed that when the main force of the Northeast Field Army attacked Jinzhou, the main force of Shenyang would be withdrawn to the Yingkou area in one go.Wei Lihuang thought that if he could not follow his advice, he could implement this plan.However, Gu Zhutong did not dare to agree to withdraw to Yingkou without Chiang Kai-shek's consent.Regarding the situation in the Northeast, Chiang Kai-shek was extremely helpless.

On October 2, an angry Chiang Kai-shek flew to Shenyang, convened a military meeting, and decided to ship 7 divisions from Huludao from North China and Shandong, plus 4 divisions from the 54th Army of Huludao, making a total of 11 divisions from 4 armies The "East Marching Corps" was formed; it was commanded by Hou Jingru, commander of the Seventeenth Corps of North China; the "West Marching Corps" was composed of 5 armies, 11 divisions and 3 cavalry brigades in the Shenyang area, commanded by Liao Yaoxiang, commander of the Ninth Corps, and prepared Go east and west to solve the siege of Jinzhou.At the military summit convened in the evening, Chiang Kai-shek gave a dinner-like speech for the last time: "I came to Shenyang this time to rescue you. In the past, you couldn't find the main force of the Communist bandits. Now the main force of the Northeast Communist bandits has concentrated in the Liaoxi Corridor. This is an opportunity for you to make contributions to the party and the country. I believe that you can use the spirit of fighting in the past and fight with the Kuomintang troops in the pass. You will surely be successful. Regarding the assistance of the air force and the supply of logistics, Commander-in-Chief Zhou and Commander-in-Chief Guo have already provided You are ready. If you can't fight this time, then, see you in the next life."

Before Chiang Kai-shek left from Shenyang, he also received Liao Yaoxiang alone.Jiang said to Liao: "This time the Shenyang army is out of Liaoxi and the siege of Jinzhou is completely entrusted to you. If there is any delay, you are the only one to ask." Before, we must deal a big blow to the Northeast CCP army, and we must have a decisive battle, otherwise there will be problems in North China. On the same day that Chiang Kai-shek flew to Shenyang, that is, in the early morning of October 2, the train from the headquarters of the Northeast Field Army arrived west of Zhengjiatun.At this time, Lin Biao got a report that in Huludao, the enemy had 4 new divisions.Lin Biao was worried that Jinzhou would be flanked by the enemy from Shenyang, Jinxi, and Huludao before it was captured. By then, the troops would run out of fuel, and a large number of vehicles, tanks, and heavy artillery would not be able to withdraw.So he ordered the train to stop moving forward.After discussion, Luo and Liu decided to attack Jinzhou according to the original plan.

Huludao and Tashan were taken by Lin Biao's troops one after another. On October 14, Liu Yalou issued a general attack order.The Dongye artillery bombarded the intended target in Jinzhou City vertically.The next day, Jinzhou City was conquered, more than 100,000 Kuomintang defenders were wiped out, and General Fan Hanjie, deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast "Suppression General" and director of the Jinzhou Command Post, and Lieutenant General Lu Junquan, commander of the Sixth Corps, were captured.When Hou Jing heard that Jinzhou had fallen, he temporarily retreated to Jinxi and Huludao.

Chiang Kai-shek watched Jinzhou fall, hurriedly flew to Shenyang, and then issued an order to Changchun guard Zheng Dongguo, ordering him to lead his troops to break through the encirclement and withdraw southward immediately, otherwise he would be subject to "severe military discipline sanctions".The Changchun garrison launched an uprising and voluntarily surrendered to the Communist Party. Changchun was liberated without a single soldier. On October 23, Liao Yaoxiang Corps launched a fierce attack on Heishan and Dahushan.Unexpectedly, all the 100,000 troops of the Liao Yaoxiang Corps were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops from the Eastern Field.Liao Yaoxiang was at a loss and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.Dongye immediately launched a large-scale encirclement and annihilation of Liao Yaoxiang Corps, adopting the tactics of encircling, dividing, and annihilating while attacking its command center.When Chiang Kai-shek learned in Beiping that the Liao Yaoxiang Corps had been surrounded and wiped out by the People's Liberation Army in the Liaoxi Corridor, he was distraught.

