Home Categories romance novel Lanling Chaos 3 Finale

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Conspiracy

Lanling Chaos 3 Finale Vivibear 4241Words 2018-03-16
Two days later, Heng Jia finally found out the whereabouts of Zhu Gang. It turned out that he had hidden in Youzhou, reopened a weapon shop there, and vowed to redeem Miss Xiaoqin as soon as possible and take over as soon as possible.She had been refusing to say anything before, but when Heng Jia had an idea, she kept hiring different people to order her brand in Liuhuayuan, and from time to time revealed some news that Zhu Gang had married many new concubines.Xiaoqin didn't believe it at first, but gradually she talked too much, and she became dubious, and finally, under Heng Jia's hard and soft tactics, she told her what Zhu Gang had told her before.

As soon as Chang Gong got the news, he immediately planned to go to Youzhou to find Zhu Gang's whereabouts by himself.But before that, she still has two things to do. Although she was a little worried about whether Uncle Jiu was still suspicious of her identity, she had to inform Uncle Jiu before leaving. It just so happened that the Empress called Feng Xiaoyu to meet today, and Chang Gong didn't want to delay any longer, so he went into the palace with Xiaoyu early in the morning.Before departure, when Chang Gong passed by the aunt's room, he accidentally saw her staring blankly.I couldn't help feeling sour, guessing that it was mostly because of the third brother, and now the third brother is still in prison, aunt, must be very lonely and sad.

But except for the day when Dr. Li came two days ago, the aunt took the initiative to talk to her, at other times she always felt that the aunt seemed to be avoiding her. When seeing Gao Zhan again, Chang Gong still felt that indescribable sense of oppression.On the contrary, the queen looked at Xiaoyu with a smile and said, "Your majesty, Chang Gong is also thanks to you this time, otherwise how could you have a noble son so quickly?" As she spoke, she noticed that the emperor's gaze stayed on Xiaoyu's abdomen For a moment, there was a trace of unbearable pain and...disgust, and quickly moved away.

"Thinking of the time when you were a child, I can still remember it vividly. I never thought that your child would become a father now." After seeing the look in her husband's eyes, the queen felt particularly happy.Husband, the torment of hellfire is hard to bear. Chang Gong lowered his head shyly.There is no way, now she can only pretend to be like this, in order to dispel the last bit of Uncle Jiu's suspicion. Gao Zhan watched her every move, and then glanced at the woman's abdomen. The cold feeling quietly seeped into his bones, accompanied by biting pain.In a trance, he became a little confused, did his mind go blank?Is it that time and space are intertwined and messed up memory?Is it because the memory in my heart started to shake and An Mi started to lose?Is the pain that I have tasted for a long time sweeping again?Is it... Jealousy? ...or...is it the bitterness that overflowed my heart in that instant and the forbidden love that can no longer be said?

How can that woman give birth to Chang Gong's flesh and blood, that woman, just disappear... Even though his heart was already turbulent, his face was still calm, and there was even a hint of a smile, "What the queen said is, Chang Gong, you will be a father in the future, and you have to restrain yourself in some places. " Chang Gong nodded, then turned his face back and said, "Uncle Jiu, I have something to tell you." The queen immediately smiled and said, "That's right, Xiaoyu, you can go to the bedroom with me to rest and let the uncle and nephew talk about business."

After the queen left, Chang Gong told the whole story about the contract and the serious illness of the owner of the armory shop, and pleaded in a low voice, "Uncle Jiu, this is obviously full of doubts, and my third brother is impossible to rebel. Give me a half In a month, I will definitely bring Zhu Gang back, half a month will be fine..." Gao Zhan looked at her quietly, and suddenly asked, "Chang Gong, do you like that woman?" Chang Gong was taken aback, she didn't have the heart to answer this question at all, she wanted to say that she liked him casually, but when she saw his gloomy eyes, she somehow remembered those crazy words that night.

"Chang Gong, I'm not a passerby, I'm not a passerby! Before you and your future wife met, you and I met! I have always loved you, loved you as a child, loved you when you were young, loved you I love you as an adult, love you when you smile, love you when you cry, love you when you are sad, love you in court, love you on the battlefield, love all of you!" Her heart seemed to be tightly strangled by something, and she clearly knew that what Uncle Jiu said was stimulated by Mixiang... But why did every word and every word come to mind so clearly, she hesitated, and still shook her head. Shaking her head, "I can't say whether I like it or not. But since she is pregnant, I will naturally take good care of her." As she spoke, she changed the topic again and changed the topic back, "Uncle Nine, I really want to It only takes half a month, as long as Zhu Gang is brought back, my third brother's grievances will definitely be cleared up."

