Home Categories Chinese history This history is quite reliable 2: Yuan Tengfei talks about Chinese history (Part 2)
The beginning of the New Democratic Revolution was the May 4th Movement.From an international point of view, during the First World War, Japan and the United States stepped up their aggression against China, and China's anti-imperialist sentiment rose.Entering the era of imperialism, the history of imperialist invasion of China is also the history of the United States and Japan fighting for hegemony in China. Both the United States and Japan want to control China.In fact, the United States succeeded in the end. After World War II ended in 1945, the United States completed its control of China. Of course, it was all over four years later.As soon as World War II ended, the United States supported China and suppressed Japan. China and the United States were allies. They attacked Little Japan together in World War II. Little Japan harmed others in Pearl Harbor, but we did not harm others.Therefore, the United States wants to keep Japan's industry at the level of the 1920s, so that the living standards of the Japanese people cannot be higher than those of the people in the Asian countries it invaded.As a result, by 1948, seeing that the Nationalist government was going to die, this policy was gradually abandoned. Nanjing was liberated in April 1949, and the United States stopped its sanctions against Japan in May. Coupled with the outbreak of the Korean War and the Vietnam War, Little Japan quickly recovered.In addition, the Russian October Revolution pointed out the direction for China.

From the domestic background, the warlords fought in chaos, and the people suffered unspeakably.The development of national industry has strengthened the ranks of the working class.The development of the New Culture Movement promoted the emancipation of people's minds, and promoted the patriotic enthusiasm of advanced elements, especially young students. During the period of the new democratic revolution, young students rushed to the forefront. Students took saving the world as their own responsibility. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and brave men are fearless.There is also a reason why one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.So what was it that made them so angry that they took to the streets?

The Paris Peace Conference was the trigger for the outbreak of the May 4th Movement. For the first time in 80 years, China attended an important international conference as a victorious country. After 80 years of repression, the First World War made us a victorious country.We sent 150,000 laborers to Europe. At first we wanted to send troops to join the war, but then we thought that the troops would die if we went there, so we simply sent laborers to work in factories.However, as a victorious country, our reasonable request to take back Germany's privileges in Shandong was flatly rejected.It’s like saying that I have a salary of 500 yuan a month, and I can’t even eat enough to eat. Suddenly, it is said on TV that the teacher’s salary will rise to 12,000 yuan a month after the winter vacation. I am so excited that I can’t sleep a wink during the winter vacation.Announced after the Spring Festival, I'm sorry I can't raise it without money.I was sent directly to a psychiatric hospital, and if I failed, I would enter Babaoshan.If you don't give me this hope, 500 yuan can make do with it, and there are 300 yuan left, let's admit it.Suddenly you told me 12,000 yuan, and then said it was not worth it. Isn’t this a scam?The European and American powers promised to give us the treatment of the victorious nation, but if they don't give it when the time comes, the students will be angry.

From January 18 to June 28, 1919, the victorious countries (Allies) and the defeated countries (Allies) of the First World War held a peace conference at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, known as the "Paris Peace Conference" in history.The meeting advertised the establishment of peace, and the victorious countries such as Britain, France, the United States, Japan, and Italy distributed the war spoils at the meeting and re-divide the world. On May 4, 1919, students in Beijing marched and demonstrated, shouting slogans such as "struggle for sovereignty outside, punish national traitors inside", "abolish the 21 Articles", and "refuse to sign the peace treaty".The warlord government started to arrest students, so it is not easy for students to make trouble?The school expelled you, you have nothing to do, right?You yelled for a long time, rebelled for a long time, and threw you on the road without a penny, what can you do?So the student demonstration was quickly suppressed.

In early June, workers in Shanghai went on strike, and the center of the May Fourth Movement moved from Beijing to Shanghai, and the working class entered the political arena.In doing so, the government was terrified.Workers' strikes are worse than students' strikes, and it's in the Yangtze River valley, in Shanghai, the stronghold of British and American imperialism.The United Kingdom and the United States had conflicts with Japan over the issue of competing for China, so the American envoy told American diplomats to be sympathetic to the student resistance of the May Fourth Movement.Britain and the United States put pressure on the Beiyang government and demanded that the students be given an explanation, otherwise the workers would go on strike.The Beiyang government was close to Britain and the United States. Seeing that the elder brother had spoken, he immediately ordered the release of the arrested students and did not sign the peace treaty.

The May 4th Patriotic Movement achieved its goals of fighting for sovereignty externally and punishing national traitors internally. The May 4th Movement can be regarded as a successful and thorough anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary movement in modern Chinese history.This patriotic movement took young students as the vanguard and the working class as the main force, led by Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu.Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu are the founders of the CCP, and they are equivalent to our Chinese Marx and Engels.These two gentlemen have nothing to say about knowledge, university professors, nothing to say about character, and economic status. Their days were so good that you can't imagine.How good were the professors in Beiyang?Just like the professors in Hong Kong now, you can see that the professors at the Chinese University of Hong Kong drive there by themselves and have dedicated parking spaces. If you don’t have a car in Hong Kong, you can receive the subsistence allowance.A teacher can buy a car with one and a half month's salary.If you dare to drive this car on the street, it is definitely a symbol of your economic status. A liter of fuel is 10.6 Hong Kong dollars. Traffic jams in Hong Kong can compete with those in Beijing.Parking in the downtown area for half an hour costs hundreds of Hong Kong dollars, and buying a dedicated parking space downstairs costs 1 million Hong Kong dollars for three years, which is much more valuable than this car.So rich people in Hong Kong also commute by subway, and the subway is as crowded as Beijing.If you have a car in Hong Kong, you can drive to Shenzhen on weekends.Look at those professors who drive their own cars to work. There are dedicated parking spaces in universities. Generally, professors have more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars a month, and there are various subsidies.The professors in the Republic of China were like this. Li Dazhao was the director of Peking University Library, and he paid 150 yuan a month. This was only his part of the money, and he still had several jobs.

How much money can Chen Duxiu earn in a month? More than 300 yuan ocean! What is the concept of more than 300 oceans?Buying a courtyard house in Beijing costs 200 yuan. He earns three suites in two months. The shark fin mat is 8 yuan for a table of 10 people, and the bird’s nest mat is 12 yuan for a table of 10 people. Ten meals, you earn 120,000 yuan a month now, how many meals can you eat when you go to eat Yan's wings?In "This Life of Mine" played by Zhang Guoli, 1 ocean can hire two foreign cars, take the wife, children, and mother-in-law to the restaurant, have a big table of food and wine, and then pull it back, only 1 ocean.At that time, it was 6.5 yuan a month for a soldier, 7 yuan for a patrolman on the street, and 2 yuan for Xiangzi Luotuo. The chief of the police station was 40 yuan, the elementary school teacher was 80 yuan, and the primary school principal was at least 120 yuan. , the private may be higher.Dayang is definitely a hard currency. The national treasure of Peking University, Mr. Ji Xianlin, graduated from university at the age of 22. He teaches Chinese in Jinan for 10 classes a week without being a head teacher, and 160 Dayang.So he studied in Germany for 10 years from 1935 to 1945, all at his own expense without any public expenses.After working for a few years, the money you earn can stay in Germany for 10 years. Now you can stay in Germany for 10 days after working for 1 year. You have to multiply by 10 to convert anything into RMB.One can imagine how rich the professors were at that time.

Marx was a lawyer, his wife Jenny was a countess, and the Engels family owned factories on both sides of the Rhine in Trier. These people overthrew the old social system, obviously not to improve their own lives, but to save the country and the people.
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