Subsequently, the troops of Dongye quickly advanced to Shenyang and surrounded them quickly.The next day, an attack was launched on Shenyang.Almost all the Kuomintang troops surrendered. Only the 207th Division of the Sixth Army stubbornly resisted, but it was quickly wiped out by the People's Liberation Army.The Liaoshen Campaign lasted 52 days. The Northeast Field Army annihilated more than 472,000 national troops at the cost of 69,000 casualties, of which 56,800 were killed and wounded, 324,300 were captured, 64,900 surrendered, and 26,000 rebelled. Captured 186 senior military officers above major general level.The National Army lost a total of 1 Northeast "Bandit Suppression" General Headquarters, 1 Northeast "Suppression General" Jinzhou Command, 1 Hebei-Liaore Border Region Headquarters, 4 Corps Headquarters, 11 Military Headquarters, and 36 divisions.In addition, there are 1 cavalry headquarters, 5 artillery regiments and other special forces units.Lost 4,709 various artillery pieces, 13,347 light and heavy machine guns, and 175,361 other guns. According to "The War History of the Chinese People's Liberation Army", Military Science Press, published in October 1998. The liberation of the entire Northeast cannot but be said to be a great victory.It liberated a large population, a wide area, and a great influence, which laid the foundation for the future liberation of the whole country. The Battle of Huaihai was the second strategic offensive battle with the Kuomintang army. During the War of Liberation, the East China and Central Plains Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army took Xuzhou as the center, and the scope started from Haizhou in the east, Shangqiu in the west, Lincheng in the north, and Huaihe River in the south. These crossed the Xuhuai area of ​​Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, and Shandong provinces , has always been a battleground for military strategists and the center of the Kuomintang's military deployment. According to the instructions of the Central Committee, the Huaihai Campaign was divided into three stages. After careful consideration, Mao Zedong sent a telegram to Su Yu: "The focus of the first stage of this campaign is to concentrate our forces to destroy Huang Botao's corps and complete a breakthrough in the middle." In that single practice, to the east of him was the surging sea, and at first sight he was the target of the first strike. More than a dozen columns of the East China Field Army marched southward in multiple directions, interfering with Huang Botao's contact signal.In the north of Xuzhou, those underground parties lurking in the Kuomintang also launched an uprising, opening the Kuomintang's canal route at once.At this time, the main force of the East China Field Army also moved south quickly, occupying favorable terrain.As soon as the Kuomintang stationed in Xuzhou found signs of the main force of the Communist Party going south, they immediately began to move.But the Nanjing Ministry of National Defense didn't do it, and had to let Huang Botao wait for the 44th Army that retreated westward from Haizhou.Huang Botao was so anxious that his head was sweating, the Communist Party's various armies had already surrounded me. The East China Field Army had already crossed the Bulao River, captured Daxujia and other places east of Xuzhou, and completely cut off the retreat of Huang Botao's corps.Seeing this situation, Chiang Kai-shek hurriedly ordered Qiu Qingquan and Li Mi's corps to rescue them, but they could not quench their thirst far away. Chiang Kai-shek asked Huang Botao to fight to the death with the People's Liberation Army. In order to prevent Huang Botao from surrendering, he air-dropped newspapers with photos of Huang Botao's military uniform and Chiang Kai-shek's commendation order on the battlefield every day.Huang Botao was said by Chiang Kai-shek to be an ever-victorious general, fierce in battle and first-rate in command.Huang Botao fought desperately with the East China Field Army by virtue of the rush-repaired trenches, but the East China Field Army was unable to attack for a long time.Seeing this momentum, the Communist Party redeployed, suspended the offensive, and tried every means to dig trenches to the opponent's forward positions.Then use the twilight as a cover to get close to the enemy, capture them point by point, and annihilate them one by one. On the night of November 16, 1948, our army launched a general attack on Huang Botao's troops.Huang Botao was loyal to the end, even at the last moment, he was still expressing his determination to fight hard to the end to Chiang Kai-shek by radio.Chiang Kai-shek has completely bought Huang Botao. The fierce battle lasted until the 22nd. Huang Botao, who was dressed in a general's uniform, was in a state of anxiety, like a trapped animal.Until the end, Huang Botao never broke out, and the 120,000 army was completely lost.In desperation, Huang Botao drew his gun and committed suicide.Before committing suicide, Huang Botao took out a presidential palace pass, wrote "Huang Botao will serve the country with all his loyalty" on the back, and handed it to Yang Tingyan, deputy commander of the 25th Army of the Kuomintang, and asked him to pass it on to Chiang Kai-shek. This was Huang Botao's last words. At Huang Botao's memorial service, Chiang Kai-shek cried until his nose flowed out. It turned out that Huang Botao was not a student of Whampoa. Lao Jiang really hoped that some students of Whampoa would die in battle like Huang Botao, so as to save the face of Whampoa Military Academy. After solving Huang Botao, the second phase of the CCP will target the Huang Wei