Gao Zhan listened to her answer, his face turned pale, he suddenly stretched out his hand, his slender and graceful fingers slowly touched her thin eyelids, felt the slightly beating nerves underneath, her eyelashes were like the wings of a butterfly lightly With a slight movement, the dark color of the fundus of the eyes is very obvious, which is a sign of extreme fatigue.His heart couldn't help softening, this child has been worried about Xiao Wan's matter recently, and she has lost weight several times, if she can really find out some evidence, it will be a relief. If it was just to hide the relics privately, it would be fine to cut off the title, but now Xiao Wan committed a serious crime of treason, and all the evidence is against Xiao Wan, even the evidence he sent to find out is the same, so he can't help but doubt it .But what Chang Gong said was not completely unreasonable, so now he can only delay it temporarily until he finds out the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Chang Gong didn't dare to move, let his fingers slide over his eyelids, and then slowly left. "You go, if you need other people, I can also transfer them to you." He said lightly. A look of joy appeared on Chang Gong's face, "Really? Uncle Jiu, you agreed?" Gao Zhan nodded, "Go early and come back early." Chang Gong hurriedly stood up, "Then I'll go back and get ready now!" She had just walked a few steps, and then turned around as if thinking of something, "Uncle Nine, in the past half month, I have three elder brother……" "Don't worry, I will never break my promise to you. He will be fine before, and he will live well in the past half month."

Chang Gong originally wanted to let Xiaoyu go back first, and go to see the third brother by himself, but the queen said that he would stay with Xiaoyu for a while, and because she was anxious to see the third brother, she agreed. In the prison where Xiao Wan was imprisoned, there was a dim candle burning, blurring everything. When Chang Gong came in, he found that today's third brother didn't give her a Xiaowan smile as usual, but had a calm face, looking angry. "Third Brother, what's the matter with you?" Chang Gong asked anxiously, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Or are you not used to eating? Didn't sleep well? Don't worry, Third Brother, you will be able to get out of here soon."

"Fourth brother, I heard that your concubine is pregnant?" He showed a complicated expression, "You are naturally happy to have a child, but the third brother is naturally happy, but what do you think about Xiao Tie? Have you ever thought about Xiao Tie? Feeling?" "Third brother..." Chang Gong didn't know how to explain, "I have difficulties in this matter." "Difficulties? Could it be that woman got you drunk? Made you dizzy? The Overlord bowed hard while you were asleep?" Xiao Wan's thoughts quickly ran in a strange direction. Chang Gong burst out laughing, "Third brother, don't think too much, anyway, things are not what you think, I will explain this to you later." "Oh, forget it, after all, she has your child now." Xiao Wan's mood suddenly became better again, and she said with a little excitement, "Chang Gong, do you think this child will be like your child in the future?" More, if this is the case, wouldn’t it be very interesting to have such a beautiful child calling me third uncle all day long? Then he and Zhengli will be good brothers, just like you and me..." Listening to Xiao Wan's words, Chang Gong felt a soreness welling up in his heart, and his eye sockets were swollen and painful. "Third Brother, I will leave for Youzhou tomorrow, and I will definitely come back within half a month, and you will be released by then." "Chang Gong, didn't you do something dangerous for third brother?" Xiao Wan immediately became nervous, "If you dare to do something dangerous, I will never forgive you." "Don't worry, third brother, it's not dangerous. Don't you trust me? Your fourth brother, I am the King of Lanling who makes the enemy fearful!" She pretended to be relaxed and smiled. "Don't lie to me. You kid, you have always been a liar since you were a child. Do you still remember the first time you came to Gaofu, I was lied to by you once?" The corners of his mouth loosened, and he smiled and said , "Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and everything flies so fast. These days, I often dream of you, my eldest brother, and me. The days when we played together when we were young, I really miss that time." As soon as the eldest brother was mentioned, Chang Gong only felt a bitter taste in his chest. He raised his eyes to look at Xiao Wan, but saw tears in his eyes, and couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart. Holding on to the iron railing, he choked up and said, "Third brother, third brother, I don't have a big brother anymore, I don't want to lose you again, no matter what the price is, I will rescue you, I will definitely rescue you!" Xiao Wan shuddered, but laughed again, "Silly boy, everyone has their own destiny. This cannot be forced." Hearing this, Chang Gong felt a kind of fear that had never been heard before, and tremblingly said, "No, third brother, you will be fine! After you come out, we two brothers will go there Live in a place with beautiful scenery for a period of time, watch the sunrise and sunset every day, the flowers bloom and wither, drink with the moon, and live a simple life, don’t you think?” Xiao Wan's heart was sore, she was about to shed tears, but she forced a smile again, "Okay, third brother will accompany you! Third brother will be--it will be fine." As he spoke, he held her hand that was holding on to the iron bars. Putting his hand firmly in his own, there was silence all around, only his even and subtle breathing could be heard. "Chang Gong, with you as my brother, I, Gao Xiaowan, have no regrets in this life." Chang Gong was heartbroken, so he could only hold his hand tighter and tighter. He could almost hear the creaking of his finger joints. Thousands of words finally converged into a murmured sentence, "Third Brother , waiting for my return." Under the still night, the iron fence was as cold as a piece of ice that hadn't melted for a long time. "King Lanling, it's good if you stay here, no, it's terrible, something serious happened!" The jailer suddenly ran in in a panic, "There is someone in the palace, I want you to go over quickly, the one who said it was you Something happened to the concubine..." Chang Gong was startled suddenly, and stood up abruptly, "What happened to Xiaoyu?" The jailer panicked and said, "I don't know, my lord, you should hurry over." Chang Gong nodded quickly, greeted Xiao Wan, and left the prison in a hurry. When she rushed to the palace, what she saw was Xiaoyu's stiff body. "Chang Gong, it's me...it's my fault..." The queen was already sobbing beside her, "It's all my negligence, Xiaoyu said that she wanted to go for a walk by the lake, so I asked Qingfeng to accompany her. ...She accidentally fell into the lake, and Qingfeng can't swim, and when people arrived, Xiaoyu had already...already..." Chang Gong looked at Xiaoyu's body silently, but his heart was unusually calm.Xiaoyu just said that she was pregnant, and drowned inexplicably in the palace. Isn't this a bit too coincidental?If it was a bigger palace, why was there no one at that time? "Where is Qingfeng?" She asked coldly. "The accident this time was all because of Qingfeng's negligence, and I have already killed her with a stick." Gao Zhan looked at her with a complicated expression, "Chang Gong, don't be too sad. Women, there are many women in this world. I will reward you with a beauty better than her." Is this killing people?Chang Gong couldn't help but blurted out, but thinking that his third brother was still in prison, and now he must not offend Uncle Jiu, he had to hold back.Her intuition must be correct, Xiaoyu's death must not have been an accident, and most likely had something to do with Uncle Jiu. But why?If Uncle Jiu didn't like this beauty, why should he reward her?What's more, in everyone's eyes, Xiaoyu was already pregnant with King Lanling's child. Uncle Jiu cared so much about her, how could he have the heart to kill King Lanling's child? Unless——I hate this child together... Thinking of this, Chang Gong's fingers trembled slightly. Could it be that the crazy things that Uncle Jiu said at that time were all true?That's why he hates Xiao Tie, Xiao Yu, and the child that Xiao Yu is pregnant with... No, no... Uncle Nine treats her only with family affection...just family affection... Perhaps more than family affection, more... "Chang Gong..." Gao Zhan's soft call pulled her back from the state of trance.She responded in a low voice, stretched out her hand to gently straighten Xiaoyu's wet hair, and could only repeat three words over and over again in her heart: I'm sorry. If it wasn't for him, Xiaoyu wouldn't have died unexpectedly... Maybe the moment he picked her, her tragic fate was doomed.And this so-called fate was caused by himself. "I'll take her back." Chang Gong picked up Xiaoyu's body, "Your Majesty, don't forget the half a month you gave me." After speaking, she walked out without looking back. "Your Majesty, it's all about my concubine's fault..." Empress Hu glanced at the emperor's gloomy face, then pulled up her sleeves and wiped her tears. "Queen," Gao Zhan said with a cold gleam in his eyes, "I don't want to see this kind of accident again." The queen was slightly startled, and looked up, only to see that the brown pupils of the emperor had lost their warmth, and were as cold as frost, chilling to the bone.That kind of cold, real and cruel - like a deep breath of death, lingering like a ghostly nightmare.
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