Corps.Huang Wei is an important general of the Chen Cheng family of the Kuomintang. Among the five main forces of the Kuomintang, the only one controlled by Chen Cheng is the 18th Army.Huang Wei has served as the commander of the Eighteenth Army since 1938. Huang Wei was successful at a young age, and he didn't know why Chen Lifu, the veteran of the Kuomintang, had taken a fancy to him, and he almost became the son-in-law of the Chen family.Xiao Huang, who is in his thirties, has become an army commander, and it can be said that he is on the rise.But when it comes to fighting, Huang Wei is really mediocre. Huang Wei was originally a scholar, with a wooden head and a single tendon in fighting. He likes to fight to the death. In order to restore the passive situation, the Kuomintang army ordered the Huangwei Corps to reinforce Xuzhou.The Huangwei Corps has 120,000 horses, all strong and strong, with American equipment, known as the "Auto Corps".Huang Wei, who was originally proud of the spring breeze, deserved to stumble. Someone in his team turned against him, and his own people fought back against him. This became the key to destroying Huang Wei's army.This rebellious "comrade" is Liao Yunzhou, the commander of the 110th Division.Huang Wei and Liao Yunzhou had known each other in 1938. At that time, it was the Battle of Wuhan. Liao Yunzhou was still the head of the 656th Regiment. The Japanese all over the country were red-eyed. Xiao Liao went directly to Huang Wei, the commander of the 18th Army, to borrow gun.Speaking of Huang Wei's muyu brain, bookish, high-set eyes, and emphasis on factions.I was born in Whampoa, and I saw that although Xiao Liao was a stranger, he was also a student of Whampoa, so he was willing to meet him.When he saw Liao Yunzhou, he really put on airs and questioned him fiercely, asking left and right, and finally shouted: "Fate!" It turned out that Xiao Liao's brother Liao Yunze was in the first phase of Whampoa, and he and Huang Wei were classmates.Furthermore, Liao Yunzhou was indeed a strong general. Before he came to see Huang Wei, he had just attacked the Japanese army's convoy. He captured a lot and brought Huang Wei a lot of gifts.At the end of the chat between the two, Liao Yunzhou opened his mouth to borrow a gun.At that time, the entire Kuomintang army was also very poor, and there were not many artillery units like Huang Wei. Liao Yunzhou was also poor and crazy, so he found a relationship with Huang Weila, who was not recognized by his relatives.Huang Wei used his "nerd" strength to question Liao Yunzhou's artillery skills, and he was very satisfied with the result.One of his own people, plus "passed the exam", so Huang Wei donated money out of righteousness.Xiao Liao used these 8 guns and relied on the favorable terrain to beat the entire 27th Division of Little Japan to the point of crying with one regiment.This battle was introduced in Japanese magazines. According to Japanese military records, the Maruyama Division was unable to move because the first and last vehicles were destroyed, and suffered heavy losses under the attack of the "China Army Artillery Group". Liao Yunzhou became famous because of this battle, and Huang Wei also became famous for his knowledge of people.After that, Liao Yunzhou broke away from Tang Enbo's army, joined Huang Wei's family, and became Huang Wei's confidant.But Huang Wei never dreamed that Liao Yunzhou was an old Communist Party member who had joined the Party since the 1920s.His immediate superior is General Zhu Rui, the founder of the Chinese Communist Artillery Corps.Not only that, Liao Yunzhou's subordinates also hide a large number of Communist Party members, so when Huang Wei decided to break out, it was reasonable for Liao Yunzhou to turn his back on the water, but it was beyond Huang Wei's expectations.Of course, Xiao Liao was also ruthless and ruthless enough. According to Huang Wei's previous instructions to pick out the chariots and cannons first, he only picked up the heavy cannons and took them away. When he turned around, he smashed the cannonballs on Huang Wei's head. In the process of encircling the Huangwei Corps, Qiu Qingquan's Corps went south to help, but was blocked by the East China Field Army.Taking advantage of this time, the Kuomintang Xuzhou troops withdrew.Later, they received orders from Chiang Kai-shek and decided to counterattack in order to break through.Poor Du Yuming, this man is considered a man with first-class military vision and command ability among the senior generals of the Kuomintang.During the Battle of Huaihai, he was subject to Liu Zhi, the "Xuzhou Suppressor General", and Chiang Kai-shek changed his orders day and night, which made him devastated, at a loss, missed opportunities, and fell into a predicament.In the end, it was inevitable to escape the fate of destruction. Huang Botao and Huang Wei were the most skilled and loyal generals in Jiang's army in the Huaihai Campaign, but they were the ones who harmed the Kuomintang.If Huang Botao collapsed in one hit, Qiu Qingquan would not be stuck in Xuzhou at all, and Huang Wei would not come out and sneak into our army's open pocket. If Lao Jiang gave up Huang Botao, at most a strong man would cut his wrist; if Huang Wei surrendered early, Du Yuming might The Huaihe River was withdrawn early, and with the addition of the troops of Li Yannian and Liu Ruming, the main force of the Kuomintang's mobile operations still remained, and there was still hope for the preservation of the southeast half of the rivers and mountains. However, these are all hypotheses. The two Huang generals fought desperately after being besieged. Wei, thrown into the three corps of Du, Qiu, and Sun!In order to save Du, the Li and Liu corps were disabled again!The Kuomintang was severely injured, and it no longer had the ability to fight strategically.The loyalty of the two Huang generals backfired, and the "Erhuang" sang a reminder, but it was a pity that there was no Resurrection Pill. The Battle of Huaihai was a key battle in the strategic decisive battle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Armies.The Communist Party participated in the war with 600,000 troops, and the Kuomintang successively dispatched 800,000 troops, which lasted 65 days.The People's Liberation Army wiped out more than 555,000 enemies, and Chiang Kai-shek's elite troops on the southern front were wiped out.The Communist army basically liberated the vast areas of East China and the Central Plains north of the Yangtze River, and Nanjing, the center of Kuomintang rule, was also under the direct threat of the People's Liberation Army. The Pingjin Campaign against the Kuomintang troops in the Beiping, Tianjin, and Zhangjiakou areas was the last major battle in the strategic decisive battle of the War of Liberation. The Fu Zuoyi Group of North China's "Suppression General" has 3 corps, 13 armies, 50 divisions, and a force of more than 500,000 people. Take Tanggu as the sea channel. The headquarters of the "General Suppression" is located in Beiping. This is a piece of fat that our army has been thinking about for a long time.Fu Zuoyi is the boss in North China. If he wants the wind and the rain, he doesn't bother to bring bodyguards. He doesn't believe that anyone dares to touch him on his territory. Prior to this, Chiang Kai-shek proposed that Fu lead his troops to withdraw to the south and strengthen the Yangtze River defense line.Fu Zuoyi was deeply wary of Chiang Kai-shek's exclusion of dissidents and inner-party struggles, and he was unwilling to withdraw southward.The defeat of the Kuomintang army in the Northeast put great pressure on Fu Zuoyi. Fu Zuoyi was also awed by the beautiful performance of the People's Liberation Army in the Northeast, and he was already a "frightened bird".For the future defense of North China, Fu Zuoyi made several alternatives.He didn't want to retreat to the south, so he formulated the policy of temporarily defending Pingjin, maintaining Haikou, expanding strength, and constantly shrinking his troops in order to observe changes in time.Fu Zuoyi successively abandoned Chengde, Baoding, Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao and other places, and was ready to flee south by sea or flee west to Suiyuan at any time.If Fu Zuoyi voluntarily withdraws, although the People's Liberation Army can win Pingjin without a fight, the Kuomintang's Yangtze River defense line will have more troops, which will be detrimental to future operations.How to stabilize the enemy army in North China so that it does not flee south or west quickly becomes the key to opening up the situation in North China. For Fu Zuoyi, the Communist Party adopted a strategy of fighting and pulling. The deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was that the main force of the Northeast Field Army ended its rest shortly after the end of the Liaoshen Campaign, and sent troops into the customs in a particularly covert manner.The Northeast Field Army that entered the pass, together with the Second and Third Corps of the North China Military Region, acted swiftly, "encircling without fighting" and "separating without encircling", completing the strategic encirclement and division of Beiping, Tianjin, and Zhangjiakou, and cutting off Fu Zuoyin's south. A path to flee or flee westward.Troops were also mobilized to be stationed in the Beiping area.Then, our army conquered Zhangjiakou. Before the Battle of Zhangjiakou, we cleaned up the 35th Army, the main force of Fu Zuoyi's direct line, and wiped out the enemy's 11th Corps and the 105th Army in Zhangjiakou.On the battlefield, he gave the North China "suppression generals" a blow. At the beginning of 1949, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established the Pingjin front-line command group composed of Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan, and Nie Rongzhen to continue to put pressure on Fu Zuoyi strategically. Then, Fu Zuoyi's greatest pressure came.With a strong force, our People's Liberation Army is approaching Tianjin.This was a fierce battle. Liu Yalou commanded 340,000 People's Liberation Army. After a day and night of fierce fighting, he captured Fu Zuoyi's heavily fortified city-Tianjin.All the Kuomintang troops in Tianjin were wiped out, and the garrison commander Chen Changjie was captured. In January 1949, Tianjin was liberated. In order to save the world-famous ancient capital of Beiping from being destroyed, the People's Liberation Army sent representatives to contact Fu Zuoyi after besieging the city, hoping to reach a settlement and save the ancient capital from war.The PLA's powerful military strength and careful combat deployment left Fu Zuoyi with no way out.The loud call for the peaceful liberation of the capital put Fu Zuoyi under tremendous pressure and test.In the end, the sincerity and patience of the Communist Party moved this man of the moment.Fu Zuoyi made the choice that the people wanted and ordered his troops to accept the adaptation of the Communist Party.Also in January 1949, the People's Liberation Army entered Beiping, and Beiping was liberated peacefully. The Battle of Pingjin solved more than 520,000 Kuomintang troops and basically liberated the entire territory of North China.The victory of this battle is very exciting.
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